In general, these three items can be used by the Route Army, and it is not worth his effort to kill the Destruction Guard...

After the Lu Army opened all the supply boxes, his current data panel was, number: sr1208

Dragon Title: Dragon Knight

Dragon title value: 10000000/8635419

Abilities: Those with third-order brain powers, third-order physical powers

Brain domain value development: 47%

Body value development: 45%

Dragon coins: 1356874

Strength Assessment: S Tier

It can be clearly seen that the Lu Army at this time is already extremely close to the fourth-order supernatural powers, only 3% of the brain area and 5% of the brain area can complete the breakthrough.

Moreover, the dragon rank value is only one million less to complete the rank promotion, that is, one or two battles.

This also means that the total strength assessment of the Lu Army will immediately exceed the S Tier and reach the Super Tier, which is simply the existence that the Lu Army dreams of.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Lu Army’s Dragon Coin is only over one million.

If you put it in the past, more than 10,000 dragon coins can make the Lu Army sleep and wake up with a smile, but now the Lu Army controls too many areas, and more than one million dragon coins is nothing to him.

It is estimated that when you return to the West Wind Fortress, if you upgrade a few Dragon Nests, there will be no Dragon Coins available...

Just as Lu Jun was thinking about ways to earn Dragon Coins quickly, Lin Yilan's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

"We seem to be back soon! I've seen that mountain before!" Lin Yi lazy yelled, pointing to a hill in the distance.

"Well, I also feel getting closer." Lu Jun nodded silently.

Although opening the supply box in the system feels that time is not fast, in fact they have been flying all night.

You must know that they set off at about five o'clock in the afternoon last night, and now the sky is bright again, and it is expected that there will be 13 hours.

Originally, the road army estimated that it would go home in ten hours, but the Snow Bear Centurion is too heavy. It is not enough to take six Fengshen pterosaurs in rotation. The speed can not be improved at all, and it can't be faster than ordinary vehicles. How many.

So the extra hours are the reason for the Centurion of the Snow Bear. At this time, it is being hung in the air by the Wind God Pterosaur with a depressed look. This taste is not at all uncomfortable...

One hundred and twenty grade D infection virus antibodies, 490 dragon coins, and a dragon title worth 450 points.

The rewards for the C-tier dragon knight’s supply box include 1,458 variant Ankylosaurus eggs, 764 variant Triceratops eggs, 5,446 dragon-type weapons, and Tier C infection. There are 1,420 virus antibodies.

Eighty-one thousand three hundred and eighty dragon coins, one hundred eighty-eight thousand five hundred points worth of dragon head, five hundred and ninety-seven dragon saddles, and five hundred and twenty-one special grenade bags.

As for some small items, Lu Jun didn't even look at them. Those things could no longer interest him.

But the Lu Army found a problem, that is, the chance of obtaining dragon eggs was obviously much higher, and only so many supply boxes could get many dragon eggs.

The rewards for the B-tier dragon knight's supply box include 1,120 variant swollen head eggs, 910 variant Utah dragon eggs, and 844 variant monolophosaurus eggs.

There are 1,220 antibodies for stage B infection, 1,370 medical kits, and 2,410 member rings.

1,520 fire guards, 410 reconnaissance guards, 740 fired artillery pieces, 116,400 dragon coins, and 3,433,500 dragon titles. .

The items opened from the supply box of the A-tier dragon knight include fifty-five variant sickle dragon eggs, thirty-four variant Abeli ​​dragon eggs, sixty-six variant Chinese dragon eggs, and 120 variant Majun dragon eggs. Nineteen.

420 bottles of Tier A virus antibodies, 197 power amplification rings, 239 bottles of stamina reagents, 310 brain expansion bracelets, and 526 bottles of brain power reagents.

Dragon Technology Chips-Thirty-two Gale Claw Blades, Dragon Technology Chips-24 Deadly Sprints, Dragon Technology Chips-Fire Breath 65, Dragon Technology Chips-Thunderstorm 77, Dragon Technology Chips-Frozen Thirty-eight skins, two hundred and one copy of the Dragon Technology chip.

In addition, there are dragon titles worth two hundred twenty-two thousand four hundred points and seventeen thousand three hundred dragon coins.

Ninety-six S Tier Dragon Knight supply crates will be rewarded with seven variant Tyrannosaurus eggs, 40 variant Fengshen pterosaur eggs, and 12 variant Thunder dragon eggs.

Twenty-three bottles of S-stage infection virus antibodies, 22 bottles of mental expansion reagents, 24 bottles of physical expansion reagents, 94,500 dragon coins, and a dragon's title worth 222,000 points.

There are also Dragon Technology chips-14 group taunts, Dragon Technology chips-15 thick skins, Dragon Technology chips-extremely violent eight, Dragon Technology chips-super multiple impact 12, Dragon Technology chips-control immunity nine , Dragon Technology chip-11 destroying rays, Dragon Technology chip-Flying Wing cut twelve.

There are no new dinosaurs or even dragon skills in the items from the supply boxes of the four Super Dragons.

There are only two group portals, six high-level brain expansion reagents, five high-level physical expansion reagents, 110 strategic points, and 120 research points.

These are the items that have been opened before, and there is no good point. I don't know if it is because of the fewer supply boxes.

Fortunately, the Lu Army didn't care much at this time, because the next step-by-step supply box was the highlight.

"Congratulations on getting the Reversal Cube*1, Star City Drawing*1, Rage Reagent*1 Strategic Points*500. Research Points*300."

There are five kinds of items in the research-level supply box, the first three kinds of route troops have not seen it, and the strategic points and research points are more than 30 super-level supply boxes.

After a moment of secret excitement, the Lu Jun opened the Data Eye and scanned the three newly acquired items.

【Reversal Rubik's Cube: After rotating one circle back and forth, left and right, you can reverse the time within the range to five minutes ago. 】

[Star City Blueprint: After paying enough spar as energy, a city can be produced in situ for one million people to live in. 】

[Furious Reagent: It can be used by players with abilities above Tier 4, which can increase their brain and body areas by 20% in a short period of time for five minutes without side effects. 】

It can be seen that these three items are all one-time consumables, of which the effect of reversing the Rubik's Cube is the most abnormal. It can reverse time and is a life-saving thing.

The Star City drawing is not very helpful to the battle, but it allows the road army to build a city overnight, and it can also allow a million people to live in it.

Of course, this is only a literal meaning, the specific effect and the appearance of the city have to be used to know.

Rage reagents are very practical and can improve personal combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Although 20% is not a lot, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to improve the brain and body, let alone an instant improvement. Twenty points out.

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