Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1694: Study the soul body?

As long as the Destruction Guard stays here for one day, it will definitely have no way to survive, and will be found and killed sooner or later.

Rather than waiting to die slowly, it is better to fight hard to see if you can save the Lu Army.

If they succeed, they can go to another place to start again, free from the threat of destruction guards and Ner'zhul.

With the current strength of the Lu Army, he can compete with the Destroy Guard. The Night Demon believes that if he gives the Lu Army some more time, he can definitely grow stronger...

And it is better to follow a potential human being than to stay in the Frost Forest and be a "salted fish". This is also the key point for the night demon to follow the road army.

"Well, I promise you, you can talk about the method and plan. We have run out of time." Lin Yilan nodded slowly.

This result made everyone around him relieved and focused all their attention on the Night Demon.

"I have an ability called the Dark Domain. The effect is to make the creature I designated fall into a state of unawareness within a certain range, that is, lose any ability."

"According to my estimation, this effect also has an effect on the Destruction Guard, but the time may be shortened to three seconds or even less."

"I haven't used this ability before. Because of my lack of strength, forced use of it will cause me great damage, and it will even be reduced to S-tier."

"But this is the only way we can limit the destruction of the guards. During the duration of the dark realm, you must take us away, or we will definitely die." The night demon told everyone its plan...

After the watchman's translation, everyone around nodded, thinking that the Night Demon's method was still very reliable.

"Okay, I'll take you into the center of the battlefield." Lin Yilan nodded towards the night demon, and then looked at Hongyue and others, "This space portal will last for five minutes after I leave. Take advantage of this time to leave. Good luck and goodbye."

After finishing talking, Lin Yilaan was full of brain power, his hands were sealed, and he began to condense the space portal leading to the center of the battlefield.

Since the transmission mark was placed in the middle before, this space portal condenses very quickly, and it is completed in less than thirty seconds.

"Well, I will succeed. You guys have to do well. I hope I will have a chance to meet again in the future." Lin Yilan also stretched out her right hand and shook Hongyue firmly together.

The night demon next to him looked at the two human women who quarreled and then reconciled, feeling very puzzled.

So it directly asked the watchman to translate the conversation between the two to it, to figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

Just when Lin Yilan was about to set off, the night demon suddenly stopped in front, which made everyone around him vigilant, wondering what the night demon was going to do.

"You have to tell her that her method won't work, because as long as you enter the area where the Destruction Guard is located, no space ability can be used, no matter how strong it is." The night demon said to the watchman.

This made the watchman stunned, because this is indeed a big loophole.

After the watchman's translation, everyone including Lin Yilan was also stunned.

Because they have tried before, the Destruction Guard does have this ability...

It's just that Lin Yilan just forgot about it and didn't take it into consideration.

"This...this..." Lin Yilan was a little at a loss, and couldn't even speak well.

After all, if she can't even use this method, then she really can't help it.

Looking at the dignified people, the night demon suddenly showed a weird smile: "I have the ability to temporarily break the space lock ability of the Destruction Guard, but I have one condition."

"Go ahead, as long as we can do it, we won't refuse." The watchman gritted his teeth and said.

"No, it's useless for you to promise me, you can't help me much." Ye Mo shook his head and pointed to Lin Yi lazy, "I want her to promise me."

This made the watchman very puzzled. He didn't know what the night demon was planning, so he could only translate it with Lin Yilan, Hongyue and others.

"What?" Lin Yilan's face was a little ugly, she was a little afraid that Night Demon would make very abnormal conditions at this time.

Hongyue lightly patted Lin Yilan on the shoulder, signalling Lin Yilan not to panic.

You know they have dozens of people here, as long as the night demon dares to talk nonsense, they will divide the night demon into the next moment.

After all, if the Lu Army is not there, they can't control the Night Demon, so it's better to kill it.

"My condition is that I can help you, but when you succeed, you have to take me and the adult along with you." The Night Demon said solemnly.

"Why?!" Lin Yilan and Hongyue shouted in unison after hearing the translation.

They knew that the "adult" the Night Demon said was referring to the Lu Army, but they didn't understand why the Night Demon made such a strange request...

The people in black robes who were wary on their faces also froze for a moment. They really didn't understand what the night demon was thinking...

"Because I want to follow that lord." The night demon pointed to the sky, "I used to think that humans are weak and incompetent creatures, and they are not comparable to our powerful army of undead."

"But since I met that adult and you, I found that I was wrong. It turns out that there are humans stronger than us."

"And in you, I feel a very different feeling, I can't tell what it is, I can only feel it."

"The only thing I know is that this feeling does not exist in our undead. We only have killing and betrayal. This is not what I want..."

As the watchman translated this passage, everyone fell silent, quietly looking at the night demon that seemed to be different.

"But... even if I can take you away, you won't be here anymore. You won't be able to live with the same kind in the future, and your undead men will not belong to you anymore, you can only be alone."

"And we may not be able to escape, we will probably die inside, are you sure you want to?" Lin Yilan hesitated for a while before saying...

"It doesn't matter. If I can continue to live, I will follow the adult in the future. I will do whatever he asks me to do. If I can't live, then die. Anyway, I deserved to die when I was captured by you yesterday. I will give it back to him, and I am willing to try it." Ye Mo's face was determined, and there was no falsehood at all.

In fact, it really didn't deceive Lin Yilazy. It really planned to follow the road army in the future for two reasons.

One was that I was abandoned by my own kind yesterday, and today I was saved by human beings, which made it deeply touched and felt that I should do something.

Second, from the moment it was helping to kill the Abyssal Demon King, it was actually judged to be the undead clan.

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