Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1926: Army sent over

Hearing Lu Jun mentioned the person in charge of the scientific research institute, the middle-aged man was obviously a little angry, but he still closed his eyes and said: "If you want to humiliate me and kill again, just come on, I have nothing to say That's it."

Seeing the middle-aged man still looks like that, Lu Jun smiled bitterly and said: "You misunderstood, I mean the head of the research institute is dead, and the body is outside. You can't kill him personally to vent your anger."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, the originally calm middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, took two steps forward, and stared at Lu Jun: "He...he is dead?! You...you Kill him?!"

Seeing that the middle-aged man's mood finally fluctuated, Lu Jun also nodded in cooperation: "Yeah, isn't it that fat man with more than 300 catties? I just killed him."

After speaking, Lu Jun also took out a bunch of **** keys and shook it in front of the middle-aged man, which he had previously taken from the person in charge of the scientific research institute.

Seeing the key in Lu Jun's hand, the middle-aged man knew that the head of the scientific research institute was really dead, because the key in Lu Jun's hand was very important, and the head of the scientific research institute never left his body.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, with a little madness in his laughter. After laughing for a while, he shed a few tears. It was obvious that he must have lived very awkwardly during this period.

One minute later, the middle-aged man's mood gradually recovered and he was no longer lifeless. It seemed that the death of the head of the scientific research institute made him feel happy.

Seeing that the middle-aged man finally became normal, Lu Jun pointed to the group of researchers standing below with the Death Tu 8000 and said: "Well, don't you really want to watch these people die? You gun, let you kill these people yourself?"

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the middle-aged man's brows jumped. It seems that Lu Jun's words are very tempting to him. After all, he has been bullied by these people here these days. If it weren't for the head of the scientific research institute, these It is estimated that he was divided long ago.

But the middle-aged man didn't answer Lu Jun's question all at once, because he knew that there was no free lunch in the world. Instead, he frowned and looked at Lu Jun. "I really want to kill them, but why are you helping me? We don’t seem to know each other?"

Hearing the middle-aged man’s question, Lu Jun instantly showed a profiteer-like expression and said: “We don’t know each other, and I won’t help you for free, but want to make a deal with you.”

Hearing something in Lu Jun's words, the middle-aged man frowned more tightly and looked at Lu Jun with some entanglement: "What deal?"

Seeing that the middle-aged man was willing to communicate with him, the Lu Army slowly put away the Death Tu 8000, patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said: "I will give you the opportunity to kill them, but you have to work for me. For a while, how?"

"Although you don't have much freedom to work for me, my people will not bully you, and will not electrocute you. You only need to provide me with a part of the spar items I need."

"Anyway, you are not even afraid of death, and you are afraid that you will not live for a few more days? Maybe I can help you find a wife and children. If you live uncomfortably after a while and want to die, then I will It will definitely fulfill you."

Hearing that Lu Jun had been around for a long time, they were actually trying to win over the middle-aged man. Ruan Bing and Anan couldn't help but snickered, because they had never seen such a straightforward way to win...

And the middle-aged man saw that the purpose of the Lu Army was actually this, so he slowly loosened his frowning brows, and thought in his mind.

I have to say that Lu Jun's remarks were very tempting to him, and Lu Jun's invitation was also very sincere, giving the middle-aged man another glimmer of hope.

"Well, although I don’t know who you are, I am very grateful to you for helping me kill the person in charge of the research institute, so I am willing to make this deal with you! I hope you don’t lie to me like they do, otherwise I won’t die. Will work for you!" The middle-aged man looked at Lu Jun and said.

Hearing that the middle-aged man agreed to him, Lu Jun was overjoyed and thought to himself that he was about to "get rich!"

In fact, he wanted to kill the middle-aged man directly at the beginning, but after hearing the story of the middle-aged man, he changed his mind.

Because he discovered that the middle-aged man was not a silent crusader, but was forced. The enemy’s enemy is a friend. If the middle-aged man, a Tier 3 ability person, is willing to work for him, then their resistance will definitely develop rapidly. of!

"Okay! The deal! If you find that I lied to you in the future, you can strike out at any time. This gun is yours, and these people are also yours. You can kill whatever you want. You can take it with you. You can tell me, I'll give you five minutes." The Lu Army took the rifle behind the wooden and pointed at the researcher below and said to the middle-aged man.

After speaking, the Lu Army also motioned to Anan and the others to give them a good look at the researchers here. If anyone dared to resist or escape, they would kill them together.

Anyway, he didn't want the people here to live at first, after all, most of these are silent crusaders, so it's just a favor for middle-aged men...

After talking with the middle-aged man, Lu Jun turned his head to look at the young deputy and said, "Where is the material warehouse here? Take me over."

Hearing the Lu Army’s question, the young deputy immediately pointed to the right and wanted to quickly lead the Lu Army, because he was very afraid that the Lu Army would be unhappy and kill him.

But the surrounding researchers couldn't continue to calm down. They saw that not only did the Lu Army not kill the middle-aged man, but instead reached some kind of agreement with the middle-aged man, they took two steps back.

Especially when they saw middle-aged men picking up a rifle, they were more panicked, because most of them had bullied middle-aged men, and naturally knew that middle-aged men would not let them go.

"No! You can't let him kill us! We are all researchers of the Silent Crusade. Killing our Silent Crusade will not let you go!" A researcher standing in front looked at Lu Jundao, his small eyes moved. I moved, I didn't know what I was thinking.

Hearing that these researchers seemed to have something to say, the Lu Army raised the Death Tu 8000 with a shot, and instantly killed the researcher who had just spoken.

After speaking, the young deputy sighed silently, his eyes filled with regret when he looked at the middle-aged man, perhaps because he felt that the middle-aged man was in a pitiful situation.

After listening to the young deputy's words, Lu Jun also had a certain understanding of what happened, and he could understand the mood of a middle-aged man.

"Your experience is quite miserable. You must hate the person in charge of that scientific research institute? Unfortunately, you have no chance to kill him by yourself." The Lu Army raised the muzzle of the Death Tu 8000 and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder. Tao.

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