Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1929: Four-way advance

While the Lu Army was communicating with the Resistance Army and others, there was a heavy footstep in the distance, which attracted the attention of everyone on the court.

However, the Lu Army was not surprised by this, because he knew that the people who came must be the Wolf Cavalry Centurion and Supervisor in charge of the West Wind Fortress.

Sure enough, the Wolf Cavalry Centurion and Supervisor appeared in the eyes of everyone from the dark after three seconds, but they ignored the people around them, and went directly to the road army and knelt down.

"Dear Lord Lord, you are finally back. The initial construction of the West Wind Fortress has been completed according to your instructions. Our population is about to exceed 500. Our orc warriors can accept your review at any time." Wolf Cavalry Centurion They spoke in the same voice as the supervisor, and they could feel their joy at the return of the Lu Army in their voices.

Hearing the report from the Wolf Cavalry Centurion and the Supervisor, the Lu Army immediately raised his hand and motioned for the two of them to stand up. He didn't really like someone kneeling in front of him. It always felt strange.

But the Lu Jun didn't say anything, because he knew that this was an etiquette used by the orc warriors to express their loyalty. Instead, he directly observed the West Wind Fortress that he had not seen for a few days.

Although it is late at night, the whole picture of the West Wind Fortress can be seen through the scattered fire light road army.

I saw a large circle of orc-style buildings, and the size of the building complex was more than twice as large as before, which is comparable to a small gathering place...

"Find! Find me quickly! Dig the ground three feet and find them for me!" The captain of the city guard shook his aching head and raised the intercom and shouted.

After the roar, the captain of the city guard didn't even pay attention to the wounded around him, and immediately set off for the scientific research institute, because he wanted to know the losses inside, that was the most important thing.

When the captain of the city guard saw a mess in the scientific research institute, all the supernaturalists and researchers had been killed, and there was nothing left in the material warehouse, he was stunned. I can't understand what is going on at all.

After staying for about three seconds, the captain of the city guard suddenly raised his head, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!) Up.

When it was almost time to vent, the captain of the city guard sighed deeply and walked slowly outside, preparing to report the situation to their senior management.

Although Lu Jun and others have not yet been caught, and I don't know if they can be caught, but when this kind of thing happens, someone has to take responsibility and do a good job in the aftermath.

As for the impact of this incident on Orly City, this is not what the city guard captain can think of, after all, he is just a small person...

At the same time, the Lu Army also returned to the West Wind Fortress through the single portal. The instant the Lu Army opened his eyes, he saw a soft light, and there was a familiar feeling around him, which made the Lu Army refreshed.

"Boss Lu, you are finally back! Haha..." As the butcher walked forward and gave the Lu Army a hug, he said in his rough voice. There were a group of grinning rebels also gathering in the Lu Army and the wood. Waiting for someone.

In fact, they were just about to take a rest, but they heard a sudden noise from the portal, and they came out to take a look. They did not expect that the Lu Army and others had returned...

Feeling the warm embrace of the butcher and the many familiar figures around him, Lu Jun couldn't help but grinned, thinking that it felt good to be back.

"How about the mission? Everything is going well?" The butcher let go of the Lu Army and asked with curiosity. He wanted to know what happened during the two or three days when the Lu Army was away.

But before the Lu Army could answer, Anan on the side told the rebels all the things they had done in Ori City these days. The Lu Army wanted to laugh...

Under Anan's description, the butcher and the members of the resistance army probably knew the results of the road army and they also cheered for their victory again.

After everyone’s greetings were almost the same, Lu Jun pointed his hand at Shaqili and a dozen researchers to the butcher: “These people were brought over from Ori, and they will work for us in the next period of time. You will free up a place for them to live later."

"They don't need to participate in training and fighting. They eat the same things as us. You need to satisfy them with whatever materials you need, but they can't wander around here without my consent. They have to send one or two people to watch them every day."

Hearing what the Lu Army said, the butcher also knew that the Lu Army did not trust Shaqili and others very much, but he nodded friendly with Shaqili and expressed his greetings.

Shaqili and the other researchers saw that the butcher was not malicious towards them, and immediately smiled and nodded, and their hearts calmed down.

As for the arrangement of the Lu Army, they also heard it. Although the Lu Army clearly restricted their freedom, they had no objection to it, because it was what they had said before.

After introducing Shaqili and others, Lu Jun pointed to the girl in red next to him and continued: "This is also our new companion. She has helped us in Ori City. For the time being, she will not be divided into groups, nor should she be treated. There are any restrictions."

After speaking, Lu Jun suddenly remembered something, and immediately looked at the girl in red and said: "By the way, I don't seem to know your name yet..."

Hearing Lu Jun’s words, the girl in red took off the cloth strips on her face and walked slowly to the crowd, not humble or overbearing: “Hello, my name is Lin Yi lazy, a second-order ability person. From now on, we will be companions, please. care."

Seeing Lin Yilaan's face after taking off the cloth strips, the Resistance Army and others were all amazed, their eyes widened, and they secretly compared Nguyen's sisters, Lin Xiaobai and Lin Yilaan, who is more good looking……

Of course, they didn't have any malicious intentions, let alone any nasty thoughts, just pure appreciation.

Although they used to be serious prisoners, they were doing major things, not the kind of sneaky and insignificant villains.

But when they learned that Lin Yilan was a Tier 2 ability person, they were shocked, because these talents had just stepped into the ranks of Tier 1 ability person. They didn’t expect the Lu Jun to bring back a girl casually. It is a second-order ability, it seems that they have to work harder.

Seeing the reaction of the rebel army, Lu Jun couldn’t help grinning. He knew what these people thought, and at the same time, he was thinking. Fortunately, these people didn’t know that Shaqili was a Tier 3 ability person, otherwise he would be more surprised. of……

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