Although it has super-level strength and self-protection is okay, looking at the ferocious dinosaur, the night demon is always panicked.

So the next moment, the night demon hurriedly sent out brain waves, ordering the bone dragon and gargoyle to come back.

It was originally intended to allow the bone dragon and gargoyle to attack the elves in the chaos, but unfortunately it seems to be unable to do so now, it must be killed by the road army to be relieved...

After receiving the brain waves of the night demon, the bone dragon and gargoyle ambushing around immediately rushed back for emergency defense, and soon came above the road army and the dinosaurs.

At this time, the Lu Army really attracted the entire army of undead, so that the elves who had been worrying about it were relieved and began to look at the battlefield ahead.

Looking at the bone dragon and gargoyle above the sky, the Lu Army dare not care, nor the Thunder Dragon.

Because the bone dragon has the strength of S rank, it is the same as the dinosaurs of the road army, plus the number is large, there are hundreds of them, if they are allowed to attack, the brontosaurus may not be able to withstand it.

After thinking for a few seconds, the Lu Army made a decisive decision and immediately ordered the seven wind **** pterosaurs to climb up and fight the bone dragons to buy him time.

Following the order of the road army, the seven wind **** pterosaurs went up with a "swish" sound, and their flight speed was several times faster than that of the bone dragon and the gargoyle.

While flying, the Fengshen pterosaur was not idle, flapping its wings, opening its mouth wide, flying wings and cutting and destroying light at the same time.

In the next moment, countless air blades and seven scarlet rays appeared in the air.

When the air blade hits the bone dragon, the bones on the bone dragon's body instantly shattered into several pieces, wherever they were hit, the bone dragon would also fall off directly if it was hit by accident.

If it is hit by a scarlet ray, it will be even worse. The bones of the bone dragon will be directly evaporated and dissipated in the air. From here, the horror of destroying the light can be seen.

As for the gargoyles, there is no need to say more, no matter what kind of attack they are hit, the ending is a dead end, extremely miserable.

Although the bone dragons were also fighting back, they used the ability of frost after another.

But their attack speed and flight speed are too slow, even the shadow of the wind **** pterosaur cannot attack.

So in the next twenty seconds of air combat, the Fengshen pterosaurs were unscathed. Instead, more than forty bone dragons were killed and more than 30 injured.

The gargoyle is even more miserable. Hundreds of them died without even seeing the wind **** pterosaurs, and this number is still increasing.

Watching this scene, the night demon hiding in the distance panicked, because the Lu Army's dinosaur combat power was too terrifying.

Obviously there are only S ranks, but each one is like a super rank strength, which makes the night demon feel a little at a loss.

In order to prevent the Lu Army and these dinosaurs from rushing over, the Night Demon suddenly made a strange decision, that is, to let the undead creatures shrink their defense lines and turn offense to defense.

The elves watching this scene are all stupid. You must know that there are more undead creatures here. They all thought that they would be defeated in this battle, and they planned to retreat at any time...

The Lu Army actually used its own strength to change the battle situation alone, forcing the undead creatures to return to defense. This is simply incredible...

So the next moment, the night demon gave an order to let all the undead creatures on the ground ignore the elves, but encircle the road army and these dozen dinosaurs.

After all, there are so many elves that they won't be able to run for a while, don't worry, and this human being doesn't know the heights of the sky and actually dares to provoke it, and this human must be killed first.

Upon hearing the order of the Night Demon, the undead creatures on the ground naturally followed suit, turning their eyes to the road army.

The first is that the ghouls and plague ghosts at the forefront have come into contact with the brontosaurus. They are in the same size as a kitten sees an elephant in front of the brontosaurus.

There were hundreds of ghouls directly surrounding the four legs of the Thunder Dragon, holding them just as they bite, trying to block the pace of Thunder Dragon.

But with their weak attacks, let alone the skin of the Thunder Dragon, even the hair of the Thunder Dragon can't be damaged.

The Thunder Dragon was attached to his legs by so many ghouls, and he was still rushing forward. Every foot could trample many ghouls to death, and gradually came from the front of the battlefield to the middle of the battlefield.

Seeing that the attacks of the ghouls were useless, the plague ghosts couldn't help it. They used their plague viruses one after another and threw them on the Thunder Dragon, trying to weaken the Thunder Dragon's defense first.

But they still look down on Brontosaurus too, the strength of the skin of Brontosaurus can even ignore strong acid, not to mention this plague virus, which is weaker than strong acid.

Therefore, these plague viruses did not have any effect except to stain the skin of Thunder Dragon.

Instead, a large number of fat plague ghosts were hit by Thunder Dragon or trampled into meat sauce, splashing all over the ground.

Seeing that the Lu Army really attracted the attention of most of the undead creatures, the watcher was ecstatic in his heart, and quietly disappeared on the battlefield by using the flashes of the night, and went to the left and right sides to look for their lost elf warriors.

Other elves are standing in the protective circle of the bone spirit evil body and the three thunder dragons, ready to break through at any time, and guard against the sneak attacks of the bone dragon and gargoyle.

Seeing this scene, the night demon couldn't help frowning, because it found that not only did the elves stand firm, but the defense of creatures like Thunder Dragon seemed to be thicker than that of the evil bone spirit, which was not very easy to deal with.

However, the night demon is not only the two forces of the ghoul and the plague ghost. The next moment, it sends out brain waves, indicating that the cave spider and the undead lich behind are also full of firepower.

The undead creatures that received the order quickly attacked. There were tens of thousands of cave spiders and thousands of undead liches on the battlefield. When they placed their targets on the Thunder Dragon, the attack formed was simply overwhelming. day.

Faced with an attack of this level, Thunder Dragon didn't dare to be careless, and directly activated its dragon skills, thickened its skin, improved its defense power, and was immune to 50% of long-range attacks.

Originally, the attacks of the Stone Cave Spider and the Undead Lich were not very strong, but there were only a large number of them, and there was not much left after 50% of the damage was reduced.

Therefore, the damage caused by these two creatures to the Thunder Dragon is the same as scratching it. However, the Thunder Dragon can only carry tens of thousands of them.

Faced with this painless attack, Thunder Dragon still walked unhurriedly in front of him, waving his nearly ten-meter-long tail from time to time, sweeping hundreds of ghouls to death.

As for the four Tyrannosaurus and Deinonychus, they walked behind the Thunder Dragon, ignoring the undead creatures that were jumping around, because it was not time for them to take action.

But at this time the Night Demon couldn't sit still, it didn't expect Thunder Dragon's defense to be so "perverted".

You have to know that this is just a dinosaur from the Lu Army, and there are more than a dozen other dinosaurs in the sky. If they are all rushed over, it might be really dangerous.

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