Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1952: The strategy of undead creatures

Although this is an extremely precious food after the end of the world, it is worth several D-level corpse crystals, they usually don't want to eat it, but Wu Ren has to take it out now.

Because he felt that the Lu Army was not an ordinary person, or even a very fierce person, he could only use this method to please the Lu Army in an attempt to reduce its vigilance against them.

Listening to the sizzling of the meat on the barbecue grill, and smelling the faint fragrance, Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy had appetites and sat down on the spot.

Lu Jun first checked the food, and when he found it was ok, he handed it a copy to Lin Yilaan, then tore the packaging bag of compressed biscuits, took a bite, and poured mineral water violently.

As the food was eaten, the physical strength and calories consumed by Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan began to recover, and their cold bodies warmed up.

Seeing that the Lu Army was satisfied with their food and did not show any malice, Wu Ren and his son also sat by the campfire, roasting meat, gnawing on some of the dry food left over from yesterday, and looked at the Lu Army from time to time.

After eating almost, the Lu Jun put down the empty water bottle in his hand and looked up at Wu Ren and said, "Thank you for your food. I just attacked me, but I want to ask you a few questions. You have to answer truthfully. "

Seeing that Lu Jun finally put down his guard to communicate with them, Wu Ren immediately put down the dry food in his hand: "Well, as long as I know it, I will definitely answer!"

Hearing this, Lu Jun took the recurve bow and Tie Ye quiver next to Lin Yilaan, and pointed at the bow handle and arrow body: "If I guess right, this is Tie Yemu, right? Qingfengyu How did you get it? How did you polish it so fine?"

Seeing that Lu Jun was so familiar with the materials of bows and arrows, Wu Ren was obviously surprised, and immediately nodded: "Yes, this is Tie Yemu, but it is not polished by us, but we bought it from Xueyue City. The recurve bow One has twenty C-level spars and Tie Ye has five D-level spars. If you want to poison the arrow, you have to add two D-level spars."

After speaking, Wu Ren showed a painful expression, probably because he thought the price was too expensive.

"Oh? Xueyue City? Is it a gathering place? In which direction? How far is it from here?" Lu Jun couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

"Um... Your Excellency is not a local? Xueyue City is a famous city here..." Wu Ren was obviously surprised that the Lu Army didn't know Xueyue City.

But Lu Jun did not answer Wu Ren's question, but stared at Wu Ren quietly, because he and Wu Rensu did not know each other, there was no need to say too much.

Seeing Lu Jun's cold face again, Wu Ren also knew that he had asked more, smiled awkwardly, and quickly replied: "Xueyue City is a very large gathering place established after the last days of our Wu Cangyu. It almost accommodates the surrounding area. All the survivors in several cities, about 4 million people."

"As for the distance, it's very close to here, just to the east, five kilometers along the snow."

Hearing that there was a gathering place of millions of people, the expression on Lu Jun’s face became richer: "Four million people?! What to eat? Since the distance is so close, why don't you two go in?"

Seeing Lu Jun’s question, Wu Ren’s expression was a bit strange: "We used to live there, but after the gathering place was established, the management divided the population hierarchy. People like us who don’t have special skills can only live inside. Wait for someone to do cow work and eat pig stuff every day."

"So in order to live better, I organized a group of friends and left there, living near Xueyue City, hunting every day, and searching for the remaining supplies around."

"Although there is no safety of Xueyue City here, we at least don't need to be exploited, we can eat every day, and even have surplus."

"And I heard that people living there now need to pay the spar on time, so I don't even want to go back. I will only save enough spar to buy the items needed occasionally."

While Wu Ren said this, Lu Jun kept staring at Wu Ren's eyes to judge whether Wu Ren was lying.

However, from the current point of view, Wu Ren's look is normal, and what he said should be the truth.

"Then what about your friends? Live elsewhere? In addition, is there any transportation that can be used in Xueyue City? The one that can travel a long distance." At this time, Lin Yilan interjected.

"My friends all died during the hunt. My wife died a week ago. Now I and my son are left here." Wu Ren touched Wu Liang's head while whispering, his eyes looked There is sadness in it.

Although Wu Ren was hiding well, the expression on his face was a little struggling when Lu Jun noticed Wu Ren's words.

This small detail can make Lu Jun conclude that Wu Ren was lying just now, at least the fact is not what he said.

However, the Lu Jun didn't care about the truth of these things. He just wanted to know more information about Xueyue City, which was his hope of returning to Qingfengyu.

"As for the means of transportation that can travel far..." Wu Ren seemed to be thinking carefully, "I wonder if the mutant sled dogs and the wooden sled made of Tie Ye are counted? After the second blood fog, Xueyue City is all Use these two things to carry people or deliver goods."

Hearing Wu Ren's answer, Lu Jun directly gave a bitter smile, thinking that Wu Ren probably misunderstood Lin Yilan's meaning.

Because they want to be able to cross the snow and return to the blue wind, rather than the sled dogs, after all, if they rely on the sled dogs to drive, it is estimated that it will be a year after returning...

Although everything seemed normal here, I don't know why, as soon as the Lu Army entered the cellar, he smelled a faint **** smell, which made him a little uneasy.

However, because the smell in the cellar was rather muddy and there were all smells, Lu Jun didn't care too much.

"Where's the food?" Lu Jun said softly, then searched for some suitable clothes and shoes from the side, and prepared to change them later when it was convenient. Now he finally doesn't have to be frozen...

"Here...here...you come with me..." Wu Ren pointed carefully to the cellar on the left that resembled a kitchen.

Seeing this, Lu Jun walked over and took a look, only to find that there was a bonfire in the middle of the room on the left, and there were some grills made of stones and bamboo, with messy food on both sides.

This is also the place where the Lu Army saw survivors cooking for the first time since the end of the world, because they had always eaten from the food box and never cooked.

Seeing that Lu Jun stopped talking, Wu Ren and Wu Liang took off their heavy coats, took the initiative to light the bonfire and grill, took out some frozen meat from the top of the cellar and placed them on the grill.

He also took out two sealed compressed biscuits and two bottles of mineral water from the pile of miscellaneous materials and handed them to the Lu Army.

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