Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1714: Seek a breakthrough

And Wood didn't blindly defend it anymore, raising the Lei Ying horizontal knife and sweeping towards the Lord Blood Rock.

After that, a huge black light blade flew past the wooden body, hitting directly at the feet of Lord Blood Rock, directly cutting off the toes of Lord Blood Rock.

If it weren't for the High Lord Bloodrock to avoid a little bit in time, it is estimated that it will lose all its feet...

Feeling the pain from his body, Lord Blood Rock was shocked, and he immediately flew high for several meters.

Originally, it thought that the wood had only become stronger, and it should still be within its bearing range. No matter how bad it was, it would be able to make a tie with the wood at this time.

But the wood attacked it before it knew that the wood at this time was more than twice stronger than before, and the specific strength should have reached the research level, otherwise it would be impossible to harm it like this.

The road army in the distance also opened the magic eye and scanned the wood once, and obtained a lot of information and weaknesses of the wood.

He found that Wood was indeed a research-rank now, terrifyingly terrifying, and the first person in their resistance army to reach the research-rank.

Moreover, the Lu Army also passed this information to Ruan Bing and others at high speed, so that everyone had a clear understanding of the current situation.

"Why is Brother Mu Mo ascending so much after he changed his form, but Lord Blood Rock is still super-ranked?" Xiaowan looked at the battlefield and wondered, asking if she didn't understand it was her style.

"Super-level is just the strength on the bright side, the true power of the Lord Bloodstone should be above the super-level, below the super-level, or only a little bit away from the super-level."

"As for the wood, I am not sure, this is the first time I have seen the dark form of wood."

"But I can feel him in this form, neither I nor Giganotosaurus is its opponent."

"Maybe only after I turn on Tyrannosaurus can I fight him, and I don't know the outcome." Lu Jun earnestly analyzed the details of Lord Blood Rock and Wood with Xiaowan and everyone on the field. strength.

"Wow, even you said that, that's too strong..." Ruan Xue beside her couldn't help sighing.

"Well, it is very strong, but you remember that any ability that transforms to become stronger has a very fatal weakness, that is, the problem of short duration."

"As long as you can avoid this time period without fighting and wait for the end of the transformation of the form, the victory must be yours."

"Because this type of ability will definitely have side effects after the end, which will make the body's strength less than before." Lu Jun still looked at the battlefield and said to everyone.

"Understood, then who do you think will win this battle?" Ruan Xue asked again.

"The wood must be wood. It can be seen from the attack just now. The battle is estimated to be over soon. We must be prepared to face the wood." The Lu Jun's expression was a bit solemn.

Now it has only one idea, which is to take advantage of the duration of the spatial form to get rid of the wood and take back the tower that belongs to them.

Don't look at it as its only one, and its weak power, in fact it has the ability to change the situation of the battle.

At the next moment, it took the lead to open its own spatial domain, allowing three times the gravity in the surrounding area.

At the same time, there are many space **** flying randomly in a range of 50 meters, moving extremely fast.

Since the characteristics of these space **** have already been experienced, the wood is afraid of hard connection, and the only way to deal with it is to cut it through with a knife when the space **** come.

This is also the combination of wood and the soul in the body to have such a powerful reaction ability. If you change the individual, it will be gone...

However, there is no way to solve the influence of gravity on the wood and the soul in his body, and can only rely on his own body to support it.

Fortunately, he has had some training in this area before, and the experience is quite rich, and the impact is not particularly fatal.

But no matter what, it is certain that this spatial field will weaken the overall strength of wood by one third.

Originally, its power was higher than that of the Great Lord of Blood Rock, even if the Lord of Blood Rock opened the spatial form, it could barely tie it.

But it was suddenly weakened by a third, and everything was very uncomfortable. Now it is a bit too much for the Lord Bloodrock.

The most important thing is that with the power of the blood-rock lord, it is also very helpful to the blood-rock creatures.

Seeing that they were about to collapse, they suddenly went mad, and began to launch a series of crazy attacks on the creatures of the Hank clan.

The creatures of the Hank clan have suffered heavy casualties as a result, and have a tendency to turn from superiority to defeat.

If no one would stand up and do something, then the Hank clan might really be defeated.

In order to regain their decline, the soul in the wood body became anxious, and began to control the Thunder Shadow horizontal knife in the wood handle to raise it high, attracting a thunder and lightning, and hitting the wood body frontally.

Immediately afterwards, the skin of the wood began to turn black, and even some scales appeared, and two sharp horns grew on the head, and the momentum became extremely terrifying.

After seeing this scene, Ruan Bing and the others knew that the wood was blackened, and the wood used this ability to save the situation when they were under siege at Westwind Fortress last time.

Now that it is used again at this time, it seems that the wood or the soul in his body also has a desperate plan.

Looking at the strange changes on the wood's body, the Lord Bloodstone did not dare to be careless, and at the same time did not want the wood to complete this transformation.

So in the next moment, it summoned dozens of space **** to cover the location of the wood.

Its idea is very simple, it is to use its powerful long-range ability to interfere with the wood, even if it can't be interrupted, the wood must be disgusting.

However, its movement was still a little slower, and the wood quickly completed the transformation of its dark form.

From the outside, its current body is very similar to Hank Beast, or even exactly the same.

And there is a ghost of King Hank behind it, which makes people feel terrified from a distance.

In fact, the last time the wood used this ability was like this, but Ruan Bing and the others had not seen the Hank clan creatures at that time, naturally they didn't know what the wood was.

But now it's different. At this time they finally figured out all the reasons for this and felt that this scene was normal.

Looking at the space ball falling towards his head, the wood did not expand because of its blackened form, and quickly swung three swords and moved a long distance.

Since I have already experienced the horror of the Space Sphere before, the wood has some shadows, and I don't want to do it again.

Only when there was no chance to dodge it, the wood propped up a dark shield, preparing to block the missing space balls.

No accident happened again this time, the space ball failed to penetrate the dark shield, was successfully intercepted, and the wood was unscathed.

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