Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1918: New situation

Hearing Black Scorpion's words, the Lu Army removed the particle shield in front of him, and then said with a sly smile, "Okay, it's settled, you can do it."

Seeing that the Lu Army had really removed the particle shield, Black Scorpion was overjoyed, thinking that the Lu Army was in the middle of it, he immediately winked at the soldier next to him.

The wink of the black scorpion meant to prepare the scorpion. As long as he successfully contained the road army, the scorpion could take the elite members of the scorpion group to catch the companions of the road army.

Bing Xie looked at the black scorpion's eyes, and naturally understood what the black scorpion meant, and nodded imperceptibly, indicating that he knew it.

Although he was at odds with Black Scorpion, and he was very upset with Black Scorpion, it was only their internal struggle, and they would still unite in front of foreign enemies.

What's more, as long as he can catch the Lu Army, he will have the opportunity to make up for it, and he will naturally have the capital to stand up, so he must cooperate with the Black Scorpion to seize the Lu Army anyway.

After passing through the Hebingxie ditch, Black Scorpion was relieved, and immediately used his powers, his body grew thick, his hands and feet were more than twice as thick, and he instantly became a three-meter tall man covered in hair. monster.

This is the first time that Black Scorpion has used his power in front of so many people, and he usually only uses it at critical times.

Because he knows that his abilities are best not to be known to others, otherwise he will lose his own advantages.

But Black Scorpion can no longer take care of that much to kill the Lu Army today...

The elite members of the Scorpion regiment opened their weapon insurance as soon as they saw the road army, but they did not choose to shoot at the first time, because the black scorpion had not given them an order, so they did not dare to act without authorization.

The black scorpion staying in the gate line of defense saw that the road army came out like this, thinking that the road army was about to surrender, he grinned and mocked the soldier and said, "Look, this person was afraid to come out and surrender when I came. You say you are a trash."

Hearing Black Scorpion's ridicule, Soldier Scorpion didn't go to his heart, nor did he respond to Black Scorpion, still standing aside with his head down.

Bing Xie's mind now was why the Lu Army would come out directly. He felt that it was impossible for the Lu Army to surrender. There must be another purpose.

But Bing Scorpion did not remind Black Scorpion, nor did he have any communication with Black Scorpion, because he knew that Black Scorpion would not listen to it, and it would only be merciless ridicule that he would exchange for more.

When Black Scorpion saw Bing Scorpion not speaking, he felt very boring. He pointed his finger at Lu Jundao at a distance of more than 30 meters, "Hey, boy, did you come out to surrender? Hurry up and take the broken weapon in your hand. Throw it away, I can make you die later, or I will blow your head right now! Hahaha..."

Hearing the black scorpion's voice, looking at the black scorpion's high expression, the red-clothed girl hiding behind Lu Jun's complexion changed, and immediately attached to Lu Jun's ear and said, "This person is called the black scorpion, a second-order physical ability. , But no one knows what his power is, because everyone who has seen it is dead."

"Moreover, he has a high status in the Scorpion Group. I didn't expect that he would come here. It seems that the people in the Scorpion Group really want to kill you. Although I know you are strong, this person is definitely not weak. Be careful……"

Hearing the reminder of the girl in red, Lu Jun nodded silently, sighing in his heart that the girl in red knows so much news, even others know what strength they are.

But the Lu Army did not look at the black scorpion head-on, but directly raised his finger at the humanity of the scorpion group at the gate, "I am in a hurry, so I plan to give you a way to survive. You will get out of here now. I don’t have to kill you. Otherwise, the one who blocks me will die!"

Hearing Lu Jun's very sudden and extremely arrogant words, the members of the Scorpion Group were stunned, the Black Scorpion and the Bing Scorpion were stunned, and even Ruan Bing was stunned.

Because they thought of everything, but they didn't expect that the Lu Army would say something like this at such a juncture. They didn't put the Scorpion Group in their eyes at all...

After two seconds of froze, Black Scorpion's face turned green, and his eyes were full of anger, because the Lu Army not only ignored him, but also didn't put their Scorpion Group in their eyes. No one dared to do this for a long time.

"Okay! There is a kind! With your words, I will torture you for forty-eight hours before letting you die! Including the people around you! I hope you can be so arrogant then!" Hei Xie pointed to Lu Junda Roared.

Speaking of the end, he also smashed the rearview mirror of the off-road vehicle with a punch. These actions are enough to show the anger in the black scorpion now.

Listening to the black scorpion threatening sound, the Lu Army did not speak, but raised the muzzle of the Death Tu 8000 and fired seven consecutive shots at the Scorpion group. Each shot could kill one or two people, because the Scorpion The group's people were too dense in the defense.

There was even a shot that hit the fuel tank of an off-road vehicle, causing the off-road vehicle to explode and directly overturned seven or eight people in the scorpion group.

Seeing that the Dulu Army is not only so arrogant, but also dared to kill their people first, the Black Scorpion was going to be confused, and slapped the front cover of the off-road vehicle around him, "I cao! Everyone shot me! I gan him to death!"

Hearing the order of the black scorpion, the elite members of the scorpion group reacted immediately, aiming at the road army and pulling the trigger, their eyes were full of anger, because the road army's arrogance made them feel insulted.

When all the elite members of the Scorpion regiment opened fire, there were thousands of bullets forming a dense firepower net and sweeping towards the position of the Route Army. Now it was too late even if the Route Army wanted to withdraw.

But Lu Jun looked at the hundreds of gunpoints ahead and didn't mean to evade. Instead, he directly used his brain power to use his third ability for absolute defense, propping up a thick particle shield to block him.

Under the protection of the particle shield, all bullets were blocked, and even the heavy weapons brought by the scorpion group did not cause the particle shield to make waves, let alone crush the particle shield.

Seeing that the attack of hundreds of people on their side was actually blocked by the road army alone, the faces of the black scorpion and the soldier scorpion changed, showing solemn expressions, because they could not understand why the defensive power of this particle shield was so high.

When everyone in the scorpion group had finished hitting a magazine, and the feet were full of scattered bullet shells, the black scorpion raised his hand to let the elite members of the scorpion group stop attacking, because he found that the bullets were of no use to the particle shield. No matter how many bullets you shoot, it's just futile.

"Boy, what kind of man is shucked in a tortoise shell?! Have the ability to fight me openly! As long as you beat me, I will let you go, and promise that our scorpion group will never embarrass you again! How?" Hei Xie patted his strong chest and pointed at Lu Jundao.

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