Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1737: The Eight Watchers

After all, their first and second batch of ordinary infected bodies are all dead, and if they don't replenish their troops, there will be no cannon fodder in front of them.

At first, the Lu Army thought that the infected group was preparing for the next battle, and didn't pay much attention to it, and wanted to tell Xiaowan to go back and open the supply box.

But he soon discovered something was wrong, because some new infections were obviously mixed in the common infected group.

After scanning through the Eye of Data, the Lu Army learned that this mutant infected body was a rifter and got all the information.

Just when he was about to share the data of the rippers with the people behind, thousands of rippers in the distance moved.

I saw that they began to spew strong acid into the fire nearby, not knowing what the purpose was.

When the strong acid touched the flame, it made a "chih" sound instantly, and then the flame went out directly, leaving only a puff of black smoke and a pile of ashes.

Based on the fact that a mouthful of strong acid can cover five or six meters, it is not a problem for thousands of rippers to cover hundreds of meters.

With the efforts of the rippers, it was obvious that the flames in a large area were completely extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding ordinary infected bodies began to move toward the extinguished place, and the rippers re-covered other areas of fire.

"No! What they vomit can put out the fire, and the infected group is about to launch an attack!" Lu Jun's brows instantly frowned.

He originally thought that the flame would last for at least one or two hours, but now it seems that he was wrong. If the rippers continue this way, it is estimated that the infected group will come over within half an hour.

"I will take the flying creatures to kill these ghosts right away!" Xiaowan made her suggestion.

"No, it's useless. There are too many of them, and there are infected bodies around them. The corpse controller will definitely take precautions. If you didn't get assistance in the past, the damage from the storm will be too great. There is no need." Xiaowan thought.

Although a hard kill can kill these rippers, with the combat power of flying creatures, it is estimated that the flash will exceed half.

Moreover, even if the rippers were killed, it would only be delayed for more than an hour, and would not weaken the overall combat power of the infected group.

It is not worth it to spend so many lives for this little time. It is not the point where it is desperate, and the fighting style of the Lu Army is not like this.

After explaining to Xiaowan, the Lu Army pressed the short-range communicator next to his ear: "Everyone is energized, the offensive of the infected body has begun again, and a new type of infected body has appeared. Please pay attention, I will soon go back."

The road army immediately shared the data of the rifter, so that all members of the resistance army could know this creature.

Immediately afterwards, he flew in the direction of the resistance members without looking back, let Xiaowan stay here to continue investigating the enemy.

The members of the Resistance Army were stunned when they received the order from the Route Army, and then immediately reacted, scanning the data passed by the Route Army.

However, they don't feel much about the A-level crackers, after all, all of them have the ability to deal with A-level creatures.

Moreover, the group of them even fought against super-ranked creatures, and an A-rank creature in their eyes was just a small one.

The only thing they don’t understand is how the rifter’s strong acid can put out a fire on a large scale. This is not scientific...

But now is obviously not the time to struggle with these things. They quickly adjusted their own state, rearranged their formation, and waited for the road army to return.

After more than twenty seconds, the Lu Army skimmed through the air and did not directly fall. Instead, they flew to the place where the fire guard and the drawn artillery were placed.

Because he wants to load the energy bombs to the slave laborers, it takes time, otherwise it will be too late for the infected body to hit him.

After all the energy bombs were taken out and arranged, the road army returned to the resistance members and began to deploy the combat plan.

"Hey, never underestimate this person. Everything he does is reasonable, otherwise he will pay a heavy price." The old five sighed, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or talking to Yaqi Hezhi. Woe to say.

"I was careless, now we should retreat? The infected group seems to have no chance..." Baqi confessed his mistake openly, and the whole person was a little depressed.

Although the infected group only died more than three million, he felt that the infected group was about to fail.

"No, those who died were ordinary infected bodies. The mutant infected bodies have not yet taken action, and the strongest combat power of the infected body group is still there. If I guess right, after the fire passes, the real battle will begin. At that time, it will be related to the survival of both sides, and it is also the time when we have the most opportunities." The old fifth continued to analyze, and he saw the situation on the battlefield very thoroughly.

"Okay, then let's do this, I will make my people ready, as long as there is a chance, we will take action!" Zhihu nodded beside him.

At this time, he was completely convinced by the accuracy of the fifth prediction, so naturally he would not raise any doubts.

Baqi on the right didn't say anything, and now he also admires the old fifth's mind.

In this way, for more than an hour, the flames on the battlefield never stopped.

Hundreds of thousands of infected bodies burned from skin to bone, and then burned to ashes from bones, and some corpse oil was still "chuckling".

The black smoke in the sky makes the sky gloomy, and the foul smell can be heard everywhere, which is disgusting.

During this period, the members of the resistance army have been watching, after all, they can do nothing but watch them.

Lu Jun frantically opened the supply box next to him, fiddled with more dragon coins.

In the end, after a lot of work and the infected body killed by the solid fuel, the Lu Army earned more than 300,000 Dragon Coins and repurchased five sets of energy bombs.

Of course, the five groups here mean that all fire guards and draw-shot artillery can pour five rounds of fire.

Based on the calculation that one set of energy bombs can kill at least hundreds of thousands of infected bodies, how can five sets of energy bombs kill 600 to 700 thousand infected bodies.

Although the number is not large, it can also help the rebels relieve a lot of pressure.

In fact, Lu Jun wanted to buy more energy bombs, but it was a pity that he had so many Dragon Coins.

Just when Lu Jun was thinking about opening some more supply boxes to see if he could get the sixth group of energy bombs together, Xiao Wan suddenly flew down from a high place: "Brother Lu Jun, come up and take a look. There is a new situation."

"Huh?" Lu Jun raised his head with doubts, directly opened the dragon form, and flew into the midair tens of meters high.

"That's it, the infected group doesn't know what they are doing." Xiao Wan flew with Lu Jun several hundred meters before pointing to the distance and said.

Following Xiaowan's gesture and looking into the distance, Lu Jun really saw the infected group adjusting their formation on a large scale.

This time the corpse controller also brought up the remaining two million ordinary infected bodies. This was their last "stock".

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