"Haha, young man, the means of our Knights of the Apocalypse are not what you can think of. The only thing I can tell you is that you have already occupied two cities in Qingfengyu, so you'd better see the situation clearly. "The third-tier old man responded to the Lu Army.

Hearing the old man answering the wrong questions and talking about these messy things, the Lu Jun couldn't help frowning, with a bad feeling.

Because on the planet of Lu Jun, there are four domains, namely the Wu Cang Domain, the Azure Domain, the Black Cliff Domain and the Blue Wind Domain, each of which has eight famous cities.

The Lu Army was located in the Blue Wind Region, adjacent to the Black Cliff Region, only separated by some big mountains. Before the end of the world, the people of the two regions did not communicate, hostile to each other, and there was constant friction at the border.

If the third-order old man is telling the truth, it is estimated that the Black Cliff Region took advantage of the chaos of the last days and began to invade the Blue Wind Region.

Although it is the end of the world, there is no law and order, and territorial borders and so on have little meaning, but the Lu Army is very upset in my heart.

After all, he was from Qingfengyu no matter what, and he was still very affectionate for Qingfengyu, and suddenly he hated the third-order old man a lot.

However, the Lu Army still didn't understand why the Black Cliff Region dared to attack, and why they could do it. Could it be that the border of their Blue Wind Region was completely lost?

Or is there no monsters in Black Cliff? Or did the Black Cliffs kill all the monsters?

"Are you panicking? Are all the monsters in the Black Cliff region dead?" Lu Jun casually asked the third-order old man.

Seeing the Lu Army chasing the enemy and leaving ordinary people to them, Xiao Wan suddenly smiled cruelly, raised her right hand, and signaled the wood and the orcs to stop.

Looking at Xiaowan's gestures, Mu showed a puzzled expression, not knowing what Xiaowan was going to do, and the orcs were the same.

But out of trust in Xiaowan, they stopped and focused on Xiaowan.

At the next moment, Xiao Wan closed her eyes and used her brain power to order the sandworm that came with her to attack.

Under Xiao Wan's order, the sandworm that had just dug from a distance immediately locked the ordinary people who were fleeing, and rushed out of the ground one after another, one by one.

Seeing the huge bug that suddenly appeared, the ordinary people who flee were at a loss and could only speed up their steps in an attempt to escape alive.

After all, they lost even the stone spear and the stone shield, and they didn't even have the ability to resist.

But walking with their legs alone, humans can't get past the digging sandworms anyway, and soon all of them entered the belly of the digging sandworms...

At the same time that ordinary people died, Lin Xiaobai and Fengshen Pterosaur finally broke free from the barrier and restored their freedom.

However, Lin Xiaobai did not go down to find Xiao Wan and others, but turned around and flew with the Fengshen pterosaur to support Xiang Lu Army.

With the help of Lin Xiaobai and Fengshen Pterodactyl, the Lu Army pursued the enemy with supernatural powers like a fish in water, and quickly slaughtered more than a dozen superpowers, leaving only the Tier 3 old man and some of the superpowers with little combat effectiveness. .

Originally, if the Lu Army wanted to catch up with the Tier 3 elders, it would still take some time, but this was all over after Xiaowan controlled a large number of digging sandworms and rushed out.

At this time, the orcs in the rear also followed, and they looked at the third-order old man with hatred in their eyes.

Because they know that this human being led other humans to destroy their territory and kill their companions...

Just as the Lu Army was thinking about how to deal with the enemies captured by him, a relatively strong orc witch doctor centurion suddenly half kneeled in front of the Lu Army: "Dear Lord Lord, thank you for your rescue, witch doctor. The tribe and the Thunder Rhino tribe will always remember your kindness!"

After the witch doctor centurion finished speaking, other witch doctors all knelt down, "Thank you Lord Lord for your rescue!"

As for the Lei Rhinoceros, they can't speak, let alone kneel down, they can only lie on the ground to show surrender.

Looking at the orcs in front of him, the Lu Jun was a little puzzled, because he had not communicated with these orcs, so how did these orcs know that he was the lord?

"Uh...we haven't seen it yet? How do you know who I am?" Lu Jun returned to his normal appearance, scratching his head.

"Lord Lord, although we have never met before, you have the aura of our tribe in your body. We should listen to you." The witch doctor centurion responded with his head down.

"Well, get up first, and talk later." Lu Jun raised his hand and motioned the orcs to stand up.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun walked towards the position of the third-order old man and the dozens of supernatural beings, with sharp eyes in his eyes.

"Who are you?! We have no grievances and no grudges, why should we suddenly attack us?!" The third-order old man first said to the Lu Army, he really couldn't understand why the Lu Army wanted to kill them.

Other people with supernatural powers also looked suspicious, and at the same time looked at the dense sandworms surrounding them with fearful eyes.

"Did you just hear that? I am their lord, so our grievances are great." Lu Jun walked to the third-order old man and chuckled slightly, "I will give you a chance to tell your influence. If you don’t say anything about catching these orcs, don’t blame me for disrespecting the old man."

Looking at Lu Jun's contemptuous expression, the Tier 3 old man's expression suddenly became gloomy: "We are the Knights of the Apocalypse in Black Rock City. We catch these orcs to sell them in exchange for supplies."

Hearing this completely unimpressed force, Lu Jun said directly: "What the hell? Is there this city in our place?"

The moment Lu Jun finished saying this, Lin Xiaobai next to him secretly said in Lu Jun's ear: "Brother, Black Rock City is a city in the Black Cliff Region. We sneaked over there a long time ago to play..."

Listening to this, Lu Jun showed an expression of sudden realization, no wonder he was not familiar with this city, it turned out to be from another domain...

But the next moment the Lu Army began to wonder again, because as far as he knew, the city in the Black Cliff Region was less than a few thousand kilometers away from here, and there was a large mountain area in between. In the case of inconvenient traffic, how did these people come here? What about?

But before the Lu Army had time to ask a question, the Tier 3 elder next to him sneered: "Yes, yes, we are from the Black Cliff domain, and I have already called for support. Our people will be there soon. So if you are acquainted, let us go quickly and leave these orcs behind, otherwise, just wait for our Apocalypse Knights to hit the door!"

Hearing the clamor of the old man, the Lu Army didn't have the slightest anger. He liked this kind of enemy who was captured and dared to "scream" most.

"These requests you made are not a problem, but can you tell me how did you come here in the Black Cliff Region so far?" The Lu Army continued to leisurely patted the old man on the shoulder.

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