Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1920: The only domain you can go to...

And in just one day, he actually changed from a relatively weak ordinary person to a fighter who can charge forward. This is something the thin monkey has never thought of.

Perhaps today is the pinnacle of his life, he must do it to make himself regretless in this life, the thin monkey thought to himself...

"Give me a gun, I can also help you fight, but my ability is not effective." The girl in red stretched out her hand to Lu Jundao softly.

Since she lost the bet, she is now a companion of the Lu Army, so naturally she can't hide behind and watch.

And when she was in the Tomahawk Army, she couldn't get used to the practice of the silent crusade. Today, if she has the opportunity to silently silent the crusade, she will naturally not let it go.

"Brother Lu Jun, I want one too. I leave my gun to Brother Mu Mu and the others." Xiao Wan on the side also stretched out her little hand and said with a good face.

Seeing the girl in red and Xiao Wan, who were one big and one small in front of them, the actions were exactly the same, Lu Jun smiled bitterly, and wondered if the two people regarded him as a mobile arsenal...

But Lu Jun was just thinking about it casually. He quickly took out two fused vagrant submachine guns and a large amount of ammunition from the ability module, as well as several special grenades and handed them to Xiaowan and the others.

Looking at the completely unfamiliar gun in her hand, the girl in red was a little embarrassed, because she had never seen such a submachine gun, and some did not know how to use it, and she was too embarrassed to ask Lu Jun.

In the end, Xiaowan kindly told the girl in red the characteristics of the hunter submachine gun and how to use it.

Seeing Xiaowan, who is not big in front of her, but who is very mature in speaking and doing things, the girl in red can't help but feel a trace of shame, because she is an adult who needs a child to teach...

After a small episode, it only took less than a minute for everyone to prepare their weapons and adjust them to the best fighting condition.

Seeing this, the Lu Army glanced at the eager dinosaurs and people around, took a deep breath and said: "Start the attack, you are free to play, rush to the wood where they are, I will open the particle shield for you all the way, protect You do not die."

After speaking, the Lu Jun pulled up Ruan Bing's hand, and directly used the flash to come to Abeililong's back, and then patted Abeililong's back lightly, signaling it to take the lead in the charge.

After feeling the movements of the Lu Army, Abelisaurus, who had cooperated with the Lu Army for a long time, could naturally understand the meaning of the Lu Army. He immediately raised his head and roared, using two sturdy hind limbs to rush forward. The dinosaurs were Follow it closely.

Seeing that the Lu Army began to attack, Xiao Wan was not idle, and immediately activated her third ability, with four wings growing out of her back, completing the climb in an instant, and flew up to 20 meters above the ground.

Thanks to the protection of the particle shield, Xiaowan is now not afraid of stray bullets. She can suppress the silent crusaders in the air, and can also help the road army to control the air...

Seeing that the road army and others had left, the girl in red and the skinny monkey did not stay too much, and immediately followed the road army forward. They did not need to charge and trap, but only provided some necessary firepower assistance to the road army.

As soon as the patrol team besieging Mu Mu and others heard the roar of Abelilong, they turned their heads, wondering what kind of creature this chilling sound was making.

It is very difficult to execute the orders issued by the high-level Silent Crusaders, because it takes a lot of time to transmit these orders to the city guards, and the city guards also need a lot of time to prepare, and it takes a lot of time to enter the city...

However, the Lu Army would not give the Silent Crusaders this time. He quickly approached the place where Mu Mu and others were trapped under Xiaowan’s guidance, and he could see the people on the patrol in front of him. The vehicle of the patrol.

Because the wood they made was also very loud, the patrol of the Silent Crusade had already supported a large number of them.

At present, there are at least hundreds of patrol teams in this area and hundreds of vehicles. The members of the Silent Crusade have reached thousands of people. They have enclosed this area strictly and plan to use the number of people. Dead wood them.

However, it may be due to the darkening of the sky and the thick blood fog. The silent crusaders did not realize that the road army and the dinosaurs had already killed them behind them.

They are still focusing on dealing with Mu Mu and the others. After all, this is their territory, and they never imagined that enemies would appear behind them.

Seeing this, the Lu Jun knew that he could seize this opportunity and immediately stopped the dinosaurs.

Then he took back the five ostriches beside him, squeezed his brain power, and summoned about twenty Velociraptors, preparing to launch a sneak attack on the rear of the silent crusade.

As for why the Lu Army summoned a smaller Velociraptor instead of directly letting other large dinosaurs participate in the battle.

This is because his brain power is limited, and Velociraptor is extremely flexible in the chaotic battlefield, and the attack speed is also fast. It can kill opponents instantly, and they are definitely a big killer when they cooperate with each other.

Seeing a large group of Velociraptors suddenly appeared in front of them like molecular reorganization, the girl in red and the skinny monkey took a breath.

They knew that the ferocious Velociraptor in front of them was definitely not comparable to the strutting ostrich who had just been docile. From the sharp sickle feet, they could see that the Velociraptor had a powerful attack power.

But while sighing, the girl in red and the skinny monkey were also wondering how many dinosaurs the Lu Army had, and how they were summoned, whether these were questions such as the ability of the Lu Army.

However, the girl in red and the skinny monkey were just curious in their hearts. They dare not ask. After all, this involves the privacy and secrets of the Lu Army. Respecting the privacy of others is the most basic principle of getting along. They don't want to violate them.

Lu Jun can also guess what the girl in red and the skinny monkey are thinking, but he doesn't want to explain anything, and he won't explain it later, because this is his secret and he won't tell the second person.

"Prepare your own weapons. We will launch a sneak attack from behind the Silent Crusade later. Although you shoot and kill, I will protect you from death, but be careful not to hit my dinosaur." The road army killed the 8000 type. While loading the bullets, he told Ruan Bing and others.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Thin Monkey and Ruan Bing nodded silently, and began to check the guns in their hands.

The hands of the thin monkey holding the gun were trembling slightly. This was not fear, but an inexplicable excitement.

Because he just finished killing the scorpion group members, and now he is going to kill the silent crusaders with the road army, he has done the two top forces in Ori City at once. The Skinny Monkey has never done such an exciting thing in his life. .

Although he has no grudges with the Scorpion Corps or the Silent Crusade, he is just helping the Lu Army, but this kind of behavior that can do whatever he wants and ignore the rules makes his adrenaline soar, and this feeling fascinates him.

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