Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1949: Enemy attack!

At that time, the Lu Army was the overlord of the Frost Forest, and most of the creatures could not match it.

In addition, the growth and benefits gained by the Lu Army in the Frost Forest were also extremely large, enough for him to "spend" for a while.

And finishing all these things meant that Lu Jun had to leave and go back to Qingfengyu.

However, before leaving, the Lu Army put a dragon's nest and thousands of dinosaurs of various types to hatch in the frosty forest, as well as a large number of spars for the dinosaurs to advance.

In this way, when he comes back next time, the dinosaurs are estimated to have hatched and the advancement is completed, which can greatly enhance the defensive ability of Frost Forest.

Looking at the huge dragon's nest in front of him, the Lu Jun nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and waved to the people behind him, indicating that they were ready to set off and they should go home.

Due to the need for military defense in the Frost Forest, the road army did not bring any elven creatures back, not even the Watcher.

The undead creatures and the snow bear soldiers also stayed in this place, and only the snow bear centurion and red moon would follow him.

Seeing Lu Jun without even looking at it, the Night Demon next to him couldn't stand anymore and walked directly in front of Lu Jun: "My lord, you... don't you... take me away..."

When he said these words, the night demon was full of grievances, because it thought that as long as it completed the task assigned by the road army, it could be with the road army.

Although the Lu Army is not here, it will maximize its freedom and will not be called around all day long.

But that is not what it wants, it wants to fight with the road army.

"Um..." Lu Jun scratched his head, he really almost forgot the Night Demon, "Let’s tell you this, your current strength is not good, and we can’t communicate with you when we take you back. Convenient, so..."

In fact, in addition to these two points, there is another point that there are too many undead creatures here, and they only listen to the words of the night demon, and they must keep the night demon in the town here, otherwise it will be messy.

After the watchman's translation, the night demon also understood Lu Jun's meaning, and bowed his head: "I understand, sir, I wish you a smooth journey."

After speaking, the night demon turned back lonely and walked away. The lonely figure from the back made people look at it.

It may be that he felt the mood of the night demon, Lu Jun suddenly said: "Hey, let's do this, I will give you some time, you will bring your strength to the super level again, and more or less have to learn a little human language. , Protect the Frost Forest during my absence. As long as you can accomplish these three things, I promise you to follow me in the future."

Although it would be difficult for the Night Demon to learn human languages, after all, there is no basis, but it would be troublesome if the Lu Army wanted to learn the language of the undead.

So it is better to assign this difficult task to the more available Night Demon...

Lu Jun’s words made Ye Mo's eyes brighten, as if he had seen hope again, and immediately turned his head: "I understand! Thank you, Sir! Thank you, Sir..."

"Understood, my lord, I'll do it right away." The black robe man in charge of the treatment promised.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand and motioned to the assistants to lift up the unmovable Scarface and pull it to the side for treatment.

The treatment method is also very simple, which is to stop the bleeding of the scar face first to prevent further infection.

Since Babuzhong had a lot of strange reagents, the blood was stopped by scribbling it on the wound of Scarface.

In fact, the injury on the face is okay, it's just that the skin has been torn off. The biggest problem is the injury on the knees of the scarred face, which is irreversible, and people in black robes are also incapable.

"Is there any way to keep me walking? I am willing to pay any price!" Scarface looked at the black-robed man in front of him expectantly.

After all, losing a leg in the end times meant losing most of his fighting power. He didn't want to lie in bed all day.

"We can fit you with the lower limbs of other creatures, which can restore your walking ability, but we can't guarantee the success rate, we can only say that there is a chance." The black robe man took a look at the knee injury of Scarface and shook it. Shaking his head, "And now I can't install it. I have to wait until I get back to the headquarters to have this kind of technology."

Hearing this, Scarface sighed deeply, collapsed on the ground again, hating the young master in his heart.

Fortunately, he quickly calmed down and held his hatred in his heart, because he knew that as long as he was still alive, there was a chance for revenge.

After stabilizing the scarface's injury, the people in black robes randomly found some wood to make a stretcher, and carried the scarface back on the way they came.

Although they failed to catch the young master this time and wasted a lot of time, in fact their gains were quite big.

One is that they figured out the identity of the young master and learned that there are species between the infected and humans in this world.

Second, the troubles of the Cangqiang City and the Baisha Consortium have been resolved, and they can send their own fighters to station.

The most important thing is that with a scar face in hand, they will not worry about not being able to catch the young master.

When the time comes, as long as the young master is caught, they may be able to research methods to control the infected body, and it is just around the corner to dominate the world...

At the same time that this happened in the Azure Wind Region, the Lu Army and his large troops had already returned to the Frost Forest.

When he came back, he discovered that the tree of life had left the juvenile stage and entered the growth stage.

Logically speaking, it would not be so fast, but with a large number of corpses as a feed, the growth rate of the tree of life was greatly accelerated, and it was not surprising that it could enter the growth period in a short time.

It is worth mentioning that the tree of life that has entered the growth stage has added two abilities. One is the ability to display a barrier-like shield, protecting the buildings or creatures in the range, similar to the particle shield of the road army.

The second is that it can interact with various trees within ten kilometers, catalyze the growth of these trees, act as its "eyes", and even help it fight.

The most important thing is its ability to produce low-level elven creatures, such as snow elves, wood elves, and low-level combat beasts such as black panthers. At this time, it can produce at will, of course, the premise is that it takes time and energy. .

This also means that the population of the elves is guaranteed, the race can continue, and there is a certain degree of self-protection ability.

At the same time, there was a good news from the night demon, that is, the undead creatures in the Frost Forest were all controlled by it, and no one was missed.

With the growth of the tree of life and the unification of the Frost Forest, the two real-time missions of the Lu Army were finally completed, and all modules were successfully unlocked.

If Lu Jun was weak and pitiful when he first came to Frost Forest, any Tier A creature could pinch him to death.

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