Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1910: Daredevil's Ride

But if the battle continues, the road army will definitely lose, because the dinosaurs need to consume physical strength to fight, and the physical strength of the mutant infected is unlimited, they can fight here for a year without getting tired.

Moreover, the duration of the copy of Abelisaurus is coming soon. Without a Tier A copy that can eat damage and fight, the pressure on the road army will undoubtedly increase exponentially, and maybe it will be his fall in a few minutes. At the time of defeat.

The bad situation is not only that, the corpse controller hiding in the distance saw that the road army and the mutant infected were entangled, and then secretly "touched" it from the rear. The protective cover of the protective device was destroyed, so that its infected army could drive straight in and attack the Westerly Fortress.

The Lu Army who was struggling to deal with the mutant infected body did not find that the corpse controller had sneaked up, but at this moment, even if he found it, he could do nothing.

Because he had to avoid the attacks of hundreds of mutated infected bodies, command the dinosaurs, and protect the protective shield behind him, so he was so busy...

When the corpse controller saw that no one had found it, he became bolder, walked straight to the protective shield supported by the giant protective device, and then used its most powerful mental attack. It only took ten seconds to bombard the protective shield. Shattered.

The Lu Army saw the tyrant’s infected body rushing towards him, and did not panic. First, he gave up attacking the licker, and then ran into the protective cover supported by the giant protective device with the dinosaurs, because he still couldn’t talk to the tyrant. The infected body is rigid, so you have to continue to save your strength to kill other mutant infected bodies.

When the two infected tyrants saw the Lu Army hiding in a place where they could not pass, they roared angrily twice, and then stayed next to the licker and continued to flap the protective cover.

Although they can't attack the Route Army temporarily, they think that protecting the lickers will make the Route Army uncomfortable. As long as they can make the Route Army uncomfortable, they will be "comfortable."

However, the Lu Army’s IQ was different from those infected by the tyrant. He saw that the infected tyrant was protecting the licker, so he immediately moved the target and ran to the elite infected with Sinoraptor and Utahraptor. Begin to slaughter elite infected bodies.

Seeing that the Lu Army ignored them, but ran to the other side, the two tyrant infected bodies felt anxious, and they continued to rush to the other side, trampling to death several other mutant infected bodies...

Seeing that these two silly tyrant infected bodies were drawn by him again, Lu Jun retracted without thinking, and continued to run to the other side to attack the lickers and other mutant infected bodies.

In this round of involvement, the Lu Army did not lose even a single piece of hair, but the tyrant infected body was turned around by him, and nearly two hundred other mutant infected bodies died.

And the two infected tyrants saw that they were being played by the road army again, and their heads were blown up with anger. It was clear that the road army was in front of them, but they could not catch the road army. At this moment, their hatred for the road army was already I can't describe it in words...

At the same time that the Lu Army was fighting the mutant infected body, the wolf cavalry and the slave laborers also started the battle against the ordinary infected body. Due to the large number of ordinary infected bodies, the wolf cavalry and slave laborers could not rush out. , Can only use the protection of the protective cover to slash the ordinary infected body in front of them one by one like the road army.

Although the total number of wolf cavalry and slave labor is less than one hundred and five, their attacks are not weak. Whether it is wolf cavalry or slave labor, each axe can split the head of one or two ordinary infected bodies.

After all, their size and strength are there. If they are in an open area, ten ordinary infected bodies cannot beat a slave worker, so they can kill ordinary infected bodies very fast under the protection of the protective cover, every three seconds. Nearly two hundred ordinary infected bodies fell under their axes.

The corpse controller hiding in the distance saw the attacks of the ordinary infected body and the mutant infected body were frustrated, and immediately thought of the countermeasures in his mind.

After thinking about it, the corpse controller immediately ordered the infected body group to ignore the road army and attack the shield with all its strength, because it can see that the shield is shrinking. Just break this annoying shield and use them to infect the body. The power of the group can instantly destroy the West Wind Fortress.

Upon hearing the order of the corpse controller, the tyrant infected body ignored the road army, and the double hammer infected body continuously attacked the protective cover with their arms, speeding up the destruction of the protective cover.

The lickers and other mutant infected bodies were not idle either, each used their own attack methods to hit the protective cover of the giant protective device, causing the protective cover to become smaller and smaller, and the road army and orc fighters could only retreat and retreat. .

Although the road army and the dinosaurs killed nearly two hundred mutant infected bodies during the period, and the wolf cavalry and slave laborers also killed more than 10,000 ordinary infected bodies, the energy of the giant protective device was constantly being consumed. This was what they prevented. It's impossible.

Seeing that the infected body group is only a few tens of meters away from the West Wind Fortress, if nothing else is done at this time, the protective shield will be broken. The Lu Army no longer hesitates, ordering the copy of Abelisaurus to attack the tyrant infected body. In the past, he and other dinosaurs followed closely.

The corpse controller hiding in the distance saw that the road army and the dinosaurs were preparing to come out and desperately excited. It knew that this was the best chance to kill the road army, and ordered the tyrant infected body and other mutant infected bodies to ignore the road. The army’s dinosaurs can attack the road army directly.

This is because the corpse controller can't tell which is the real Abelisaurus and which is the fake Abelisaurus, so he doesn't want to put firepower in unnecessary places. It knows that as long as it can kill the road army, this Everything will be over.

Upon hearing the order of the corpse controller, the mutant infected bodies no longer pay attention to the dinosaurs of the road army. All attacks are directed towards the position of the road army, such as the big tongue of the licker, the double hammer infected body and the tyrant infected body. 'S fists, and the sneak attack by the infected black thorn, etc...

Seeing that the mutant infected were targeting him, the Lu Army knew that this must be the order of the corpse controller. It seems that the corpse controller has learned cleverness and will no longer be fooled by him.

However, in the face of the attacks of many infected mutants, the road army did not choose to retreat this time because he has no way to retreat. Behind it is the protective cover. He can no longer let the mutants pour all attacks onto the protective cover. Only use the two abilities of time backtracking and instant flash to avoid the attack of the mutant infected body.

The dinosaurs of the Lu Army saw the mutant infected bodies ignoring them, and they were all attacking the Lu Army. They were suddenly anxious, and they used their powerful bodies to attack the enemies around the Lu Army and resist the damage.

In this way, the mutant infected body and the Lu Army and the Lu Army dinosaurs started a melee in this open space. For a while, it was impossible to tell which side was the advantage and which was the disadvantage.

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