Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1687: Undead Scourge

Although it is the strongest existence of the Blood Rock clan, it should take up the heavy responsibility.

But it was frightened by the attack from the Route Army. If it went out and was hit by a blazing bomb, wouldn't it kill it...

So it feels that it is safest to stay in the tower. Anyway, the road army and others can't destroy the tower, so why go out and ask for it.

And when it was on its way back to the tower before, it had asked some of the Blood Rock Battle Bats to seek support from other races, and it was estimated that reinforcements would arrive soon.

Those reinforcements are not creatures of the blood rock clan, but they often interact with the blood rock clan, and their strength is similar to that of the blood rock clan.

As long as it can continue to hold on for an hour or two, or even less than an hour or two, the tower will be saved, and the road army and others will be surrounded by its reinforcements.

This is also the reason why the Bloodlord has always kept his creatures on defense, and it's his strategy to stand by for help.

Under the order of the Lord Blood Rock, the blood rock creatures quickly rushed to the first and second floors of the tower, completed the defensive formation, and reorganized the defense.

At the same time, some blood rock creatures ran outside the tower to help their companions fight.

If they can resist Ruan Bing and others outside the tower, it is naturally excellent.

Seeing that the enemy did not lose fighting spirit because of his attack, the Lu Army felt a headache.

He originally wanted to bring out the Lord Bloodrock and kill him to complete the capture of the tower.

Otherwise, using the fused flame bomb to make the blood rock creature lose the desire to defend.

But now it seems that these two goals have not been achieved, and they are still far from capturing the tower.

Things did not develop as the Lu Army thought, leaving him extremely helpless, and at the same time feeling helpless.

He is almost exhausted, but the blood rock clan still shows no sign of defeat, what should I do next...

Presumably feeling the idea of ​​the Lu Army, Ruan Bing rode the Fengshen pterosaur to the Lu Army side: "Don’t worry, they have already suffered a great loss. In just one or two hours, we will surely wipe them out , Even if these creatures hide in the tower, it's useless!"

From Ruan Bing's firm tone, she could be heard that she was also annoyed by these blood rock creatures, as if she was about to empty it all.

Looking at Ruan Bing next to him, Lu Jun still had a sad face and shook his head directly: "I know they are definitely unstoppable, but we won't have much time."

"Why? Did something happen?" Xiao Wan suddenly emerged from the side.

She has arranged the creatures who are eating to fight, so there is still some free time.

Ruan Bing also looked at Lu Jun quietly. She didn't know what Lu Jun said that there was no time. Now it was several hours before dawn.

"Nothing happened." Lu Jun shook his head again and explained, "But haven't you found that these blood rock creatures are too calm?"

"If there are no back players, they will definitely not stay here, so I think they will have the next batch of reinforcements, and they will arrive soon."

"And I want to take down the tower before the wood comes, and find the body of the soul in him by the way, so that we will take the initiative."

Lu Jun knew that this was the result of keeping the fused flame explosive bomb in his hand for too long. If he didn't throw it out again, he might really blow up himself.

Thinking of this, the helpless road army could only throw flame explosive bombs violently, and the target was the entrance area of ​​the tower.

The Tyrannosaurus, who wanted to continue to provoke the Lord Bloodrock, felt the power from above, and did not dare to stay any longer, so he ran behind.

At this time, Lord Blood Rock also saw the glowing flame bombs above, making it stare blankly.

Even if it is so far away, it can feel the terrifying power of the blaze bomb, if it is hit by this thing, what about it?

So in the next moment, Lord Blood Rock ran to the top of the tower without looking back, and at the same time asked his subordinates to give up the first floor of the tower.

Two seconds later, the fused flame bomb exploded in the gate area of ​​the tower.

In addition to the deafening sound, there was a large amount of light and fire that surrounded the front of the tower, which could not disperse for a long time.

Some of the creatures of the Blood Rock clan and the Hank clan that were fighting nearby were all affected, causing numerous casualties.

If Ruan Bing and the others had not foreseen in advance and ran away early, it is estimated that they would also be hurt.

At the same time, the entire tower was trembling, and there were constantly something like rocks falling from above, as if the tower would fall down the next moment.

However, the tower quickly returned to normal and became extremely stable, as if there was a strange force supporting it.

But the blood rock creatures located on the first and second floors of the tower were miserable. They were either hit frontally by the fused flame bombs or attacked by shock waves, causing heavy casualties.

Even the blood rock creatures hiding in the third-story tower could not be toasted by the flames of the flame bombs. From this we can see how terrifying the power of the flame bombs fused.

Looking at this scene, Ruan Bing and others and the Lord Blood Rock, who had escaped by chance, couldn't help swallowing.

Although they had already thought of the power of the flame bombs, they would still be amazed after experiencing it for themselves.

Seeing that Lord Blood Rock had run away, the Lu Jun sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly.

And began to sigh secretly that Lord Blood Rock is still too shrewd, this can be prevented, otherwise the road army will definitely be able to succeed.

Although the Lu Army wanted to give the tower below another fused flame bomb, this ability could not be used continuously.

After all, with such a powerful force, if it is accidentally beaten back, the Route Army will be in trouble.

Otherwise, he would drop another fused flame explosive bomb, which would definitely damage the blood rock clan creatures more severely.

Ruan Bing was the first to react to the situation on the battlefield, and immediately waved to the surrounding creatures to signal them to continue their onslaught.

This is almost the best opportunity they have encountered so far. The attack of the Lu Army has greatly weakened the defensive strength of the Blood Rock clan, and the time has come for them to counterattack.

After the creatures belonging to Ruan Bing and the others slowed down, they immediately reacted and continued to rush towards the battlefield ahead, with the goal being the entrance and exit of the tower.

The Tyrannosaurus has already completed a breakthrough there, and there are not many defending creatures left. They only need to kill the creatures of the blood rock clan in front.

Especially the creatures of the Hank clan rushed to the forefront, looking like they were not afraid of life and death, they wanted more revenge on the blood rock clan.

Feeling that his side was about to collapse on the battlefield, the Lord Blood Rock was anxious, and immediately let the blood rock creatures at the top rush down to replenish the strength of the first and second layers.

They have to withstand the entrance of the tower anyway, otherwise everything will be over.

As for Lord Blood Rock, it didn't plan to go out to fight, just hide in the tower and command.

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