Therefore, the bloodthirsty king bat also gathered a cautious force to protect his consciousness, ready to fight Xiaowan to the end. As long as he persisted for a few more seconds, it would die with Xiaowan.

Seeing that the bloodthirsty king bat is still so unyielding, the situation is still deadlocked. Xiaowan is very anxious and increases her attack. After all, if the bloodthirsty king bat can't be tame, she will fall into flesh in a few seconds. It's jam, she doesn't want to die like this.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wan calmed her ecstasy, and immediately issued an order to the bloodthirsty king bat, trying to make it fly again.

But Xiaowan tried twice, but the bloodthirsty king bat didn't respond. It's not that her command didn't work, but the bloodthirsty king bat seemed to faint...

Seeing that the bloodthirsty king bat didn't mean to wake up, Xiao Wan was anxious, but she didn't sit back and wait for death, but immediately used her power of beast ability.

The effect of this ability is that every time a beast is tamed, a part of the ability blessing will be extracted from the beast to itself, similar to the beastization ability.

For example, the military dog ​​gave her sharp claws and powerful reaction speed, and the spider king gave her the ability to climb regardless of terrain and the use of toxins. These are the two forms she currently has.

So when Xiaowan now uses this ability, she suddenly grows four red wings similar to the bloodthirsty king bat behind her. Each wing is more than one meter long, making Xiaowan look like a human blood bat. , Very weird.

This is because after Xiaowan tamed the bloodthirsty king bat, the bloodthirsty king bat gave her the ability to fly and opened her third beast form.

Of course, in this form, Xiaowan still has a bloodthirsty king bat ability that has not yet been discovered. It may be ultrasonic or other unknown abilities, but now it’s enough for Xiaowan to fly, and she finally doesn’t have to fall into a meat sauce. Up...

However, Xiaowan was not satisfied with this, because the bloodthirsty king bat she had just tamed was still falling. If she fell like this, the bloodthirsty king bat would definitely die. Xiaowan didn't want her first Tier A creature to be like this. Die.

So in a hurry, Xiaowan moved her position, opened her arms, hugged the bloodthirsty king bat's head tightly, then shook her four wings, and waved the four king bat wings behind her, trying to drag the fainting hobby. The blood king bat flew up.

However, the descending speed of the bloodthirsty king bat is too fast. Xiaowan has just obtained the king bat wings and has not yet mastered the flying skills, so she can only be driven down by the heavy body of the bloodthirsty king bat...

At this time Xiaowan was only less than 30 meters away from the ground. She was faced with two choices. One was to give up the bloodthirsty king bat and let the bloodthirsty king bat fall to death, and she could fly smoothly.

The second is to continue to drag the bloodthirsty king bat and fly with the bloodthirsty king bat, so that it may save the bloodthirsty king bat, or it may cause her to be injured.

If you are a normal person, you will probably leave behind the bloodthirsty king bat at this time. After all, she is the most important one, but Xiaowan, like Lu Jun, is very greedy. In addition to wanting to strengthen her own strength, she also likes it. With the strength of Tier A of the Bloodthirsty King Bat, I want to save the Bloodthirsty King Bat together.

But unfortunately, even if Xiaowan has a strong sense of survival, the gap between her and the bloodthirsty king bat is still too great. With the protection of the bloodthirsty king bat, even if she invades with all his strength, she cannot attack the bloodthirsty king bat. Minutes of consciousness of defense.

Seeing that the distance from the ground is less than 100 meters, and her animal control ability is still invalid for the bloodthirsty king bat, a sense of despair floods Xiaowan's heart. It seems that she is still going to fail, because of the absolute strength gap. In front of me, willpower alone is useless and the desire to become stronger is useless...

Seeing her death is approaching, Xiao Wan gave a bitter smile. She was not so afraid of death. After all, life is only a process, and death is the end.

She only regrets two things. One is that she will die if she fails to get revenge, and the other is that she will die if she does not help the Lu Army more. Xiaowan is actually very grateful to the Lu Army for taking care of her. Can report again in the afterlife.

After thinking about this, Xiaowan closed her eyes and waited silently for the arrival of death. She couldn't control the flow of blood and tears, which dripped down her cheeks on the bone chain around her neck.

This bone chain was given to her by the road army, and it was the one in the hands of the wolf cavalry centurion. Although I don't know what the bone chain is for, Xiao Wan wears it every day.

However, when Xiaowan’s blood and tears touched the bone chain, the mutation took place. The simple bone chain suddenly burst into the dark night sky with a dazzling light, and time seemed to freeze, and there were constantly strange graphics and text. There are still some runes that cannot be understood.

Xiaowan also noticed the abnormality on the bone chain, and wanted to open her eyes to see what happened, but the light from the bone chain was so dazzling that she couldn't open her eyes at all.

If someone can see the situation in the light at this time, they will find that after a certain amount of ancient characters and runes gushing out of the bone chain, they are connected one after another and printed on Xiaowan’s forehead, as if entering Xiaowan. Wan's brain.

Xiaowan only felt a pain in the depths of her brain, but she couldn't resist, and she didn't know what happened, so she could only endure it silently. Fortunately, the pain did not last long.

When the runes and ancient characters all entered Xiaowan's brain, these runes began to appear on the surface of Xiaowan's skin, like a tattoo, and then gradually faded.

When all these runes and ancient characters disappeared, the light erupting from the bone chain reached its peak. Although Xiaowan still couldn't feel any change, the beasts within 10,000 meters of the sky were facing the glare Xiaowan's direction showed an expression of surrender.

The light of the bone chain bloomed suddenly and disappeared very quickly. After a few seconds, the light disappeared, the night sky returned to tranquility, and time seemed to resume movement, Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat were still falling.

Xiao Wan, who closed her eyes tightly, only felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and knew that the light had disappeared. She immediately opened her eyes and looked at everything around her.

Seeing that she was still falling behind, Xiao Wan was stunned for a moment. She originally thought it was a miracle that she could be saved, but nothing changed. Everything that just happened seemed to be just her fantasy...

However, Xiaowan soon discovered something was wrong, because she didn't know why, she could suddenly establish contact with the bloodthirsty king bat under her body. She could feel the life state and mood of the bloodthirsty king bat.

Seeing this, Xiao Wan was ecstatic in her heart. She knew what this meant and meant that she had tamed the bloodthirsty king bat!

Although Xiaowan didn't know why this happened, it was obviously not the time to struggle with these things, because she was falling fast. If she didn't save herself, even if she tamed the bloodthirsty king bat, she would have to die.

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