Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 187: Trapped again

The beastly Anan took the member's ring handed over by the road army, his face was full of excitement, and even his hands were shaking. He knew that the road army had recognized him, otherwise he would not give him such an important thing. He finally relied on himself. His efforts have been recognized by the Route Army...

Although he didn't know what the little ring was and what it was used for, he knew that everyone around the Lu Army had one. Owning this ring meant that he was already a core member of the team.

Anan slowly put the ring on the ring finger. With a tingling sensation, the ring disappeared, leaving only a mark. Anan was not surprised, maybe this thing was used like this.

Seeing that Anan had put on a member's ring, Lu Jun looked at Anan's personal information and found that Anan's body size had indeed reached 10%, and it was now 11%.

It seems that under certain circumstances, humans can awaken abilities autonomously even if they don’t have power steles, and the abilities awakened by themselves are generally better abilities, such as Anan’s beastization, Xiaowan’s animal control, and There is the mental field of the woman in the cellar.

Although the chance of autonomous awakening power is very small, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a miracle, but it can be regarded as another way for humans to obtain power.

Just when the Lu Army read Anan's personal information and was about to check the off-road vehicle and was about to set off, Anan suddenly clasped his fists and knelt on one knee toward the Lu Army, as if he had something to say.

Seeing Anan's appearance, Lu Jun frowned slightly, and said softly, "Then we two, let's talk about anything."

After hearing Lu Jun’s words, Anan lowered his head, as if he was struggling in his heart whether he should say the next words, but he just hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Boss Lu, I can I can’t beg you to give Akko a ring of this kind to make her feel better. I know it’s rude to make this kind of request, but I can see that the face is ruined to her. I don’t know what to do. Go to comfort her and ask Mr. Lu to help me again, and our two brothers and sisters will follow us to death."

After saying this, Anan was ready to be scolded by the road army because he felt that his request was too much. After all, the ring that the road army gave him in his heart is a very important thing, and he must not give it to others at will. .

But this kind of request is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Lu Army. He has many members ringing him. It is only good for him to give Anan and Akko, there is no harm. He thought what Anan was going to say. .

"Get up, I will personally give it to her, you remember, I will never treat someone who is doing my life wrong." Lu Jun left without looking back, he was going to check the off-road vehicle. It's time for them to leave.

When Anan heard Lu Jun agree to him, he smirked and stood up slowly, holding back his inner ecstasy, ran to the back to help others clear the battlefield, and went to grab the beast crystal...

After fifteen minutes, the road army and his group were ready, drove the slightly damaged off-road vehicle off the trail, and drove to the side road. This is the direction back to the gathering place and the direction where the Goshawk and others evacuated before. .

The Lu Army and the others didn't want to rush back to the gathering place overnight, but wanted to leave here first and find a place where they could survive this long night.

Or they could catch up with the Goshawk and the others, and follow the big group, because the black lights are blind, and in their current state, it is too far-fetched to rush back to the gathering place.

But what the Lu Army didn’t know was that Goshawk, Fang An and others who drove into the small road to return to the gathering place were surrounded by infected bodies and mutant hyenas after driving a few kilometers...

Because they were only concerned about getting rid of the mutant hyenas and had no time to send scouts to explore the way ahead, they did not notice the village ahead in the dark and rushed in.

Then everyone was instantly surrounded by the infected body that rushed out of the village and the mutant hyenas that chased up from behind, unable to advance or retreat, and fell into trouble again.

Fortunately, this village is very small. There are only about 1,000 infected bodies, and only a few mutant infected bodies. In addition, the mutant hyenas behind are attracted by the road army and they attract most of the troops, so the number is only 1,000. On the left and right, there are mainly C and D mutant hyenas.

Enemies of this level can still be stopped under the joint confrontation of Goshawk and Fang An. After all, there are hundreds of people and hundreds of guns on both sides.

So they relied on tanks and armored vehicles to resist in the village for nearly an hour, and eliminated six or seven hundred infected and mutant hyenas. Only more than fifty people died on their own.

If they continue like this and give them another half an hour, they will have a chance to eliminate the remaining infected and mutant hyenas, but unfortunately they don't have many bullets left and can't hold on for that long.

After all, they have been fighting for a day, and there is no extra supply on the road, and the bullets they carry are still very good.

"Boss, we have no bullets here! What should I do!" Hearing the calls for help from all parties on the walkie-talkie, Goshawk was agitated and felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He didn't expect him to be an arms dealer. Will fall into the predicament of no bullets.

The short-range walkie-talkie was ready as early as an hour ago, but it was estimated that it was a distance problem. He still could not contact the road army and them. Originally, he wanted to go back to the gathering place first, and then send someone out to find the road army after dawn. They were sleepy for more than an hour, and now they are out of bullets, and may never be able to go back.

However, there is still a glimmer of hope in Goshawk's heart, that is, ten minutes ago, he and Fang An have united and sent the tank team to the side of the village to open the way. If the tanks go well, they still have a chance to follow the tank. The way out left here.

"The tank team that opened the road, please report the situation immediately, we can't stand it here, please report the situation immediately!" The irritable Goshawk did not respond to his helper, but called the tank team that opened the road on the side of the village, hoping I can get some good news from there.

"Call Cang Ying, call Goshawk, the tank squad's fuel capacity is already severely insufficient, and it is now surrounded by hundreds of infected bodies, unable to complete the road, ask for support from the rear!" After the call, the tank squad heard from the intercom. news.

It's just that what came out was not the good news that Goshawk hoped for, but bad news. I didn't expect that the tanks would run out of gas at this critical juncture. This is really going to kill them!

The tank team is also very helpless here. They could have used the tank to rush out all the way, but when halfway through the rush, the tank actually ran out of fuel and could only stop in place, trapped by the infected... …

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