Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2118: have a break

In this way, the process of Baqi taking the blood of Captain Vigilance continued for five minutes, until the blood of Captain Vigilance was absorbed.

Looking at the vigilant captain and the sturdy snake hand who had almost turned into a corpse, Yaki looked content.

Although sucking the blood of the captain of the vigilance was of no use to him, he was very pleased to see the enemy who had been overshadowing him die in front of him.

After confirming the death of the guard captain, Baqi was in a good mood and asked his subordinates to use torches to illuminate the entire corpse removal passage.

With the help of the fire, Baqi can see that this corpse transportation channel has two floors, each of which is hundreds of meters long, and two huge morgues. The corpses produced every day in the gathering place will be accumulated here and then unified. Shipped out.

As for the innermost part of the corpse transport channel, naturally, it was with Ori City. As long as you cross a gate, you can enter Ori City. This point of guard captain still did not lie to him.

However, it can be clearly seen through the door that there are many gunmen on the other side. If Baqi wants to bring all his men over, it is impossible because the target is too big.

In the end, after making some choices, Baqi decided to take the fifth and two black robe men who had reached the third rank.

In this way, their goals are relatively small and they are easy to hide. They also have the ability to escape any danger they encounter.

As for the others, they stayed here and guarded the corpse transportation channel. After all, this was their only back, and they should not be lost.

After confirming the mission objective, Baqi and the others began to move, preparing to enter Ori City to find Xiaowan and Goshawk.

However, their trip was destined to be fruitless, because Xiaowan and Goshawk were not in Ori City at all, but were on the side of the protective magic tower hundreds of kilometers away from Ori City.

As for the reason why the fifth child could capture Xiaowan's trail in Oli City, it was because Xiaowan had followed the road army to Oli City and made a lot of noise. It is certain to leave a trace.

The "poor" Baqi and the fifth child didn't know that they were looking for a non-existent goal, let alone that they had wasted two days in vain.

Maybe even Xiaowan didn't expect that a sentence she left before leaving would really mislead Baqi and the fifth class...

As time passed, on the side of the protective magic tower, the Lu Army who had been in a coma for nearly nine hours finally woke up.

After slowly opening his eyes, he saw the dark night sky and listened to the mixed sounds around him, he immediately realized that the negative effects of the real body of Tyrannosaurus had passed.

After shaking his dizzy head, Lu Jun immediately got up from the ground and squinted his eyes and scanned the surrounding area.

With the help of the cold light rod, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the resistance army, the orc warriors and the dinosaur corps clearing the final battlefield.

Originally, he was worried that the Zerg creatures would take advantage of the attack after he passed out, but now it seems that none of this has happened.

Because of this harmonious scene, it means that the Zerg has retreated, and it also means that they successfully defended the protective tower...

However, what makes the Lu Army more curious is how exactly did the Zerg retreat? Could it be that they killed the two Zerg leaders?

Seeing a "monster" rushing towards them, the soldiers defending the passage immediately turned on their firepower, trying to kill Yaqi.

But Baqi is a Tier 3 ability person, and the big snake he has turned into has the strength of Tier S, and dozens of rifle bullets can't help him.

And because the right side of Ori City was attacked by a monster, the city defense army had already transferred the ability to defend the corpse channel, resulting in no one here.

Seeing that the city defense army couldn't help him, Baqi was even more unscrupulous, rushing everywhere, devouring any city defense army that could be seen.

In the face of Baqi's terrifying strength, the city defense army was unable to resist, and even the other black-robed men didn't even need to take action. Baqi occupied the corpse transportation channel by himself.

Then Baqi returned to his human form and ordered the black-robed men and fallen warriors to come in, preparing to check the entire corpse transport channel to prevent anyone from being inside.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, the old fifth who had just entered couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, thinking that the strength of the third-order supernatural powers was still too abnormal.

But the old fifth didn't say much, he immediately picked up a rifle on the ground with one hand, turned on the gun light, and checked the internal condition of the corpse transport channel.

When the inspection was about the time, a fallen soldier suddenly dragged a person out of the morgue.

This person was nothing else, it was the captain of the vigilance who hid in the morgue after finding that something was wrong before he could leave.

Seeing that the security captain was still here, Baqi smiled ecstatically and immediately came to the security captain with a big laugh.

"Don't... don't kill me..." Facing Yaqi's approach, the captain of the vigilance panicked and began to explain, "I...I don't know why this happened...Don't kill me...I can take you to Ori. city……"

Hearing the words of the guard captain, Yaqi showed a disgusting expression, and punched the guard captain's mouth hard until he knocked out the guard captain's teeth.

"Shut up! Dare to lie to me? Dare to yin on me? I said it would make you worse off than death!" Baqi directly wrapped the vigilant captain's neck with a snake hand.

Being entangled in such a way by Yaqi, the guard captain's face turned red in an instant, and he ignored the pain in his mouth, clutching Yaqi's snake hand tightly, trying to regain his breathing.

But Baqi hated the captain of the security team, how could it be possible to let the captain of the security team break free, looking at the painful expression of the leader of the security team, Baqi was extremely excited.

However, he didn't let the security captain die like this, but immediately released the security captain when he was about to be strangled to death.

Under this circumstance, the captain of the vigilance immediately slumped on the ground, breathing air desperately, accompanied by a violent dry cough.

After he could breathe normally, the captain of the vigilant turned around and looked at Baqi and said, "Thanks...thank you...I promise...this time there will be no accidents..."

As for why he said this, it was because the captain of the alert thought that Baqi had let him go.

But the captain of the Vigilance was obviously wrong, and in the next moment, Baqi used the snake head on the snake's hand to bite the captain's neck severely, sucking the captain's blood.

Feeling the pain from the neck and the numbness from the whole body, the guard captain looked at Yaqi with disbelief.

Looking at the vigilant captain's eyes, Baqi accelerated his blood intake, and said with a frantic expression: "If you say that you are better than death, you will be better than death. I, this person, do what you say!"

Listening to Baqi's words, the captain of the vigilance couldn't respond, because he was paralyzed by the snake venom, unable to move, and unable to speak, he could only feel the pain of the passing of life...

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