And the three-headed Hyena, who had just been beaten to death, saw that the wood fell, and he was refreshed, knowing that the opportunity to turn around was coming, and controlling a dozen wind blades to fly towards the wood, he was ready to block his way. People killed.

Seeing this, Lu Jun moved to the wood in a flash, and then squeezed out the last trace of brain power to summon the ankylosaurus with the talent of ice armor, and kicked the electric Muggle wood under the ankylosaurus. Ankylosaurus protects the wood with its body.

After all this was done, the Lu Army didn’t even have the brainpower to use the flash. He picked up the energy fine titanium horizontal knife that fell on the ground. He held the horizontal knife in his left hand and the Death Tu 8000 in his right hand. When the emperor rushed over, he would also use a knife, but he didn't use wood.

The more than a dozen wind blades controlled by the three-headed emperor hit the ice armor of the ankylosaurus, and the sound of "cracking" was endless. The ice armor of the ankylosaurus was almost cut out by the wind blade, but the armor The dragon still stood still, and it could bear this kind of damage.

Seeing that they could not kill the wood, the three-headed emperor was almost mad, and once again controlled a dozen power fireballs and a dozen wind blades to fall towards the position of the ankylosaurus. It wanted to use an attack to force the ankylosaurus to leave, exposing The body of the wood, let it kill the wood.

It is a pity that the next move of the Ankylosaurus broke the wishful thinking of the Three-Headed Hyena Emperor, because the Ankylosaurus did not leave as the Three-Headed Hyena Emperor expected. Instead, it lowered its body, strengthened its defenses, and meant to carry it to the end.

The three-headed Hyena looked at the Ankylosaurus in disbelief, and wondered in his heart whether this creature like a big tortoise would die? It has never encountered a creature that can withstand such an attack.

In fact, the three-headed emperor is right. Ankylosaurus is indeed dead. In its thinking, the order is more important than its own life. Let alone the attack of the three-headed emperor, as long as the road army orders it. , It dares to carry it even if the sky falls...

It is a pity that the loyalty and bravery of the Ankylosaurus did not bring it any attribute bonuses. It was indeed unable to withstand these attacks with its C-tier body. A power fireball and wind blade continuously bombarded the ice armor behind it.

The fiery flames almost melted the ice armor of the Ankylosaurus, exposing the armor of the Ankylosaurus, and then the electric fireball and wind blade bombarded the armor of the Ankylosaurus.

The back armor of the ankylosaurus was scorched black, and some places were swept apart by the wind blade. The blood gradually soaked the back armor of the ankylosaurus, and the violent electric elements continued to wander every inch of the ankylosaurus body. The place, the Ankylosaurus was electrified like wood, and instantly lost its combat effectiveness...

Although he was seriously injured, the Ankylosaurus finally carried the three-headed Emperor Hyena's attack down, and the wood under it was fine. If the wood was awake during this period, he would find the Ankylosaurus to From the beginning to the end, he did not take a step away, and kept protecting him.

The three-headed emperor didn't kill the ankylosaurus and the wood in this way, so he could only be anxious in his heart, because the road army had already killed it, and it had no chance to organize the next wave of attack...

While the Lu Jun was running, he also knew the situation on the Ankylosaurus and Wood, but he could no longer be distracted to take care of that side. After all, life and death are life and wealth, and wealth lies in the sky. Is the most correct approach.

"Bang bang bang!" At the moment when they ran to the three-headed emperor, the Lu Army fired three shots in close proximity to the three-headed emperor, and then the energy fine titanium horizontal knife in his left hand slammed towards the three-headed emperor.

The three-headed emperor was shocked, dragged his injured leg and took a step back, and then quickly mobilized the wind blade to defend, but the distance between the Lu Army and it was too close, and the wind blade only had time to block two bullets.

There was still a bullet that directly hit the three-headed emperor's abdomen, punching a big hole in the three-headed emperor's belly, and the internal organs in its belly were also crushed a lot by the powerful bullet of the Tou 8000 type.

The pain from the broken internal organs almost suffocated the three-headed Emperor Hyena, but it had no time to take care of the pain now, because the energy refined titanium horizontal knife wielded by the Lu Army had reached its eyes, and it could not be blocked by the wind blade.

In an emergency, the three-headed emperor could only lift its left-most head, trying to bite the energy fine titanium horizontal knife with his teeth, and his right head quickly mobilized the wind blade to attack the army.

The Lu Army has only seen empty-handed hand-to-hand blades. I didn’t expect the three-headed Hyena emperor to be so good at playing and wanted to use his head to receive a horizontal sword. Of course, the Lu Army would not be polite to the three-headed Hyena emperor. The strength of his left hand was increased, and he was prepared to destroy the three heads of the emperor when he was injured.

At the next moment, the wind blade controlled by the emperor of the three heads and the horizontal knife in the hands of the Lu Jun double-clicked the opponent's body. The Lu Jun was blown out by the wind blade, and there were a few more blood holes in his body. Fortunately, he blessed it. A few defensive talents are still there, otherwise he will die.

The left head of the three-headed emperor was chopped off directly by a horizontal knife, and blood flowed out from the left neck of the three-headed emperor like a fountain. The three-headed emperor was so painful that he rolled all over the floor.

This is its main body, not a clone. If one head is cut off, one is missing, and it won’t grow back. I don’t think anyone can understand the pain of the three-headed emperor's head being severed...

After being beaten into the air, Lu Jun slowly got up from the ground, and immediately took out two needles from the medical box and put them on his body to relieve the pain and help the wound to stop bleeding. Otherwise, he would be taken by the blood loss alone. Life.

After doing this, looking at the three-headed Hyena emperor in embarrassment, the Lu Army laughed unkindly again. These three-headed Hyena emperor are really "little geniuses". It really made him insightful...

After suffering such a heavy damage, the strength of the three-headed Hyena has dropped by at least 60%. Now it has only the strength of Tier B at most. The three-headed Hyena, whose strength has been greatly damaged, has not dared to fight the road army, and it can't beat the road army. It only hopes that the road army will accept it as soon as they meet and let it escape.

But the idea of ​​it is utterly idiotic. The Lu Jun has spent so much effort, almost all the dinosaurs and teammates have been injured, now is the last step, how could he let the three-headed emperor go.

Sure enough, after a two-second pause, the Lu Army rushed towards the three-headed emperor with the Death Tu 8000 and the horizontal knife again. The broken body of the three-headed emperor could no longer move, and could only rely on the right head. Control the wind blade to delay the road army.

But when it has all three heads, it can't block the road army. What can it do now with the strength of only B-tier? The next moment the three-headed emperor was rushed to the front of the road army and chopped off the rightmost head.

The head in the middle was also fired four shots by the Lu Army. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the three-headed emperor finally fell under the guns of the Lu Army...

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