"First, you have to put this on." The Lu Jun took out a collar bomb and handed it to Takata. "If you have any ideas against me, this stuff will blow your head off, and you are Can't take it off, because you are a Tier 4 ability person, I have to guard against it, can you understand?"

"Understood, I understand, I wear..." Takada took the collar bomb directly and put it on his neck without hesitation.

He had also seen this thing on the neck of the Night Demon just now, so he could understand that it was a certain method of the Lu Army.

Although this is equivalent to putting life in the hands of the Route Army, it is better than immediately dying in the hands of the Route Army.

"Second, those elves that fall into the hands of large and small forces, you have to be responsible for bringing them back. I will only give you one night, and if you haven't got it done by tomorrow morning, then you can figure it out by yourself."

"Also, these elves must not suffer casualties, otherwise I will let you go and bury them." Lu Jun looked around and said softly.

"Understood, even if you don't tell me, I will bring them back. This is my fault. Don't worry." Takada agreed to the Lu Jun.

"Third, you can't be the leader of Xueyue City. From now on, this city will be mine, and I will soon let my people be stationed in to manage it."

This condition caused Takada's face to change slightly, and his expression was slightly sad, because he thought the road army was going to expel him, after all, his existence was a threat to Xueyue City.

"But my people are not here at the moment, and it will take a while to come, so during this period, Xueyue City will still be managed by you, or you will manage it for me."

"As for the method of management, I don't have any special suggestions. You can do what you did before, as long as the people who support me come over."

"However, I have a few points to warn you. From now on, people from Xueyue City are prohibited from entering the Frost Forest, and those from Xueyue City are also prohibited from attacking elves. Violators will be killed without mercy."

"Furthermore, Xueyue City is open to the elves outside. They can come in to shop and live. You must not interfere with their actions. Of course, if they do anything excessive, I will punish them accordingly."

Although these words sound a bit like an unequal treaty, it stipulates that humans cannot go to the land of elves, only elves can come to the land of humans.

But this is also a helpless move by the Lu Army, because he knows that humans are naturally greedy, and if they find anything good in the elves' territory, they will definitely **** them.

The elves are obviously much simpler than human beings. They just work, live, and fight every day, without those thoughts.

Seeing that this was what the Lu Army wanted to say, Takata was relieved. As long as the Lu Army didn't expel him, everything would be easy.

"No problem, let's be honest with you. Actually, I didn't want to be the leader of Xueyue City. It was those big and small forces who pushed me up, and they said that my strength is strong enough."

"At first I thought they were sincere, so I agreed with the trend. Being a city lord also gave them a lot of convenience and allowed them to get a lot of benefits."

"Unexpectedly, they all dissatisfied me in their hearts and wanted to kill me. If you didn't show up suddenly and let them advance the plan, maybe I would really die in their hands one day."

Lu Jun didn't know what the people around him were thinking. After killing Zhou Shang, he returned to the ground and clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial thing.

"You...who are you? Why can you control these monsters..." Takada said to the Lu Army, clutching his injured leg.

Because when he went to "hunting" in the frost forest before, he had encountered undead creatures and had battles with them.

In his impression, these undead creatures are killing people without blinking, without any kindness at all, how can they obey the road army? So he was too curious about this reality.

The captain of the city guard next to him also pricked his ears, eager to hear the answer from the Lu Army.

"Free man, didn't I just say it? Didn't you catch me?" Lu Jun chuckled slightly, looking at the undead army in the sky, "As for why they listen to me, then you have to ask them, I How do you know what they think..."

Seeing that the Lu Army didn’t tell him what he meant, Takata couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “I know you’re going to kill me next. If you can die in your hands, I don’t feel wronged. After I die, my city guards I will not resist, the entire Xueyue City belongs to you, but can't you satisfy the curiosity of the dying person..."

Hearing this, the commander of the city guard nearby also gave a wry smile.

Although what Takada said is pitiful, they are all truthful, because with their Xueyue City's strength, even these bone dragons are difficult to deal with, let alone the people of the Lu Army have not taken action...

"Haha, you are quite self-aware." Lu Jun felt that Takata was a little funny, so he smiled, "Let’s do it, I will give you two choices, one is to satisfy your curiosity, and the other is to keep you curious. , Let you live, which one do you choose?"

This made Takata stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted. Without covering his bleeding legs, he directly raised his hands on his chest: "You! You won't kill me?!"

In response to Takata's reaction, the Lu Army immediately took two steps back to prevent Takata's leg blood from splashing on him.

"It was meant to be killed, because those elves are mine, and if you dare to catch them, you should die."

"But I just found out that you didn't seem to have done anything to those elves, and you're already miserable enough, it doesn't hurt to spare your life."

After speaking, the Lujun looked at the watchman, until the watchman nodded to the Lujun.

Indeed, Takata didn't do anything to the captured elves, let alone kill any elves. This was what the returning elves said to the watchers themselves.

It seems that he just has some kind of morbid collection addiction. He just wants to "bring up" these elves, just like pets. He also specially built a forest garden for these elves that is two-way similar to the Frost Forest. The elves live inside, which makes Lu Jun feel quite speechless...

"I really didn't do anything... I brought them back to serve them deliciously and drank, and warned the people of those forces not to do anything to them. If they hit me for other reasons, then forget it, but I treat these elves. I really have a clear conscience..." Takata said suddenly very wronged, because the Lu Army finally understood him, and he almost cried out with a "wow"...

"It's OK, there are three conditions for not killing you, do you want to listen?" The Lu Army stopped Takada from continuing to talk.

"Listen... I listen... You said..." Takada shrank his head, holding back his excitement.

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