Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1961: Castle of the Dead

Everyone in the Blackstone Consortium who was watching the excitement was shocked when Xiaowan suddenly attacked like this. After all, no one would have thought that a "harmless human and animal" little girl would be so violent.

Only the rebels were accustomed to what Xiaowan did, because they had been with Xiaowan for a long time and had a better understanding of Xiaowan.

Xiaowan didn't pay attention to what the people next to her were thinking. After feeling that the barb had penetrated deep enough, she closed the compound eyes on her head and began to read the memory of Heiman's brain.

In fact, the method she used had also been used on the fourth black robe man in Weimu Town, but at that time she relied on Wang Spider to implement it.

But this time she didn't bring Wang Spider here. Fortunately, she knew how to use the ability Wang Spider possessed, so she did it herself.

When Xiaowan was forcibly reading the memory, Heiman only felt that his head was about to explode, and started to twitch while foaming at the mouth.

About twenty seconds later, Xiaowan slowly opened her compound eyes and pulled the barbs out of Heiman's eyes. It seemed that Heiman's memory had been acquired.

However, being so tossed by Xiaowan, Heiman on the ground was also dead, and he didn't know what Xiaowan did to him until he died...

"Brother Lu Jun, I read his memory in the past few days. Although it is a bit fragmentary, I still found some valuable things." Xiaowan cancelled the spider form and picked up Heman's supernatural light on the ground. The ball said to Lu Jun.

"Well, let's talk about it." Lu Jun replied after receiving the power ball from Xiaowan. He was still curious about Xiaowan's ability to read memories.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Xiao Wan first said Heman's name, identity, and position in Beizhai, as well as some information about Badong, the lord of Beizhai.

After saying this, Xiaowan's expression gradually became serious, and she began to solemnly said: "In fact, the attack on the Tianhai gathering place was planned by Heiman and Badong. They used human blood and residual limbs to attract from the overseas city of Tianhai. A large number of infected bodies came to consume the strength of the Tianhai gathering place, so as to facilitate them to plunder resources."

"It's a pity that the Tianhai gathering place failed to block the offensive of the infected group, causing their plan to fail. So they wanted to wait for the infected group to leave before returning to search for resources."

"But our arrival once again disrupted their plans, causing them to be forced to attack us in an attempt to prevent our idea of ​​blocking the gathering place of Tianhai."

"However, with their strength, we can't beat us naturally. In the end, Badong ordered to retreat. Heiman took the initiative to stay behind in order to buy time for Badong. You all know the next thing. This is the whole thing. after."

After listening to Xiaowan's words, everyone present took a breath, because they had never thought that this incident was artificial.

Although the Tianhai gathering place cannot hold the offensive of the infected group is my own problem, but if Beizhai took the initiative to attract so many infected bodies, the Tianhai gathering place would not be destroyed so quickly...

"Then do you know where Beizhai is located?" Lu Jun's face was gloomy, and he took a deep breath and said to Xiao Wan.

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, Xiao Wan shook her head regretfully, “No, I can’t search for this memory. It is estimated that Heiman has forcibly blocked this memory. Maybe he is also afraid that we will trouble Beizhai. Right."

When Xiao Wan said this, everyone around was silent, or at this time they didn't know what to say.

"Order! I will kill the people who meet in Beizhai! The best thing is to find their lair! Anyone who participated in this matter must die!" Lu Jun frowned to the surrounding humanity.

After speaking, the Lu Army remembered something, and continued to say to the people around: "We can be bad, we can kill each other, and we can even slaughter the same kind by ourselves, but in any case, we are humans with human blood flowing in our bones. "

"Never help the aliens to kill their own kind, nor can they use the hands of the aliens to mutilate their own kind. What is the difference between this approach and the Han Jian in the war years? This is my bottom line and our human bottom line!"

Hearing what the Lu Army said, everyone in the Resistance Army and the Blackstone Consortium nodded heavily, seeming to feel deeply moved by the Lu Army's statement.

Although the humans they killed were not in the minority, they were all killed by themselves, for their own benefit, and for survival, which was essentially different from Beizhai's approach.

In short, this person, no matter what environment or position he is in, he should have his own bottom line. This is what the Lu Army has always emphasized...

Just when Lu Jun’s mind was a little confused, I didn’t know what to do next. When she was about to tidy up her thoughts, Xiao Wan on the side suddenly pulled the sleeve of the Lu Jun, and said softly to Lu Jun, "Brother Lu Jun, A little animal told me that someone has been eavesdropping on our talk, just underground ten meters behind you..."

Hearing Xiaowan's words, Lu Jun only felt cold behind him, and his neck was a little stiff, because he had been standing here for so long and he hadn't seen anyone around him at all, let alone found any abnormalities.

But since Xiaowan said there were people, there must be. After all, Xiaowan's abilities are there, and the Lu Jun still trusts Xiaowan at this point.

The wood on the side also heard Xiaowan's words, which also surprised him. He couldn't help but look behind the Lu Army. At the same time, he winked at the Lu Army and wanted to ask what the Lu Army should do...

Looking at the eyes of Mu and Xiao Wan next to him, Lu Jun motioned Mu and Xiao Wan to be safe, and then he pretended to inadvertently step back a few steps.

Hearing Xiao Wan's words, Lu Jun nodded slightly and signaled Xiao Wan to come over. He wanted to see what Xiao Wan said.

Seeing Lu Jun's gesture, Xiao Wan directly opened her second form, growing barbs and compound eyes, possessing many characteristics of a king spider.

Seeing Xiaowan's appearance, the surrounding Rebels and the Blackstone Consortium all approached closely, wondering what Xiaowan would do next.

Heiman, who was paralyzed on the ground, saw that Xiaowan was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but move back, because he was shadowed by Xiaowan. He was not afraid of the road army he had never seen before. But he was still a little scared of Xiaowan.

However, Xiaowan didn’t care about Heiman’s feelings. When she got close to Heman, she stomped Heman’s neck with her right leg, and then pierced Heman’s eyes with the longest barb in her hand. .

"Ah!" With his eyes pierced blind, Heiman couldn't help rolling over on the ground in pain, trying to get rid of Xiaowan.

But Xiao Wan stepped tightly on his neck, his hand was cut off while his hand was paralyzed due to spider venom.

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