Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1698: Half frost

Seeing this, the Lu Army slowly took out a piece of paper full of numbers and patterns from the armed module and spread it out, pointing to the middle one: "The nearest and most threatening enemy is the Zerg."

"So these days I have been asking Xiaowan to investigate the Zerg's location distribution, increase in troops, and defense methods."

"After some investigation, we found that the Zerg has added more than 100,000 troops in the past few days, half of it is the mantis family, and the half is the marching ant family."

"As a result, the total number of them now has returned to more than 300,000, and the types are the same as before, which is the level at which they attacked us a few days ago."

"Although we relied on a large number of defensive equipment to barely defend in the last defensive battle, our total strength is no longer comparable to the last time."

"At present, we have more than 25,000 dinosaurs, nearly 10,000 orc warriors, more than 200 supernaturalists, and the overall strength of more than 35,000."

"Since we were able to force them to 300,000 last time when we had less than 10,000 troops, now we have three times the strength of the previous days, dealing with them 300,000 is not a problem."

After listening to Lu Jun's words, Mumu, Ruan Bing, Butcher, Goshawk, Akko, who had more strategic vision, all brightened up.

"Boss Lu, do you mean that we are going to take the initiative to attack the Zerg this time?" The butcher who has a good relationship with the Lu Army asked tentatively.

"Yes, after being beaten for so many days, it is time for us to take the initiative to attack. I decided to kill the Zerg in the east first, and then find a way to clean the infected bodies in the north, expand our control range, and become the place of this place. Overlord!" Lu Jun said firmly.

As for why the Zerg and Infected Body were the primary targets, it was because these two targets were relatively close to them, and both were monsters, which could provide him with a lot of resources.

As long as he can kill all these monsters, his power can develop rapidly, and then clean up the humans in the other two directions without any difficulty.

Hearing the Lu Army's plans for the future, everyone was excited. After all, after defending for so many days, it was finally their turn to attack the Zerg.

However, Ruan Bing on the side was not as excited as everyone else, but frowned deeply, as if he had some concerns in his heart.

Lu Jun, who had been paying attention to everyone, also noticed Ruan Bing's expression, and directly raised his hand and said: "If you have any questions, or want to say something, but it doesn't matter, let's discuss it together."

Seeing this, Ruan Bing nodded to the Lu Army: "We want to attack the Zerg, we have to come out, and there may be a protracted battle, fighting for several days, if we are attacked by other forces during the period, we may not have time to defend... …"

Hearing Ruan Bing's worries, everyone showed a thoughtful expression. Indeed, there are many places they have to defend. If they are attacked by other forces, it will be very troublesome.

"Well, I have also considered this, and have figured out how to deal with it, which is to place a large number of defensive facilities in several of our strongholds."

Because as long as he can continue to upgrade the dragon's nest and genetic modifier, he can transform higher-order dinosaurs.

However, the cost of transforming these dinosaur road troops is also huge, not to mention the cost of more than seven hundred thousand dragon coins, and many spars...

In this way, the Lu Army and others spent their silent development. It was not until the fourth day that the Lu Army convened key members of the Resistance Army for a meeting to discuss the next plan.

Because most of the resources in the hands of the road army are about to be squandered, the number of orc huts is also close to saturation.

If there were no more spars, more dinosaur eggs, and more strategic points, their development would have stalled.

In the last days, every day is precious, stagnation means falling behind and getting beaten, so they must find a way to continue to strengthen their own strength.

There were 13 key members present, namely Mu Mu, Lin Xiaobai, Ruan Xue, Ruan Bing, Xiaowan, Butcher, Goshawk, Big Bear, Lin Yilan, Maned Lion, Anan, and Akko who woke up three days ago , Li Feng.

Either these people are strong enough, or they have followed the road army at the beginning of the last days and are trusted by the road army.

"Have you enough rest these days? Did your subordinates take care of the injuries?" Lu Jun said first.

"Boss Lu, I feel like vomiting when I have been idle these days, can we go out and find something to do..." Anan answered Lu Jun first.

"Yeah, Boss Lu, since we have been with you, we haven't been so free, I'm not used to it." The maned lion was also playing haha ​​on the side.

Seeing that everyone is in a good state of mind, Lu Jun nodded slightly, took out a hand-drawn map from the armed module, spread it out in front of everyone, and pointed to the five red dots in the middle and said: "This is what we currently occupy. The five locations of "West Wind Fortress, Beizhai, Nanzhai, Healing Magic Tower and Protecting Magic Tower."

"To the east of us is the Zerg territory, which is more than 30 kilometers away from us. They have stared at us for many days and will attack at any time."

"To the south of us is the territory of the Knights of the Apocalypse. The nearest Wolfsmoke City is more than 300 kilometers away from us. Other strongholds are unknown."

"They don't know our position for the time being, but as long as they figure out that Zhifei was killed by us, they will definitely come to attack, and there will be a battle sooner or later."

"To our west, there is the city of Ori, the site of the Silent Crusade, more than a hundred kilometers away from us."

"Because we only shamed them last week, they must hate us so hard that they want to swallow us raw."

"But they have to maintain order in Orly City and clean up the monsters around them, so they can't deal with us in a short time."

"Finally, to our north, there is a Tianhai Inner City with millions of infected bodies, about two hundred kilometers away from us."

"Even though these infected bodies have not moved around these days, you should always be on guard against them. After all, you don't know how far they have evolved. Maybe they will come out tomorrow."

"Moreover, according to my guess, the group of black-robed men who fought against Xiaowan last time were also in the north. It is estimated that they are looking for us at this time. You have to pay attention to this."

"All in all, we are now enemies in all directions. If we are not careful, we will be attacked and even risk annihilation."

Hearing the analysis of the Lu Army, everyone showed a solemn look. Although their strength is constantly growing, the number of enemies is increasing, even beyond their expectations.

If these enemies attack them at the same time one day, they probably won’t even have a place to run...

"Boss Lu, what should we do? Tell me!" Daxiong broke the silence first, and everyone refocused their eyes on Lu Jun.

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