Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2020: The biggest battle

You must know that Orly City is a big city with a population of millions of people. There are countless resources in it. If they can be completely controlled, then their Scorpion Group can definitely become one of the best forces within a hundred miles.

With this ambition, the senior management of the Scorpion Group pulled all the hole cards to the surface.

Including their two Tier 4 abilities, and some heat weapons that can be used.

These are their hidden hole cards, and it took a lot of effort to get them, even the Silent Crusaders don't know.

Originally, they planned to use these only when they were most critical, but now in order to give Lin Zhan a fatal blow, they could not take too much into consideration and planned to start first.

After the "secret weapon" of the Scorpion regiment joined the battlefield, the people on Lin Zhan's side became even more unable to withstand it. They were retreating all the way, looking very miserable...

But Lin Zhan didn't feel nervous at all when he saw all this, because he had let his subordinates deliberately pretend the decline and defeat at this time.

The purpose is to get the people from the Scorpion Group to the bait, so that the Lu Army can kill them in one fell swoop.

Although the process is very difficult, it seems that his plan is very successful, and the people of the Scorpion Mission have obviously been fooled.

After feeling that the front of the Scorpion regiment was almost advancing, Lin Zhan directly sent out a signal, causing the red fireworks to explode in the dark air to notify the Lu Army to come.

Before the fireworks dissipated, the Lu Army appeared above the battlefield riding a Fengshen pterosaur, followed by Ruan Bing and others.

In fact, he had always been paying attention to the battlefield, and he came over when he saw the people of the Scorpion group take the bait, without delay for a second.

The supernaturalists of the Scorpion Regiment also noticed the existence of the Lu Army, but the sky was too dark at this time, so that they could not see the Lu Army's appearance. Naturally, they did not pay attention to the Lu Army, and were still pushing forward.

This was exactly in line with the Lu Jun's idea, and in the next moment, he directly summoned the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, and the target was the two Tier 4 abilities of the Scorpion Group.

Xiaowan's flying mutant also descended from the sky and landed in the crowd of scorpions.

Ruan Bing summoned thousands of worm souls in an instant to complete the breach on the battlefield.

Fortunately, everything she was worried about did not happen. The Lu Army gave her a lot of face and settled everything at once, which made her feel happy.

And the Lu Army didn’t think there was anything. The Tomahawk Legion helped him at all costs, and he should treat the Tomahawk Legion well in the future...

In this way, in the following time, the Tomahawk Legion and the Silent Crusaders entered a series of preparations.

Most of them are adjusting the formations and breaking them into parts to facilitate Lin Zhan's command of the next battle.

With the passage of time, this mighty group of people set off in the dark, with the goal being the outside of the inner city.

Although it was early in the morning at this time, the fighting outside the inner city didn't mean to stop, but intensified.

The biggest reason is that they didn't stop the fight for a long time, and no one cares about the trouble.

Seeing that things that can't be done normally can be done now, some people who had been holding back for a long time couldn't help it directly and began to join the riots.

Things like riots are nothing more than burning, killing, taking, and plundering. People die almost every minute and there are corpses piled up in many places.

And some middle-level forces saw that there was indeed chaos outside, and they didn't care about it, so they all acted.

The difference between them and those survivors is that they are organized, unified actions, and goals are more valuable things.

As these forces joined the battlefield, the entire outer city became chaotic, with cries and gunpowder everywhere.

Only the Scorpion regiment and its forces are still waiting and watching, because they are affiliated with the Silent Crusade, and here is the territory of the Silent Crusaders, they dare not mess around without knowing what happened.

Although they sent countless soldiers to the inner city to inquire about specific news in these few hours, they all returned without success.

The only thing they knew was that the inner city was attacked by outside forces, and the top of the Silent Crusade was in danger, life and death uncertain.

Fortunately, they didn't wait long, and soon there was new news that the foreign forces attacking the inner city had united with the Tomahawk Legion and began to march toward the outer city.

They are also very familiar with this foreign force, and it is the road and resistance forces that have had huge conflicts with them.

This shocked all the members of the Scorpion Regiment, and they never thought that the "salted fish" of the Tomahawk Legion had actually turned over.

Originally, they thought that if this external force is too strong, they can show weakness, have a good talk with the external force, and strive for a wave of cooperation or something for common development.

After all, with their power in Orly City, they definitely have the capital to negotiate with anyone. They still have this confidence.

But the foreign force is actually the road army, and also united with the Tomahawk Legion, then they can't show weakness.

Because the Lu Army and the Tomahawk Legion are their enemies, there are enemies of life and death, if they do not resist, there will be absolutely no good fruit.

With this idea in mind, the people of the Scorpion Group directly summoned several medium forces under its banner to follow the 10,000 survivor thugs.

The slogan they shouted was to drive away outsiders, restore peace in Orly, and raise the banner of justice on their side.

In the end, nearly 100,000 people gathered on their side, distributed in various streets and alleys, with the purpose of dealing with the combined army formed by the Tomahawk Legion and Silent Cross.

Looking from a height, these people have eyes full of bloodshot eyes, holding sharp melee weapons, and they look quite imposing.

But Lin Zhan, who was in charge of leading the team, didn't care about this, or he knew that the Scorpion regiment would do this kind of action.

So when he left the inner city with a large group of troops, he immediately got entangled with the Scorpion group.

However, his style of play is very strange, that is, only harassing, not aggressively attacking, like consuming the heart of the scorpion group or dragging time.

Seeing that the oncoming attack didn't hurt or itchy, and that there were not enough people on Lin Zhan's side, the Scorpion regiment directly mistakenly thought that the enemy had insufficient strength.

In order to test the authenticity of Lin Zhan's side, the Scorpion regiment sent a large number of supernaturalists to the center and joined the main battlefield.

With the addition of these powers, the situation immediately tilted towards the Scorpion Group, and Lin Zhan also began to order his men to withdraw back to the inner city and make concessions.

Seeing this, the people in the Scorpion Group were even more excited, and they felt that Lin Zhan was a paper tiger, which looked quite fierce, but was actually vulnerable.

So in the next moment, their high-level officers issued an order, the whole army attacked, surrounded the inner city, and snatched the inner city back.

Although they don't know where the silent crusaders in the inner city have gone, as long as they can control the inner city, the entire city of Ori will be theirs sooner or later.

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