Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1900: Land subsidence

When a group of people in black robes thought that this method could prevent the Naga from coming ashore, suddenly some five or six meters long fish rushed out of the sea, flashing with electricity.

From the outside, this fish is very similar to the electric eel before the end of the world, but it is much larger.

When these electric eels ran out, the electricity in the sea was greatly reduced. It seems that these electric eels can absorb the electricity.

Seeing that the power grid is no longer useful, the black-robed man immediately throws away the source of the power grid, for fear that he will be sucked up by these electric eels.

But in this way, there was nothing to stop the naga from coming ashore, and a large swath of naga appeared on the shore in only twenty seconds, crawling with the snake tail of their lower body.

Most of the naga still have a large mess of broken weapons in their hands, coming fiercely, the target is the ten-meter-high instrument and a group of black-robed men.

However, before the Naga continued to approach, the fallen fighters took action one after another. Some fallen fighters activated their own physical abilities and went forward to fight against the Naga.

Some fallen warriors activated their own brain powers, and formed groups to stand behind and output remotely, helping fallen warriors in close combat and suppressing naga.

Seeing this, the male Naga with six arms rushed up immediately, stood in front of the female Jana, and formed a ball with the fallen warrior.

Although they don't have those fancy abilities, but with a strong body, it's okay to fight these no-brained fallen fighters.

Seeing the male naga rushed up, the female naga were not idle, using their smart brains to use their familiar abilities to help the male naga fight.

For example, let the sea water condense into ice bolts, transform the sea water into shields, or throw out weapons in your hands as long-range attacks.

In the beginning, the power of these attacks was relatively weak, after all, the number of naga was relatively small.

But as more and more naga came ashore, the Frostbolt also changed from hundreds to thousands, and the attack effect came out all at once, hitting the fallen warriors to death and throwing thousands of corpses.

Seeing the strength of the Naga is so fierce, even the fallen warriors desperately can't hold it, and the people in black robes that protect the cylindrical instrument only start to take action.

First of all, they let more than a dozen people in black robes condense a protective barrier, tightly wrapping the cylindrical instrument to prevent being shot by the ice arrows flying everywhere...

Immediately afterwards, they lined up and began to mutter in a low voice, as if condensing some special power.

Thirty seconds later, the originally bright sky suddenly darkened and was covered by a large circle of dark clouds, with thunder shining above the dark clouds.

But Ruan Bing saw that everyone had no objections, so he led everyone to the magic tower, wanting to take it down first.

Although the Lu Army is not there, she knows that the magic tower is extremely important. Maybe after they have occupied the magic tower and cleared the battlefield, the Lu Army and Lin Yilaan will return.

However, what Ruan Bing did not expect was that the time between them and the Lu Army this time would be longer than she thought...

At the same time, an offensive and defensive battle is about to take place at the maritime border between the Azure Wind Region and the Azure Region.

The defender is composed of more than 300 humans in black robes, most of whom are Tier 2 or Tier 3 abilities. You don't need to think about it to know that they are the black robes of the Eight Men.

There are also more than 10,000 lifeless human puppets at the forefront. It is the fallen warrior cultivated by the black-robed men, most of which are first-order strength.

At this moment, they were standing on the shore and waiting, and there was a sense of murder in the whole, staring at the sea in front of them, as if they were waiting for something.

"They are coming up! Ready to defend!" Unknown the black-robed man in the crowd yelled and issued an early warning.

Hearing that the enemy was about to appear, all the people in black robes gathered together and protected an instrument that was nearly ten meters high.

I don't know what material the instrument is made of. It looks like a large pillar with many tubes. The bottom has been deeply inserted into the ground, and the tubes lead to the sea.

Although I don't know the function of this instrument for the time being, judging from the importance of the black-robed people, this instrument is very precious and it is what the black-robed people protect.

After the people in the black robes are ready, you can see the waves roll, and an amphibious monster swims out of it. The lower body is like a big snake, the upper body has multiple arms, the head resembles a human shape, and the whole body has scales.

There are tens of thousands of these creatures, filling up the sea in front of them, each holding a weapon full of rust or tough seaweed.

Judging from the actions and direction of these creatures, they are undoubtedly the offensive side of this battle.

But if the Lu Army is here, you will find that this creature is the marine overlord after the second blood fog, the Naga clan.

If you look closely, you will find that naga are also divided into females and males. Females are tall and slender, with fine scales and long tentacles on the face. They have four arms and can all hold weapons.

The male naga has a larger body size than the female, is extremely strong, has six arms, and has many characteristics of beasts in appearance.

For example, their faces are somewhat similar to those of the orcs, their bodies have strong muscles, and their scales are larger and heavier than females.

Although male naga completely crushes female naga from the physical aspect, in fact, female naga is superior to male naga.

Because the female naga has more humanity and wisdom, and the brain is more developed.

Because of this, the female naga knows how to use powerful abilities to tame various powerful sea beasts...

Having said that, after seeing the Jana clan attacking, the fallen fighters suddenly threw tens of thousands of black bottles under the orders of the black-robed men, poured out a foul-smelling liquid, and stained the sea in front of them. black.

As soon as they touched the black liquid, many Naga's skin began to fester, looking like it was corroded or poisoned.

However, these Naga's scales obviously have a strong purifying ability, and within a few tens of seconds, they will restore the abnormalities on the skin and turn the sea water back to dark blue.

However, in spite of this, a part of the naga could not stand the poisonous water and fell into the sea forever.

The death of their companions and the pollution of the sea by the black-robed men deeply irritated the newly emerging Naga, causing them to speed up their land ashore.

Seeing that throwing the bottle had no effect, the fallen warriors immediately threw a large grid of electricity, covering the sea in front of them.

Then there was a black-robed man who seemed to be powerful and took hold of the source of the power grid, using his electric power to continuously send high-voltage power into the power grid.

When this electricity touched the sea, there was a sudden explosion, as if it was about to make the sea boil.

Immediately afterwards, a large swath of Naga fell and sank into the water, not knowing whether it was electrocuted or stunned.

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