Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1916: Brief discussion

In the end, Lin Xiaobai used her Ice Shield ability to bless Anan, Big Bear, and Northern Lion each, so that Anan and others could double their defense power.

After finishing this, Anan stopped staying, and rushed outside with the big bear and the northern lion at the fastest speed. The goal was the place where the silent crusaders gathered.

When the silent crusaders saw three "monsters" suddenly rushed out, they were startled, and were stunned for two seconds.

Although two seconds is not too long, it is enough for Anan and the others who charged at all levels. They rushed into the crowd and overturned an off-road vehicle.

Looking at Anan and the others who were beginning to destroy, the silent crusaders immediately began to counterattack, raising their guns and shooting at Anan and the others, intending to shoot Anan and others randomly.

But Anan and the others were already high in defense after using the ability, and with the blessing of the ice shield, they could almost ignore ordinary bullets, as long as they were not hit by heavy weapons, they would not be injured.

And at this time, the wood that had slipped to the rear also began to attack, using the submachine gun in his hand to continuously shoot at the silent crusaders and others in front.

At the same time, he ordered the clones he summoned to run around, attracting attention and absorbing fire damage by the way.

Under the attack of Mu, Anan and others, most of the silent crusaders died before they knew what happened...

However, after all, there are many people in the Silent Crusade. After suffering the first wave of heavy injuries, they quickly adjusted their formations and began to attack Anan and others. The heavy weapons in the distance were also adjusted and their muzzles shot at Anan and so on. People.

In front of the heavy weapons, Anan and the others were definitely unstoppable. The ice shield blessed on their body was suddenly broken, and the body was shot several times, and the sturdy flesh did not count as bleeding...

Fortunately, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai discovered this scene in time. Ruan Xue quickly used Wood Resuscitation to speed up the recovery of Anan and others' wounds.

Lin Xiaobai re-blessed Anan and others with a shield of ice to protect Anan and others from ordinary bullets.

With the help of Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, Anan and the others recovered and quickly gained a foothold.

However, this time Anan and the others no longer continued to be attacked by heavy weapons, instead they chose to rush into the patrol team to fight and fight hands-on with the members of the patrol team.

But Ruan Xue's brain power is limited after all. If the number of wounded gradually increases, Ruan Xue will have difficulty coping with it, so their current problem is still very serious.

Seeing this, Wood immediately asked his teammates to withdraw to the surrounding buildings, relying on the buildings to make a defensive counterattack, reducing the chance of being hit by a bullet.

As for the wood, why didn't they rush out directly, but insisted on pestering the silent crusaders here.

This is because the five-car spar they exchanged for wood is still here, even if they can take the spar, they can't take it away.

Therefore, Wood and they did not want to leave, nor would they leave. After all, these spars are theirs, and there is no reason to give them to the silent crusaders.

However, the people of the Silent Crusaders seemed to want to eat them. The support rushing from all directions continued.

The number of patrol teams reached fifty at once, with more than four hundred people. The surrounding blocks were surrounded by water, and there were a large number of heavy weapons erected nearby. Now they can’t rush even if they want to rush the wood. out.

Seeing this, Wood knew that the problem was serious, because they didn't carry many bullets at all. It is estimated that the ammunition will be empty within five minutes, and the battle will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Moreover, their commonly used weapons are in the road army, even if they use their abilities, they can't display their full strength. If they are unarmed, if they face the heavily armed silent crusade, they will undoubtedly be moths to the fire...

Thinking of this, Mu Wu immediately turned to Xiao Wan, who was still shooting seriously, "Xiao Wan, we are overcast and we are likely to be planted here. You should go back and inform Brother Jun and tell him that our spar has been silent. The Crusaders are trapped. Only when he comes to recover the spar can we break through. We can hold on for 15 minutes at most. You must be fast!"

Hearing Mu's words, Xiao Wan also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately put down the submachine gun in her hand, leaving all the weapons and ammunition on her to Mu and them.

After finishing this, Xiaowan immediately started her third form, with four red wings bleeding on her back, climbing at the fastest speed, risking being hit by a stray bullet and flying to their place of residence. That is also the way. The direction of the army.

The silent crusaders saw Xiaowan suddenly flying out of the building. They opened their mouths in surprise. They even forgot to shoot, because it was the first time they saw someone who could fly, which made them feel a little bit Incredible.

However, under the loud roar of their captain, the patrol members quickly returned to normal. They raised their muzzles, aimed at the position where Xiaowan was flying, and pulled the trigger. They wanted to shoot Xiaowan down with bullets.

But Xiao Wan flew very fast, and was in the air, it was very difficult to aim. No matter how many bullets the patrol team fired, it was just a futile effort. It didn't affect Xiao Wan at all...

Looking at the figure of Xiaowan disappearing in the distance, Mu Mu let out a sigh of relief, picking up the submachine gun Xiaowan placed on the ground and saying to the teammate next to him, "We have to wait for the military brother desperately now, Anan, you and Daxiong pay back The northern lion is responsible for using the ability to rush out to create chaos and attract their attention. It is best to get some ammunition back. I will cooperate with you with my copy."

"Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, you two should not leave this position. You are responsible for treating the injured or blessing the ice shield. Ake, your ability has no offensive power. Stay here to protect Xiaobai and Ruan Xue. It's okay."

After speaking, Wood used the second ability to summon a copy of him, and at the same time let his body enter a short-lived state of stealth.

Wood didn't waste this stealth state in vain. Before the enemy could not see him, he slipped out with his weapon quietly, and came to the rear of the silent crusade, preparing to create chaos from here to cooperate with Anan and the others.

And Anan and the others heard Mu's task assignment, and saw Mu had left here, they nodded and started to take action.

First of all, Anan opened his beastly form and transformed into a mutant hyena. In this form, all his abilities would increase.

Then Big Bear activated his madness ability, his size and defenses skyrocketed, and his horrible muscles ripped his coat to pieces.

In addition, the Northern Lion started to petrify his body, turning his whole body into a solid stone. In this form, he is not afraid of ordinary bullet attacks, and he is also the person with the strongest physical defenses here.

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