Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1905: Make a big circle

Although the mental shock will also affect the infected body, some infected bodies headshot and die.

But the remaining infected bodies soon came up, slapped and squeezed the fence desperately.

When no one was able to fight, the fence quickly broke open as soon as it was pressed, and the infected body rushed in frantically biting the surviving human.

And this breaking means that all the fences in Amano Town are broken open, and no one is safe.

This situation made Scarface, who had just recovered from the mental shock, a cold heart, and his face instantly became pale, because he really did not expect the infected body to have this hand.

"Quickly stand up for me! Or you will all die! Quickly..." Scarface roared and kicked the members of the Baisha Consortium lying on their feet, wanting these people to continue to fight.

But these people are ordinary people, and they don't have the mental power to resist, and their brains are hurt by mental power. How can they recover so quickly.

Not to mention the roar of Scarface, even if they were being bitten by an infected body, they didn't respond, as if they didn't feel any.

Seeing this, Scarface knew that relying on these people would definitely be useless, and he turned his head and looked at the superpower next to him: "Quick! Let's withdraw to the center of the town!"

After speaking, Scarface immediately turned his head and ran behind him, planning to leave here to defend in the middle of the town.

Because here has been completely lost, only relying on the building defense in the center of the town can there be a chance.

Since the supernaturalists are more resistant to mental attacks, their recovery is very fast. They also understand the meaning of Scarface's words, and in the next moment they all ran behind Scarface.

As for the ordinary members lying on the ground, they can't control them. One is that they don't want to control, and the other is that they don't have the ability to control.

At this time, your own life is the most important thing. Let these ordinary people stay as bait and delay the time. This is their idea...

Seeing some humans ran away, the infected were not in a hurry to chase them, because they knew that they had surrounded them all around. Even if these humans had the means to reach the sky, they couldn't get out, so it didn't hurt to let them jump.

So in the next few minutes, the infected were attacking humans on the ground, or eating flesh and blood.

This also means that the ordinary people that Scarface brought from Cangqiang City are over. They did not live a new life in Amano Town as they thought at the beginning, but ended their lives.

If Nandi could see those who betrayed him end up like this, I guess he would be very happy...

After killing all the humans who fell on the ground and were still alive and assimilated into their companions, the infected slowly walked towards the center of the town.

If the Scarface is still here, you will find that the gray robe figure also followed the infected body.

It didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and it kept sniffing and sniffing, and finally looked towards the middle of the town, seeming to be scared of the face.

Scarface didn't know this. At this time, he was running so hard to even turn his head back, wishing to have two more legs.

After running for more than two hundred meters, a power suddenly stopped Scarface.

"Boss Scar, can't run! This is the center of Amano Town, and we will run into the infected body again! What should we do?!"

After finishing talking, the psychic pointed to the tallest building around, which was the sign of the center of the town.

The other abilities also stopped, focusing on Scarface, because Scarface brought them here. Now that something went wrong, Scarface was naturally their hope.

Scarface also knew that these people were waiting for him to speak, but he had not dealt with such a scene either.

"The fence is going to be broken!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

This caused the members of the Baisha Consortium to panic instantly, and their morale dropped a lot.

Because the fence is the guarantee of their lives, if the fence is forced and the infected body rushes in, then these people who have no abilities will definitely be bad luck.

"Don't retreat! Hold on to me!" Scarface shouted while using his ability to kill the licker, "Don't hide all the ability users! You will die if you don't exert any force!"

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, some higher-level abilities also knew that the battle situation was about to be out of control, and they used their own large-scale or high-attack abilities.

With these abilities bombarding the position with the most infected bodies, it was finally the infected body's turn to suffer heavy losses. The lickers with lower physical strength died a lot at once, and the battle situation was restored to stability.

This made Scarface let out a sigh of relief, and quickly took out two strange clods from his arms and threw them into the unextinguished fire nearby.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of thick black smoke emerged from the fire, drifting high, and could be seen from a long distance.

If it's normal, these thick smoke may attract monsters' attacks and have serious consequences.

But at this time, Scarface was anxious for a large number of monsters to come over, so that the infected body would attack the monsters with all their heart, giving them a chance to breathe.

Besides, these thick smoke can be seen by monsters as well as humans, which is equivalent to a signal for help.

Although the chance of other humans or forces around is extremely small, Scarface should try it anyway.

However, before the reinforcements arrived, the people of the Baisha Consortium couldn't hold it anymore.

Because as soon as the duration of the large-scale ability ended, the infected body rushed over like a "mad dog" and slammed into the fence, causing the fence to make an overwhelming sound.

This allows the abilities to overdraw their brainpower to use abilities, and enter the desperate stage with these infected bodies.

But if it continues like this, it will be a matter of time before they can't hold on. It is necessary to know that the infected body will not get tired, and the attack cannot be stopped.

However, their physical and mental strength cannot be recovered in a short period of time, and under the circumstances, failure has become a foregone conclusion.

What's even more misfortune was that when everyone was paying attention to the infected body in front of them, several corpse controllers in the distance suddenly started to sneak into action and touched a position about 20 meters away from the fence.

Immediately after these corpse controllers exploded their powerful mental powers, using mental shocks, the targets were those unsuspecting humans.

As the mental shock spread, everyone's brains were as if they were hit by a high-speed truck, and instantly they didn't even know who they were and where they were, and collapsed on the ground holding their heads.

Only those with stronger mental powers can stand still, but their condition is also very bad, and they may fall at any time.

After the duration of the mental shock, there were no humans standing in front of each fence, only lying, and some members were still covered with blood.

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