The burning grenade also ignited the furs of a dozen mutant beasts. The pain caused these mutant beasts to run around, and then while running around, they passed the flames on their bodies to the mutant beasts behind them, until dozens of mutant beasts were on them. Burned up...

These mutant beasts have been staying in the woods for a long time. How can they encounter such a scene, and there is no obvious leader between them, they are all fighting separately, the original neat charging formation suddenly became disorganized, becoming It was so crowded that one could only stop one after another.

If they choose not to be afraid of life and death, and a swarm of rushes, the road army and the seven Velociraptors may not be able to stop their offensive, but now the mutant beasts to the north have stopped charging, then whether they are against the road army or the west wind The threat of the fortress is reduced by half.

Although the momentum of the mutant beast's charge has stopped, the road army did not intend to let them go like this, and continued to throw flame grenades in their hands, creating a large area of ​​flames, blocking the advancement of the mutant beasts in the north with flames. , And caused hundreds of mutant beasts to fall into the fire.

A scorched odor of burning fur can be smelled across the long distance army, and there is also a hint of roasted meat. It seems that the flame grenade is very restraining low-level mutant beasts, because the fur of these mutant beasts is too It is easy to ignite, and they have a natural fear of flames.

After almost destroying the mutant beast formation in the north, the Lu Army slapped the back like a ostrich, leading the Velociraptors across the flame zone, quickly converted their right hand into a dragon claw, and went straight into the mutant beast group.

It's not enough to just create a panic, the flame zone will be extinguished sooner or later, you have to quickly kill them and weaken their overall strength when the mutant beasts do not react.

The Lu Army didn’t choose to use guns because the guns needed to be aimed and had to be replaced. In the current situation, it is estimated that one magazine can only kill a few mutant beasts. This killing speed is not as good as bringing Velociraptors and The mutant beasts come in hand-to-hand combat quickly.

After all, wherever the Lu Army’s claws pass, it will slash the throat of a mutant beast. The same goes for the Velociraptors behind the Lu Army. Their claws and teeth are their weapons. Into the land of no one.

"Warning! Westwind Fortress is under attack, and the attrition rate is 1%. Please defend immediately!"

But when the Lu Army was enjoying the pleasure of the hand-bladed mutant beast, a reminder came in his mind that the Westwind Fortress was under attack, and the Lu Army quickly looked back at the Westwind Fortress.

I don’t know when more than a dozen mutant beasts like pangolins have bypassed the flame zone created by the road army and ran to the west wind fortress. They are biting at the west wind fortress wall with their sharp teeth and claws. Rough wood on the top.

Although their destructive power is not strong, but if given enough time, they can bite a hole in the wall of the West Wind Fortress.

Lu Jun glanced at their information while fighting, [Mutated gerbils, whose strength is assessed as D-level, are average in combat effectiveness, and are good at digging caves. Because they have lived underground for a long time, their eyesight has greatly deteriorated. 】

No wonder there are more than a dozen caves of different sizes on the ground around the Westerly Fortress. It is estimated that these mutant gerbils themselves drilled underground passages.

However, seeing that the mutant gerbil was only a Tier D mutant beast with no combat effectiveness, the Lu Army was relieved, and immediately let the ice dragon behind it to drive away the mutant gerbil.

After receiving the order, the ice dragon started the charge directly, struggling to stride, dragging the heavy body, and hitting the dozen gerbils.

The gerbils who were destroying the West Wind Fortress only felt a sense of vibration from the ground, and they were all hit by the ton of ice dragons, and none of them had to stand up again.

After all, with their small bodies, it would be good if they hadn't been crushed into meat sauce by the ice dragon. There was a mutant gerbil's body still inserted on the barb of the ice dragon, which looked very funny...

Seeing that the mutant gerbil was solved, the fighting situation in the other three directions was fairly stable, and the ammunition capacity of the nine fire guards was still half, so the Lu Army continued to concentrate on killing the mutant beasts in front of them.

There were at least a hundred low-level mutant beasts that died under his claws during this period. His whole body was covered with animal blood, and the ostriches under his hips were also like ostriches. Not to mention other Velociraptors, they were cooperating tacitly. The speed of killing mutant beasts is not slower than that of the Lu Army.

But gradually Lu Jun found that his body was a little weak, and his speed of waving the dragon claws was also much slower, because while killing the mutant beasts quickly, his physical strength was also rapidly consumed. At this moment, his physical strength The value has been consumed by nearly 60%, and you can imagine how terrifying the physical power consumption of the dragon transformation is.

The most worrying thing is that I don't know how long this kind of battle will last, because the system did not give a clear activation time for West Wind Fortress, which made him dare not relax his vigilance for a moment.

However, this is not the way to consume it. Although the Lu Army can purchase physical strength reagents to restore physical strength, the physical strength reagents will cost 800 dragon coins to purchase.

Even if the Lu Jun has saved one to two thousand dragon coins, it has already spent more than three thousand dragon coins to buy firepower guards. If you have to buy physical reagents later, it is estimated that this battle will consume nearly five thousand dragon coins. After doing so, you will find that the 10,000 or 20,000 dragon coins that Lu Jun has saved are not spent at all...

Therefore, in order to save energy, the Lu Army could only disarm the dragon claws, return to normal hands, and take out two energy axes, one for each hand, and continue to slaughter the mutant beast.

Just as the Lu Army was thinking about whether to withdraw and shrink the line of defense one after another, there was a reminder in his mind, "Warning! The Westwind Fortress is under attack, and the loss is 2%. Please defend immediately!"

Don’t think about it, it must have happened again. The Lu Army subconsciously looked back and saw that a large group of mutant gerbils appeared in the rear. It is estimated that the mutant gerbils in the surrounding woods have dug here, and there is also a larger body. The other mutant gerbils are five times larger, a murine mutant with giant claws.

This time without an order from the Route Army, the Ice Ankylosaurus who was defending at the rear had already battled with these mutant gerbils, but this time the Ice Ankylosaurus did not solve these mutant gerbils so quickly.

Because that huge murine mutant beast caused a lot of trouble to the ice armor dragon, its giant claws are simply a weapon to break defenses, and every time it swings its paws, the ice armor that just grows behind the ice armor dragon will be caught. It shattered a large piece, forcing the ice armor dragon to retreat continuously.

Seeing this beast so vigorous, Lu Jun took the time to glance at its information, [Giant-clawed gerbils, whose strength is evaluated as B-level, are good at digging caves, and their claws are extremely sharp. Because they stay underground for a long time, their eyesight has been seriously degraded ……】

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