Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2047: After trimming

In fact, he has been busy fighting the Zerg creatures for the past two days, and has forgotten the silent crusaders.

But since these people do not live or die, I will leave them a more profound lesson this time, Lu Jun thought to himself...

Since it was not dawn at this time, the air was filled with heavy fog, causing the Lu Army to fly for a while and his face was completely wet.

In addition, the Lu Army felt that the current climate was very problematic, which was completely different from before. I wonder if it is an illusion.

Fortunately, the water vapor is very clean and will not affect the human body. At most, it is sticky and annoying.

Two minutes later, Xiao Wan led the Lu Army to the main entrance of the West Wind Fortress, where the backbone members of the Resistance Army were already waiting.

They were all sleeping, but they woke up as soon as they heard the news of another enemy attack, causing everyone's eyes to be red.

"What's the matter? How many people are they here?" Lu Jun jumped directly beside Ruan Bing.

"The news from our people just came back. The silent Crusade has more than 40,000 troops. The number of superpowers is not clear. It is 20 kilometers away from us. Now there should be only a dozen kilometers left." Ruan Bing took out one. A hand-drawn map with a red dot.

"They probably didn't know that our battle with the Zerg creatures was over, otherwise they would definitely not come over." Ruan Xue added.

With the help of the fireworks of the cold light rod, the Lu Army scanned the map once, nodded, and looked around at everyone: "What are your plans? Let's talk about it."

Although he already had an idea in his mind, sometimes he always wanted to listen to the suggestions of his subordinates, and even if he didn't listen, he had to make them think.

After all, what he needs is a living person, not a puppet who only obeys orders.

In this way, even if he is gone, his subordinates can support the resistance army.

"Fight them, boss Lu, I am willing to be the forward!" Daxiong said first.

These days he and Anan have been attacked by the silent crusaders, so the first thing he thinks about now is revenge.

"Fight, boss Lu, they want to make trouble when we are attacked, now is the time to make them pay!" The maned lion beside the big bear also echoed.

He is about the same size as Big Bear, and both are militants.

"It must be a fight. If you dare to come to our turf, you absolutely can't let them go back safely." Goshawk touched his gray hair and said in a deep voice, "But they have tens of thousands of people. It’s a lot. We have to make a comprehensive plan to minimize losses."

Hearing this, everyone around nodded and agreed. After all, they had just had a war with the Zerg and they could not afford to lose.

"I agree with what the fly said, and I want to add one thing." The butcher said suddenly and earnestly, "It is the tens of thousands of people who have come here. We guess we can't kill them all, because the human forces around now are all strong from the outside, any race. They can all be wiped out if they come here, and soon there will only be our resistance army left around."

"So what we have to do is to assimilate them, turn their power into our power, and turn their city into our territory, so that we can continue to develop."

"Otherwise, even if we wipe out all the human forces around us, what's the point? This is not our main enemy, with cold lips and teeth, it will be our turn one day."

"Although with our current strength, we can fight the Zerg, we can fight the infected, even if they come together, we are not afraid."

"But this world is too big. Monsters can't be killed. If we humans and humans consume each other's power, they will perish sooner or later. We can't continue like this."

"So I propose that these people kill some diehards and catch some who have the intention of surrendering, and see if we can assimilate them."

"Of course, this is only my personal understanding. It's up to the boss to decide how to do it."

The Lu Army was not idle during this period. He took out all the fire guards and plucking artillery in the armed module in one breath, forming a steel line of defense along the northwest.

The main defensive points are the West Wind Fortress, Beizhai, and Nanzhai, which are also the locations currently controlled by the Road Army.

In this way, there are fire guards and drawn artillery against them. Next time, whether it is a Zerg creature or another creature, it will not be too difficult for the Lu Army and others to deal with it.

Previously, this was not done because of insufficient manpower to maintain the maintenance of the two equipment.

But now the Lu Jun and others have developed, there are as many people as they want, and maintaining equipment is not a problem.

As for the healing magic tower and the defensive magic tower, since they are not far away, they can provide timely support even if there is a situation, so the Lu Army did not care too much.

It is worth mentioning that Nanzhai and Beizhai received many new survivors during the absence of the Route Army.

At this time, the number of survivors in the two places has exceeded 200,000, and the people from the outer legions of the Resistance Army were recruited from these survivors.

These survivors also played a very important role in this battle. If they hadn't continued to provide supplies to the frontline, the frontline might have collapsed...

The Zerg creatures who fled were very quiet on this day, and there was no sign of a comeback.

This is because Siwak and the other two Zerg leaders have to heal their wounds, and the number of other Zerg creatures does not support them to continue to contend with the Route Army.

So for a long time to come, the Zerg creatures will not be a threat to the Lu Army and others.

However, with Shivak's strange and uncertain ability, it was also very difficult for the Lu Army and others to catch it.

At least in a short period of time, the Lu Army will not do this. After all, he has a lot of things now, and he can't do things in vain.

Originally, the road army's plan was to go to several gathering places under his control after consolidating the line of defense. It would be better to build some portals to connect with Xueyue City.

In this way, several cities can share resources and technologies, and the overall development will be very rapid.

However, something happened soon that disrupted the Lu Army's plan.

That was when the Lu Army was patrolling the West Wind Fortress at five o'clock in the morning, Xiao Wan suddenly flew over on a bloodthirsty king bat.

"What's the matter?" Lu Jun looked at Xiao Wan in a hurry.

"Brother Lu Jun, urgent report, the silent crusade is coming soon, less than 20 kilometers away from us. Everyone is waiting for your order. Come with me." Xiao Wan couldn't even wipe the fog on her face. , Quickly report.

"Okay." Lu Jun simply said a word, stopped the movement in his hand, rolled over and mounted the bloodthirsty king bat, letting Xiaowan lead him to fly forward.

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