"I'm not going. This is my site. I won't go. If any of you want to go, please take these two sisters out. They are here to help me and don’t owe me anything. They shouldn’t die here. "Lu Jun said to the butcher and them expressionlessly. After speaking, he put the unconscious Ruan Bing into the off-road vehicle and signaled Ruan Xue to take care of her.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the man with strong hair and petrified body turned his eyes red and said, "Boss Lu! You can't give up hope! Our lives are low. It doesn't matter if we die, but you are all of us. People’s hope, as long as you live, our rebels will have a chance to rise again. You have to live out and avenge us!"

After the big-haired guy finished speaking, the surrounding rebels all stared at the Lu Army with red eyes. They were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of death without meaning. They were afraid that no one would remember them after death. I am even more afraid that no one will avenge them after death, so the Lu Army is their hope, and only the Lu Army can become their hope.

Hearing what the big man said and looking at the people around him, Lu Jun’s eyes turned red. He has not cried since he was ten years old no matter how difficult he encountered, but he doesn’t know why. He really wants to cry, he even wants to slap himself severely and ask why he is so weak and why he has no ability to protect others...

Seeing that the road army still did not respond, the butcher looked at the people around him and wanted to push the road army directly into the off-road vehicle so that they could cover the road army and rush out.

But before the butcher and the others had time to do it, a strange scene happened. The Dragon Dragon, which had disappeared for several days, suddenly appeared like a molecular reorganization, and then glanced at the surrounding environment and the pathetic army with a sad face. .

When Shiroyao found that the Lu Army and the others were in desperate situation, he rolled his eyes, as if thinking about something. After a second, Shiroyaolong seemed to have made some very important decision, and his body began to disappear like a molecular disassembly. ...

It’s just that this time, Shiroyao didn’t enter the dragon training module, but into Lu Jun’s body. Looking at the Shiroyao disappearing before his eyes, Lu Jun didn’t know what Shiroyao was doing because of him. He could no longer feel the existence of Qidaolong.

A second later, a reminder sounded in Lu Jun’s mind, "Ding, get the active exclusive talent: Tyrannosaurus real body, effect: transform your body into Tyrannosaurus form within ten seconds, cooling time is three days , Will be unconscious for eight hours after use."

After listening to this strange reminder, before the Lu Jun had time to figure out the meaning of this exclusive talent, he felt a sharp pain in his body. The pain made Lu Jun die and he couldn't help falling to the ground and convulsing. It seemed that all the organs in the body were about to burst open.

Just when the Lu Army couldn't figure it out, the soul-like horror suddenly floated out of Ruan Bing’s soul lamp, followed by other creatures that Ruan Bing collected into the soul lamp, the number of which was more than 3,000 and approached 4,000. .

After these souls floated out, they quickly attacked the surrounding Tier C infected beasts under the leadership of the horror, and soon stopped the attack of the infected beasts.

Although they belong to the form of souls, they can still cause some damage to the infected beasts. Even if the infected beasts cannot be killed, they can attract the attention of the infected beasts and buy time for the people of the Resistance Army and the Blackstone Foundation.

Seeing that a large group of soul-form creatures helped them relieve the pressure from the infected beasts, the people of the Resistance and the Blackstone Consortium immediately took this opportunity to adjust their formations, replenish their defenses, and clean up the scattered infected beasts around them, along with slave workers and wolves. The cavalry gathered together.

But before the people of the Resistance Army and the Blackstone Consortium could do more, the thousands of soul bodies led by the terror demon suddenly disappeared, returning to the lamp of the soul, Ruan Bing also went into a coma.

This is because Ruan Bing used the abilities she hadn't fully mastered, resulting in the sequelae caused by the rapid consumption of brain power, and even two bottles of brain power reagents could not be filled.

Moreover, it is daytime, the horror and this group of soul bodies shouldn't be able to appear, Ruan Bing forcibly summoning them out will do them a lot, and they can only do so much.

Seeing Ruan Bing fainted, Lu Jun immediately endured the pain from the wound and went to help Ruan Bing up, then wiped off the blood from Ruan Bing's nose, and then fed her a new mental reagent.

But Ruan Bing did not wake up, and continued to fall asleep. This was because it would take at least a few hours to wake up in the event of a severe mental overdraft.

Looking at Ruan Bing’s pale face, Lu Jun felt very self-blaming in his heart. The reason for self-blaming was also very simple, because he was too weak. If he could be stronger, all this might not happen. The second time I felt a deep sense of powerlessness...

While the road army was in self-blame, the people of the Resistance Army and the Blackstone Consortium were besieged by the Infected Beast because they did not have the help of the soul body. The situation on the side of the superpower was also very bad. It is estimated that they will be Defeat the infected gorilla and the infected giant elephant.

However, what is even more desperate is that the Infected Rhinoceros, who had been slowed down by Wood and Anan, also ran over, assisting the other two Tier A Infected Beasts to besiege them.

Under the siege of three Tier A infected beasts and nearly 20,000 Tier C infected beasts, the road army and their line of defense were directly defeated, and the casualties of both orc warriors and humans increased in a straight line.

The corpse controller in the distance saw that the defense line of the road army had been smashed by the infected herd, and was very excited. This meant that the road army was about to be wiped out and it was about to usher in victory.

Although it has lost a lot of men in this attack, as long as it can win, all of this is worthwhile, the corpse controller thought happily.

The butcher and the abilities also knew that the situation was beyond their control, so they ran to the Lu Army and shouted, "Boss Lu! We can't hold it! You go! We cover you and rush out! "

After speaking, the butcher summoned a dark war spear to kill two Tier C infected beasts 20 meters apart, and then signaled the Lu Army to get on the off-road vehicle, even if they all died here, they would protect the Lu Army from going out.

Lu Jun looked at the densely packed infected beasts and the people struggling in the beast sea, grinned bitterly, and left? Where else can he go?

Although this world is big, there is no place for him. When he thinks that the forces he has developed for so long and the West Wind Fortress will be destroyed here today, the Lu Army will feel unspeakably uncomfortable. This is heartache. a feeling of……

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