Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1923: I was beaten back when I came out...

The large-scale assistance of the Silent Crusade to the scientific research institute has led to growing fires in entertainment areas and residential areas.

The residents among them complained and screamed frantically, trying to get the silent crusaders to give them a reasonable explanation, because their food and belongings were all burned out by the fire.

But at this time, the silent crusaders didn’t have time to pay attention to this. They didn’t even glance at the surrounding crowd. Their goal was only a scientific research institute...

The Lu Army who is in the scientific research institute also knows that his actions will attract a large number of enemies, but he has no better way now, and he has no time to go to every corner to find what he wants.

You can only see a dark place and blast an explosive crossbow bolt or rocket.

Just as Lu Jun and others were getting closer to the core of the scientific research institute, the person in charge of the scientific research institute hiding in the darkness finally couldn't stand it, and walked out directly with a group of city guards who had just been summoned. .

"You don't want to give you a face, you have to fight us to the end, right? Okay, I will do you! Today is either you die or I die!" The head of the scientific research institute held up the loudspeaker and said angrily, Lu Jun's The practice really made him angry.

However, the Lu Army did not pay much attention to the threatening words of the head of the scientific research institute. Instead, the position of the big bear at the head of the scientific research institute was nine rockets.

"Swish swish..." A series of out-of-box sounds sounded, and nine rockets dragged a long tail flame and struck straight towards the position of the head of the scientific research institute.

If these nine rockets are allowed to explode, not only the person in charge of the scientific research institute, but also the supernatural person next to the person in charge of the scientific research institute will be implicated, so the person in charge of the scientific research institute must leave this position to avoid rocket attacks.

But the person in charge of the scientific research institute didn't seem to have thought of this. He still stood beside motionless, with a confident look, as if he hadn't paid attention to this level of attack...

Just when the Lu Army was wondering what the head of the scientific research institute wanted to do, seeing that the rocket was about to hit the enemy, a young male supernatural person next to the head of the scientific research institute suddenly used his own power to make a The rippling blisters enveloped them collectively.

Just as Lu Jun and others were curious about the effect of this blister, they saw that the rocket fired on the blister did not explode, nor did it penetrate the blister, as if collectively melted into the blister.

Seeing this, Lu Jun and others opened their eyes wide, because they had not seen this kind of water attribute power.

"I don't believe it anymore, give me a fight!" Lu Jun ordered the Death Tu 8000 in his hand violently.

After speaking, the Lu Army fired five shots in a row while holding the Shitu 8000, and each shot was directed at the strange blisters. He was going to blow up the blisters today!

Hearing what Akko said, Lu Jun nodded slightly, raised his hand to take the pendant in Akko's hand, and scanned it with the Eye of Data at close range until a line of information appeared in front of him.

【Holy Spirit Pendant: A pendant made of tears from the heart. Active effect: the wearer can release the control three times in a day. Passive effect: Strengthen all control abilities of the wearer. 】

After reading the introduction of this pendant, Lu Jun couldn't help his eyes widening, his face showed ecstatic expression, because the effect of this pendant can only be possessed by S-level items.

Now he finally knows why Time Rewind just couldn't control the bald man, it is probably caused by the active effect of this pendant.

As for the passive effect of the pendant, it is more important to the Lu Army, because it can extend his control time and extend his control range.

Although Lu Jun didn't know how the bald man got this pendant, these are not important. It is his now in his hands.

"Thank you, you feel so good, this is indeed a good thing." Lu Jun patted Ak on the shoulder and whispered.

Hearing Lu Jun’s compliment, Akko shook her head, saying that this is what she should do, and then stepped aside.

"Okay, here are the next battle orders." The Lu Jun clapped his hands, letting everyone focus on him.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone stood up straight, showing serious expressions, they were fully prepared.

"Persons who have combat or protection abilities follow me, and those whose abilities don't help the battle stay here. I will let the dinosaurs help you defend this hole." Lu Jun pointed to the entrance of the scientific research institute behind them.

When everyone heard the order of the Lu Army, they knew what their mission was. Among them, only the abilities of Ak and the girl in red were not helpful to the battle, which also meant that they had to stay here.

"This hole is the only way out for us in the research institute. Although I stepped on a lot of landmines outside, the enemies in the inner city should not be able to enter, but there is no unexpected situation, so this hole is absolutely not to be missed." The Jun turned his head to look at Ak and the girl in red.

Hearing the instructions of the Lu Army, Akko and the girl in red nodded cautiously. They knew that their abilities would not help the next battle, and naturally they would not have any objections to the Lu Army's orders.

In the next minute, the Lu Army explained to Akko and the girl in red carefully the main points of defense and the points that need attention.

After that, the Lu Army left five more triceratops to assist the five Ankylosaurus to defend the hole, and he walked towards the depths of the research institute with Mu Mu and others, leaving only Ak and the girl in red in place.

It's just that the Lu Army and others walked about a hundred meters forward and met the resistance of the city guards. They really lie in ambush in the dark of the scientific research institute as the Lu Army thought, just to take the opportunity to attack the Lu Army and others.

But after all, the road army and his party are all supernatural beings, and they have big killers such as explosive crossbows and nine-hole double fire cannons. The ordinary city guards can’t help the road army and others, but are killed by the road army and others. Only a lot of corpses left...

The Lu Jun didn't care how many people he killed while advancing, and no matter what was hidden in the darkness, as long as the enemy dared to appear in his field of vision, he dared to kill it, just like the "harvest of life".

With the advancement of the Route Army, more and more places have been occupied by scientific research institutes. The scientific research institutes that had been plunged into darkness due to power outages suddenly burst into flames, and at least one-third of the areas burned.

Seeing this scene, the silent crusaders in the inner city immediately knew that something was wrong with the scientific research institute. They consciously put down their movements and immediately rushed towards the scientific research institute.

Although entertainment areas and residential areas are very important to the inner city, the Silent Crusaders know that scientific research institutes are the most important place, so even if the entertainment areas and residential areas are burned out, they have to assist the scientific research institutes.

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