Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1847: Safe place

Instead, he began to rotate his body with all his strength, and used its unique single-body attack ability towards the position of the Lu Army.

When the split air cut condensed, a thin line of fifteen meters long suddenly appeared in the air.

The width of this thin line is almost invisible, but even the air where it crosses burns, as if even the space can be cut off.

Feeling the sense of oppression coming from behind, the Lu Army knew that this attack could not be hardened, and immediately released the attack of the spiked ant king, and withdrew to the side, wanting to escape from the attack range of Sky Slash.

However, the Lu Army's retreat speed was still a little slower, and could not completely escape the attack of Sky Slash. The position of the hind limbs was scratched by Sky Slash, and a large amount of bright red blood was immediately discharged.

Seeing that he not only rescued the spiked ant king, but also wounded the dinosaur that the Lu Army had turned into, the Blade Man Emperor turned around excitedly.

However, the Blade Man Emperor did not take advantage of the situation to issue a second attack to severely damage the road army, because the air splitting is very expensive, and it does not have that much energy.

Feeling the fiery pain from the hind limbs, the Lu Jun couldn't help but glance at the Blade Man King with violent eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun raised his head and roared, and directly locked the surrounding space with dragon skills, increasing the gravity of the surrounding space by three times.

Under this circumstance, the Blade Man Emperor had no way to continue flying, and could only slowly land on the ground.

The spiked ant emperor who had just escaped from the mouth of the Lu Jun couldn't move quickly, so he could only climb to the side of the Blade Manking and choose to stay with the Man King of Blade Man to defend the next attack.

Calculating the duration of his own Tyrannosaurus body was about to end, the Lu Army knew that it could not be dragged on, and immediately spewed out another round of flame bombs. The target was the two Zerg leaders in front.

Although the effect of the blaze bomb last time was not good, this time it was different, because the Blade Man King and the spiked ant king were both restrained by gravity and could not escape from here. They had to endure the flame bomb." baptism"……

The rest of the situation was just as the Lu Army thought. The Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King could not move, they were hit by the flame bombs, and each received a dozen flame bombs.

During the period, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King frantically used their own abilities to fight against the road army, but when they were unable to move, their abilities could not exert their due effects and could only be beaten in vain.

If its companion Spiked Ant King can't run away, then it won't run, even if it is dead, it doesn't choose to abandon its companion Gousheng. This is the philosophy of their Zerg all along.

Seeing the two Zerg leaders staying in place, the Lu Army turned into a dinosaur was delighted, because then he would not have to bother to chase.

The rebels staying around the protective magic tower looked at the upcoming battle, their eyes widened, for fear that they might miss this scene.

Although Mu Mu and others wanted to go out to support the Route Army, there were flames everywhere outside, and the temperature in the air was terribly high, and they could not leave.

What's more, even if they can go outside, they may not be able to help with this level of battle, so staying in place is the best choice...

As time went by, the dinosaur turned into by the Lu Army took only a few seconds and ran to the two Zerg leaders. Then the Lu Army suddenly opened the mouth of the blood basin and sprayed out a ray of flames.

Looking at the rays that rushed towards them, neither the Blade Man King nor the Spiked Ant King retreated, but chose to force a counterattack.

First of all, the Blade Man King desperately danced his claws, creating hundreds of wind blades, attacking the flame rays.

Immediately afterwards, the spiked ant emperor successively shot out the spikes on his body, with tens of thousands of spikes, which matched the wind blade of the blade man.

In the face of these two combined attacks, only the air explosion sounded continuously, the flame rays and the wind blade collided, a violent explosion occurred, and the surrounding air became even more hot.

After a few seconds, the explosion disappeared, the attacks of both sides were completely offset, and the flame rays did not hit the two Zerg leaders.

The attacks of the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King also failed to attack the dinosaurs turned into by the Lu Army.

Seeing that he failed in one blow, the Lu Jun was not discouraged because it was originally his tentative attack.

In the next moment, the dinosaur turned into by the Lu Army suddenly opened its huge mouth, spitting out hundreds of flaming bombs.

Each of these flame explosive bombs was two to three meters in size, and was as fast as a bullet out of the chamber, and did not give the two Zerg leaders any breathing time.

Seeing that the Lu Army suddenly launched a quick attack on them, the Blade Man King and the Spiked Ant King knew that it was too late for them to consolidate their attacks, so they could only immediately shift their positions to avoid the incoming flame bombs.

However, the speed of the flame explosive bombs is too fast, giving them very little reaction time.

As soon as the Blade Man King flew up to avoid one, he was hit by another blazing bomb and slammed to the ground.

The huge spiked ant king even hit three flame explosive bombs in a row, scorching its back.

Fortunately, as super-rank creatures, their physical strength is relatively high, and carrying a few blazing bombs only suffered a little bit of injury, and would not die.

And after knowing where the blaze missiles were attacked, they easily avoided the remaining blaze missiles without taking more damage.

What the two Zerg leaders did not expect was that the dinosaur turned into by the Lu Army rushed towards the spiked ant king just after they had finished dealing with the flame missile.

Looking at the large dinosaurs with extremely ferocious appearances, the spiked ant king had no time to evade at all, and could only bite the bullet and prepare for the attack of the road army.

Although the spiked ant king knew that he could not beat the large dinosaur in front of him, it relied on the spikes on its body and thought it was fine to resist it.

However, the next moment the spiked ant king realized that he was wrong, because the dinosaur turned into by the Lu Army had longer teeth and claws than the spikes on its body.

When the Lu Jun bit on it with a huge bite and gnawed off a piece of meat, its spikes failed to work.

More seriously, the Lu Army was biting the Spiked Ant Queen, and did not let go, but kept tearing at the Spiked Ant Queen's body with teeth and claws.

Feeling the amount of violent violence on the Lu Army, the spiked ant king desperately tried to get rid of it, and all his power was used.

But where is the dinosaur that the Lu Army turned into so easy to break free, still biting the spiked ant king, and will not stop without killing the spiked ant king.

Seeing this, the Blade Man King beside him couldn't sit still, and immediately flew into the air, circled behind the road army, and condensed countless wind blades to attack the road army, wanting to save the spiked ant king first.

However, the dinosaur that the Lu Army turned into didn't even look at these wind blades, and let these wind blades attack him, the biting movement in his mouth did not stop.

Seeing the spiked ant emperor struggling under Lu Jun's mouth, he couldn't hold on anymore, and the blade mane king's eyes condensed, and he no longer issued a relatively powerful wind blade.

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