"So our next goal is to occupy a large number of magic towers, and find the energy that can make the magic towers run. In any case, we have to find and occupy nine magic towers within three months!"

Hearing that the Lu Army had such a big "appetite", it would take three months to occupy the nine magic towers, and everyone around him took a breath.

Because they all know that the effect of the magic tower is very "perverted", it will naturally attract other creatures to compete, which means that they have been desperately busy these three months...

But the Lu Army didn’t care what the people below were thinking, he straightened his face and said: “Command! From now on, you will divide your troops into four groups, with the magic tower as the center of the circle, expand to the surrounding 30 kilometers, and search for other magic The message of the tower..."

"Your specific route is for the Resistance to go to the east, Orc warriors to the west, Wood to the south with the dinosaurs, and Xiao Wan to the north with the digging sandworm..."

"If you encounter an enemy on the way, if you can beat you, don't be afraid of getting hurt. I will open the magic tower to heal you 24 hours a day."

"If you can't beat them, you should hide first, lock the enemy's position, send someone back to notify me, and I will lead the team to support you..."

After speaking, the Lu Army turned to look at Ruan Bing and said: "There is no master in the orc warrior. If you encounter a stronger enemy, you may not be able to deal with it, so I will trouble you to lead the team. rest assured."

Seeing Lu Jun said this, Ruan Bing immediately nodded and said softly: "You don't need to be so polite with me, just give orders directly, I will look after them for you..."

Hearing the conversation between Lu Jun and Ruan Bing, Lin Xiaobai couldn't help but interject: "Brother, don't you come with us? Or do you have other business?"

Hearing Lin Xiaobai’s question, the road army simply looked at the people below and explained: "Since this magic tower has just been occupied, there are still many uncertain factors, so I have to stay temporarily to defend..."

"Moreover, I notified the slave laborers to come and build the building for the West Wind Fortress. I have to do those things, so I won't go with you and wait for your good news."

Seeing Lu Jun said this, everyone nodded and started to disperse, doing the final supplies, preparing for the departure.

Lu Jun also took advantage of the time to deploy dozens of beetian pterosaurs to the four teams in the south, east, north and west...

Although these little pterosaurs have little combat effectiveness, they can provide vision, be responsible for investigation, and return information. They are indispensable in large-scale battles, especially in the apocalypse when communication is extremely scarce.

As time passed, everyone was quickly ready and set off in a mighty manner. Each team carried nearly three days of supplies...

Although it does not take so much time to explore 30 kilometers, long-term experience tells them that in the end times, everything can happen, and adequate preparation is necessary...

Therefore, the Lu Army entered the magic tower again, consulted the magic tower guardian about the location of the magic tower stone, and put the magic tower stone he just obtained in his hand...

The moment the Lu Army put the magic tower stone, the magic tower immediately emitted a dazzling light, as if it had been activated.

Then the Lu Army received a system prompt: "The elementary healing magic tower has been activated, and the occupier can open or close the magic tower at any time. Opening the magic tower requires energy."

Hearing that the power to open and close the magic tower is in his hands, the Lu Army is even more satisfied.

As for the magic tower guard, it may be something similar to the magic tower guardian, but the strength of the magic tower guard is much weaker than the magic tower guardian.

The Lu Army directly released all the four magic tower guards, allowing them to move freely.

The melee demon tower guards hold long swords and shields, and the remote demon tower guards hold crossbow arrows, which are very similar to ancient warriors, except that their bodies are made of sand...

Thinking that the surrounding area of ​​the magic tower needs a lot of troops to protect, the Lu Army spent one hundred thousand dragon coins to produce the second dragon nest, preparing to build the second dragon nest around the magic tower.

At the same time, the Lu Army also ordered a wolf cavalry to return to notify the superintendent, so that the superintendent would send some slave laborers over here to build buildings.

It is not far from the Westerly Fortress, and it is also around the magic tower. It is a strategically important location. It is also good to expand the building of the Westerly Fortress here.

While the Route Army was busy with these things, the Resistance Army and others had almost cleared the battlefield.

As for why it was cleaned so quickly, it was because the dinosaurs of the Lu Army swallowed most of the bodies of creeping monsters.

Because they are hatched by dragon nests, they need to eat and replenish energy, and the corpses of other creatures are their best choice.

Looking at the dinosaurs still devouring, Lu Jun shook his head helplessly. He didn't understand why the dinosaurs had such a big appetite...

"Boss Lu, some corpses are scattered widely, do we need to dig out the spar one by one?" Anan raised his hand from the side.

Hearing Anan's words, the Lu Army immediately shook his head and said, "No, let these jobs be done by slave laborers. You have new tasks. By the way, tell me your casualties."

Hearing the Lu Army’s question, Anan seemed to be ready for a long time, and immediately said: "Our rebels wounded two people seriously and 14 people lightly, the wolf cavalry lightly injured 57 people, and 11 people seriously, the troll. The hunters wounded 68 people slightly, 16 people seriously, and the Frostwolf was seriously injured, with countless minor injuries. The casualties of the dinosaurs cannot be counted, but no corpse has been found for the time being, so it should be no serious problem."

Hearing Anan's report, the Lu Jun nodded silently, only injured but not dead, so he can still accept it.

But it was quite troublesome for so many people to be injured, so Lu Jun thought about it and opened the healing magic tower behind him.

When the Healing Magic Tower received the order from the road army, it immediately began to operate, emitting faint green gas.

Moreover, these gases seemed to grow eyes, entwining the injured people one after another.

As the gas increased, the injured people around seemed to be immersed in the green ocean, and the wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This situation lasted for about thirty minutes, during which the injured rebels recovered one after another, even the orc warriors and dinosaurs.

When the green gas dissipated, there was no injured person around, everyone was full of energy and full of energy.

Seeing that the effect of the Healing Demon Tower is so good, Lu Jun has a bottom in his heart. He immediately gathered everyone around, and then said: "You have also seen the effect of the Healing Demon Tower, and this is still an elementary Healing Demon. tower."

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