Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1894: Lots of search materials

But it didn't think for a long time, and soon let the undead creatures reorganize their forces and press against the fourth line of defense of the elves.

Although it knows that the Elf’s fourth line of defense must be heavily guarded, the offense is very difficult.

But their undead creatures are not vegetarian, and their numbers far exceed the strength of the elves.

In addition, the hellfire it summoned at this time has not disappeared, and it is late at night, and its combat power can be fully utilized, so it is confident that it can end the battle on the eastern battlefield before dawn and get through the elves all the way.

As for the southern battlefield, the Night Demon was not worried, because the watchman was on the eastern battlefield at this time, so the southern battlefield must be empty.

Taking a step back, even if the southern battlefield can really defend the attack, it is of no use, because when the eastern battlefield is broken, it will lead the army to encircle the southern battlefield, and the elves will also have to die!

In this way, the undead creatures, with the determination to occupy the elven territory, began to march for the fourth line of defense.

The watchman, who had just fled back into the fourth line of defense and had not had time to rest, was surprised to see the undead creatures coming so soon.

Because it really didn't expect the undead creatures to fight like this, it thought the undead creatures would fix it before attacking.

However, seeing that the undead creatures were about to fight, it was too late to say anything, so the next moment, the watchman immediately let the elves into the fourth line of defense.

Fortunately, the Force Watcher at the fourth line of defense has not moved, causing the elves here to be in perfect condition, and the line of defense is quickly adjusted.

And they knew that the battle situation ahead was unfavorable, and they used the method the Route Army said in advance to establish a line of defense, blocking a large number of rocks in front of the fragile elf warrior.

At this time, the total strength of the fourth line of defense in the east is 92 rock giants, 2,000 claw druids, 2,000 raptor druids, 1,000 antler eagles, and 2,000 black panthers. There are 1,000 deer demon, 3,000 various fighting elves, plus 1,000 elven guardians, and 500 ballistas, making the total number more than fifteen.

If you add the working elves hiding in the camp, the number of elves is estimated to be a lot more.

It's just that the working elves have little combat effectiveness. If it is their turn to fight, it means that the elves in front are almost dead...

In this way, with the passage of time, the front lines of the two sides soon came into contact, and bodies of different sizes collided with each other.

Bone dragons and gargoyles were also in the air to gang up with the antler eagle and the druid of the bird of prey.

The initial battle situation was the superiority of the elven creatures on the ground and the inferiority of the air. After all, it is normal for the Antler Eagle and Druid of the Raptor to defeat the Bone Dragon.

But when the night demon joined the battlefield with two hellfires and two bone spirit evil bodies, the elves didn't even have the advantage on the ground, and the battle line was instantly torn out a breach.

After all, seeing that they are about to win, they must stabilize their advantages, and if the Vengeful God dies at this time, they will fall into a disadvantage again.

However, reality is always cruel, because the next moment, the Vengeful God will be attacked by the third wave of hellfire and the bone spirit evil body, and the whole body will burst open, bursting out a dazzling light, and forming a burst of light. Strong shock wave.

This phenomenon is that the Vengeful God found that he could no longer escape, directly detonating the remaining energy in the body.

Although it will disappear immediately, at least the explosion can cause some damage to the surrounding undead creatures.

And the choice before the death of the Vengeful God was undoubtedly correct. As the explosion ended, both the bone spirit evil body and the hellfire carried some injuries.

The nearby undead creatures were even killed directly. This was the last thing the Vengeful God did for the elven warriors.

Looking at the vengeful **** who was killed alive, the watchman spit out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the black robe on his body and the ground under his feet.

Although the Vengeful God was its summon, the two were far apart, and the enemy's attack did not hit it.

But there is still a certain connection between it and the Vengeful God. Now that the Vengeful God is dead, its spirit will be damaged to some extent, and even some sequelae will be left.

However, the watchmen at this time can no longer take care of these, because with the death of the vengeful god, all the children of vengeance on the battlefield disappeared, leaving only nearly three thousand elves around.

Although the undead creatures had suffered heavy losses before, they were already in large numbers, so after 10,000 to 20,000 died, there were still 20,000 to 30,000.

In addition, a new batch of undead creatures came to support from the rear, so that the undead creatures on the battlefield once again exceeded 50,000.

You must know that there are still five super-order creatures on the side of undead creatures, 50,000 undead creatures plus five super-order creatures, resulting in almost no chance of winning on the elves side.

Seeing the Vengeful God and the Vengeful Son finally died, and their reinforcements slowly arrived, the night demon couldn't help smiling triumphantly.

The undead creatures also cheered and uttered high roars, seeming to celebrate the upcoming victory in advance.

The watchmen who saw the situation clearly knew that their general situation was gone, and without any hesitation, directly issued the retreat order to give up the first line of defense.

Despite this, they have only the fourth line of defense to defend, without any retreat, and the fault tolerance rate becomes extremely small.

But at this time it has no brain power, and the elven warriors have been fighting for a long time, and they are extremely weak.

After all, if you choose between dying immediately and waiting for death, it’s better to wait for death...

Upon receiving the watchman's order, the elves also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately gave up the battle line, took their own wounded, and withdrew to the fourth line of defense behind.

Seeing that the elves wanted to run, the night demon certainly would not let go of this opportunity to chase after victory, and immediately let the undead creatures pursue it.

Hearing this order, the undead creatures were very excited. After all, they were beaten badly by the Vengeful God and the Vengeful Son, and now it is time for them to take revenge.

In the next moment, the undead creatures rushed forward, headed by the fastest flying bone dragon and gargoyle, and other undead creatures later.

Facing the chase of the undead creatures, the elves did not dare to stay too much, they had to give up the heavy ballista and escape with all their strength.

But even so, many elves were chased by bone dragons and gargoyles, attacking them alive to death.

Fortunately, the watchman discovered this situation in time and sent the panthers and antler hawks running in front to support them.

With the black panther and antler eagle carried, the elves can finally escape from birth, distance themselves from the undead creatures behind them, and withdraw to the fourth line of defense.

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