Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 175: Second wave

The mutant hyena, who felt the blood gradually drained and the body gradually weakened, finally panicked. Instead of scratching Anan, it made a "whoop" sound, asking for help from the surrounding companions. Otherwise, if Anan continued to **** on it, it would really die.

The surrounding mutant hyenas heard the cry for help from their companions, and they leaned over, opened their mouths and bit at Anan's arms and thighs, and kept tearing.

Anan knew that he was going to die soon, and didn't struggle too much. He pressed his teeth deeply and directly bit through the throat of the mutant hyena below, and pulled out some unknown soft tissue from it.

Feeling the mutant hyena slowly suffocating under him, Anan spit out the dog hair in his mouth, grinned, showing teeth full of blood, giving the impression that he was smiling...

After smiling, Anan slowly closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of death. He had no feeling for the mutant hyena that was still biting behind him. After all, he had lost too much blood and had no strength.

But after a few seconds, Anan suddenly felt that the mutant hyenas who were tossing behind him had actually fallen down, and the mutant hyenas around were all going crazy, jumping everywhere, as if suffering some torture. After jumping for a while Also slowly fell down...

It turned out that it was at this time that Ruan Bing's long-simmering soul storm was finally ready to complete. Although she had been closing her eyes, she still knew about the tragic situation outside, so at the moment she was brewing, she used the soul storm. Came out.

This is the third time that she has used a soul storm, and her proficiency has increased, both in range and power have been strengthened, and her soul storm covered a range of tens of meters around it almost instantly.

The mutant hyenas within the scope of the soul storm are in pain, as if their souls are about to be pulled out. The soul of this low-level mutant beast is too weak, and the large-scale soul storm is absolutely fatal to them.

The mutant hyenas of Tier D and C died without struggling for a few seconds. The mutant hyena of Tier B could barely resist, but the soul storm was the ability to continue to attack. Although the mutant hyena of Tier B could resist for a few seconds, the soul The duration of the storm is ten seconds...

So when Ruan Bing cast the soul storm to the eighth second, almost all mutant hyenas within a few tens of meters were dead. Ruan Bing's ability killed at least four to five hundred mutant hyenas.

And this number is still increasing, because the mutant hyenas behind the trail do not know what happened in front of them are still moving forward, until they feel something is not right, then stop temporarily, wait and see from a distance, let Ruan Bing and others get it. A moment of gasp.

After the surrounding mutant hyena died, Akko ignored the wound on her face and squatted down beside Anan, turning the dying Anan over and holding him in his arms.

"Brother, how are you, wake up, don't scare me, brother, brother..." Akko looked at Anan's tragic situation already a bit incoherent, and quickly took off his coat and wrapped Anan's wound, although There is no use doing this...

Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai also ran to Anan’s side immediately, trying to treat Anan’s wounds, but they were stunned when they looked at the dense wounds on Anan’s body. They didn’t know how to do it. They didn’t have a medical kit on their hands. It can compress the fatal wound on Anan's body and slow down Anan's blood loss.

Although they were not familiar with this man and hadn't said a few words, the man dared to rush forward at the critical moment. This action won their respect.

What's more, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai also have relatives. They can't imagine how they would feel if their loved ones were injured and lying here...

Anan heard Akko's voice, slowly opened his eyes, shook his head at Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai in front of him, thanked them, and signaled that they don't have to work hard. He knows his situation.

Then he turned his head and looked at Ak, he saw the blood on Ak's face, and his heart was aching. He wanted to stop the bleeding, but his hand had been bitten by the mutant hyena, and he couldn't lift it up.

I could barely smile at Ak, and said softly, "It's okay, cough cough... Don't cry... Be strong, stay alive... I...may not be able to protect you in the future..."

Akko couldn't make a sound when listening to what Anan said. He wanted to say something to Anan, but couldn't say it. He could only hold Anan tightly, letting tears run through the wound on her cheek and drip onto the ground...

"They're here again..." Ruan Bing, who was resting behind, suddenly said weakly when everyone was immersed in grief.

Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue immediately looked back, and saw that the mutant hyenas that had stopped walking came towards them again, only at a slow speed, as if they were testing whether the road ahead was dangerous.

Everyone smiled bitterly. The ones that should come are still coming. There are four or five hundred mutant hyenas left, and they are all defeated soldiers, and all the dinosaurs are wounded, although the number of mutant hyenas has been reduced. Half, but they still have no hope of holding on.

In fact, they can drive the off-road vehicle all the way down, leaving here, the off-road vehicle is very strong, the mutant hyenas below may not be able to stop them.

But no one of them wants to do this, because they are now equivalent to the line of defense of the Route Army. If they withdraw and let these mutant hyenas rush in to find the Route Army and them, it is estimated that the Route Army and the wood will definitely die, so even if they can’t hold on, they Also insist on to the last moment.

When the mutant hyenas searching for the road below found that the road was OK, they immediately screamed at the companions behind. Seeing that the danger had passed, the mutant hyenas behind saw that the danger had passed, so they stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed up from the bottom of the trail. More menacing than the last wave...

"Cover me." Ruan Bing stood up weakly and said to the people around him, and then once again raised the soul lamp in her hand, murmuring esoteric language constantly, she wanted to use Soul Storm for the second time in a short time, because besides This, there is no way to keep it here.

But before she uttered a few words, blood was left in her nose. This is the consequence of wanting to use Soul Storm forcibly in a short time. This is only the slightest symptom. If Ruan Bing wants to continue using it, the consequences may be fatal. ...

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