"Okay, half an hour is enough, just follow this plan, let's prepare and go." Lu Jun glanced at the sky.

It was past four o'clock at this time, and there were only two hours left before darkness. They had to check if the portal was still available.

If the portal fails, they will have to find a way to rush over and enter the inner city. This is what the Route Army is most worried about.

But fortunately, after he put the spar into the single portal, the portal lit up as before, and there was no problem.

This made Lu Jun's heart happy and beckoned to everyone behind him to prepare them to enter the portal.

The people he intends to take to attack Ori City this time are Ruan Bing, Ruan Xue, Lin Xiaobai, Lin Yilaan, Xiaowan, Big Bear, Beishi, Anan, Li Feng, Goshawk, and Butcher: the 11 rebels. Backbone members of

As for Akko, the Lu Army made her be responsible for staying behind, firstly because she had no combat abilities and was not helpful in combat.

Second, because the battle here has just ended, someone needs to command the battlefield here, and Akko is undoubtedly a very good candidate.

Akko didn't have any opinion on the decision of the Lu Army. She was already comfortable with this kind of thing.

But just when everyone was about to enter the portal, a huge figure suddenly ran up in the distance, running and shouting: "Lord Lord... Lord Lord... Wait for me..."

Seeing this giant white bear figure, everyone subconsciously stepped back several steps to make way for a clearing.

Lu Jun scratched his head. He didn't know what the Centurion Snow Bear was doing again...

"Master Lord, where are you going?" The Centurion Snow Bear pointed to the portal in front of him.

Lu Jun didn't answer the Centurion Snow Bear's question, but instead asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for you, Lord Lord, I'll fight with the past according to your orders, but the battle ended when I got there, so I ran back..." The Snow Bear Centurion answered somewhat innocently.

Because it did run all the way in a row, but didn't even touch the shadow of an enemy, and ran several times in vain.

"That's because you are too slow. There is indeed a big battle there. We arrested a lot of people. I didn't lie to you?" The Lu Army kicked the Snow Bear Centurion's leg with a chuckle in his tone. .

"Yes...I'm too slow... Then are you still fighting now, can I follow along..." While speaking, the Snow Bear Centurion subconsciously glanced at the portal, the meaning was obvious.

"Okay, I will take you there, but you have to wait here. I will first go and investigate the enemy. You are too big and inconvenient. I will call you when I start fighting." Lu Jun's eyes rolled. Just said it.

"Such a big battle? What are their requirements?" Lu Jun frowned slightly.

"There is no request, they are willing to help us with all their strength." Lin Yi shook his head lazily.

"Isn't there even a request? There will be no fraud, right? Who discussed this with you?" Lu Jun's brow furrowed deeper.

Originally, he thought that Lin Yilan's previous forces would provide at most informational help.

Because they attack Orly City, this is a very risky thing, as long as one is careless, it may fail.

In this case, almost no forces are willing to help.

After all, they still have to survive in Orly City, and don't want to put the internal fighting on the surface.

However, Lin Yilan's previous forces were not only willing to help, but also planned to attack the inner city to directly intensify the conflict, which was suspicious.

This is because doing so is likely to disperse their entire power, and they need to take a lot of risks. It stands to reason that the power’s senior leaders would not agree.

"The person who talked to me about this matter is the leader of the Tomahawk Legion, Lin Zhan, there will never be any problems in it. When you were in danger in the city of Ori before, he sent me to rescue you." Lin Yilan once again Guaranteed with the army.

"I believe you, but you left the Tomahawk Legion directly at the time, and now you suddenly go back to him for help, he is not angry?" The Lu Army still has some doubts. The leader of the Tomahawk Legion is really strange.

"Oh, why are you off topic? I will explain this to you clearly in the future. Let's talk about tonight's affairs first. It will be dark soon..." Lin Yi lazy urged the Lu Army.

"Okay, let's talk about it first. After we move to the inner city tonight, where should we attack first to paralyze the Silent Crusade." Lu Jun put the question in his mind behind his head and began to return to seriousness.

"Lin Zhan told me that the Silent Crusade will hold a high-level meeting every week. On that day, all high-level leaders will be there to report on the internal situation of the silent crusade for a week and plan for the future. Today is the meeting day. , The time is from 6:30 to 10:30 in the evening, at the silent camp in the inner city.” Lin Yilan suddenly took out a map from his arms, which marked all the main locations of the inner city.

In fact, the Lu Army also had this map, but he lost it after the last operation. Fortunately, Lin Yi was too lazy to be careful and brought back another copy.

"Oh? There is such a thing?!" Lu Jun took the map in surprise.

Because he was about to attack Orly City, the senior leaders of the Silent Crusade were about to gather for a meeting. It was a coincidence, and it was a golden opportunity for them.

"It's just that after being destroyed by you last time, the inner city of the Silent Crusade has strengthened its defenses. Now there are guards everywhere, especially this silent camp. It is estimated that it will cause a lot of trouble to our offensive. "Lin Yi lazy pointed to several signs on the map. These are the defense points of the guard.

Seeing the concentration of guards inside, the Lu Army knew that it was impossible to sneak in quietly, and could only find a way to break through.

"What did Lin Zhan say? Tell me in detail." Lu Jun said while looking at the map.

"His plan is that their Tomahawk Legion will start offensive at seven o'clock in the periphery. It happened to be the most intense stage of the Silent Crusade meeting. They will definitely send soldiers to suppress it and make the defense of the inner city a little empty. At that time, we will attack the Silent Camp and wipe out the high-level Silent Crusades inside, so that the Silent Crusaders outside will not be feared." Lin Yi lazy said a long speech.

"What is the strength of the Tomahawk Army? How long can they fight for it?" Lu Jun asked.

"The Tomahawk Legion has most of the ordinary people, and there are relatively few people with supernatural powers, and there are no weapons such as firearms. The strongest forest battle is only the third-order strength. It is hard to say how long it can last. It depends on how many people sent by the Silent Crusade. , But there must be half an hour." Lin Yi was too lazy to think before speaking.

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