Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1641: Return to the Frost Forest

And the one who hit the Abyss Demon King was nothing else, it was the Thunder Dragon who had been waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, they have been waiting for the Abyss Demon to come over, and they started preparing the moment the Abyss Demon jumped over.

When the Abyss Demon King did not pay attention to the dark place on the right side, the Thunder Dragon directly activated the super-multiplier impact, and only in the middle of the Abyss Demon King’s body did the scene just now...

Although he was knocked into pieces, the Abyssal Demon Lord was rough and fleshy after all, and did not suffer any fatal injuries. He quickly stood up with a double-headed spear, ready to fight.

But just as it stood up, the wind **** pterosaur attack arrived, dozens of feather blades and six destructive rays, aimed at the position of the abyss demon king, and shot at it with head and face.

The Abyss Demon King who had no time to escape could only raise his double-headed spear to resist, carrying the feather blade and destroying the light damage, and even the skin of his upper body was scorched a lot.

This made the Abyss Demon Lord a little mad. In the ten seconds since it came here, it suffered so many attacks without even seeing the enemy clearly, so angry that it even forgot to think.

So the next moment, the Abyss Demon King desperately brandished the double-headed spear in his hand, summoned countless rain of flames, and began to attack indiscriminately...

However, Thunder Dragon's defense is inherently high, and it is almost immune to fire and rain attacks.

The wind **** pterosaur was relatively fast, and it flew out of Huoyu's attack range with just a few swishes, making the Abyss Demon King unable to strike.

Faced with this situation, the Abyss Demon King was about to explode in anger, waving the double-headed spear in his hand and slashing at the Thunder Dragon that was closer to it.

But Thunder Dragon seemed to realize that the Abyss Demon King would do this, and in the blink of an eye he stepped away from the Abyss Demon King's attack range, and did not head-on with the Abyss Demon King.

Just when the angry Demon Lord of the Abyss was about to turn his spear and place his attack on the side of the road army and the watchman, the Tyrannosaurus rushed out.

I saw the four of them directly encircled from the front, rear, left, and right, turning on the violent form one after another, raising their combat power to a pseudo-super-order.

Immediately afterwards, they had two arms restricting the Abyss Demon King, two to bite the Abyss Demon King's legs, and the Deinonychus that had just charged from behind attacked the Abyss Demon King's tail.

In order to cross the river smoothly, of course the undead creatures would not allow the snow bears to block them, and began to attack the snow bears with their claws and toxins.

But fighting in the water is not what they are good at. Coupled with the thick skin of the snow bear, their attacks naturally have no effect. On the contrary, many of their companions accidentally sank to the bottom.

At this time, the shield composed of spider webs also disappeared over time, and the long-range attacks of the elves and snow bears arrived, causing the ghouls and plague ghosts to die one after another, and the entire river was covered with bones.

The Abyss Demon King who saw this scene couldn't help it anymore, raised his hand and summoned a rain of flames, just above the Snow Bear Centurion, trying to open the river.

Because it knows that if he doesn't make a move again, then the river will definitely not get through today.

Facing the falling flame rain, Lu Jun frowned directly, with some worry in his heart.

After all, this was an attack from the Abyss Demon King, and even his bone armor could corrode, and these snow bears might not be able to stop it.

But the next moment the Lu Army understood that he had looked down on these snow bear soldiers too much, and saw that when the fire fell, the snow bear soldiers in the river propped up a blue ice shield to cover their whole body.

After the fire fell, although the corrosive sound of "chi chis" was continuously made, it did not cause any harm to the snow bear soldiers, and even broke the ice shield.

Seeing that his attack could not even be done by a Tier A Snow Bear, the Abyss Demon King's eyes widened in disbelief, and he didn't understand why this happened.

Very unconvinced in its heart, it quickly used the second and third flame rain to speed up the frequency of attacks.

However, even if the fire fell like a torrential rain, the ice shield on the snow bear was still safe, but the undead creatures were accidentally injured by the fire.

This result not only shocked the Abyss Demon King, but even the Lu Army was shocked, because he did not expect that the shield on Snow Bear would be so strong.

Fortunately, the Lu Army quickly discovered Ni Duan, that is, the ice shields of the Snow Bear Warriors were actually formed by condensation of water vapor. The more water vapor, the stronger the shield.

At this time, the Snow Bear Warriors were just thrown in the river, and there was water vapor everywhere, so the ice shield could be replenished infinitely, even if the Abyss Demon King tried hard to break it.

This phenomenon made Lu Jun couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking that the Abyss Demon King was really unlucky, and he ran into a snow bear soldier who could fight and resist...

After using the flame rain a dozen times in a row, the Abyssal Demon King knew that the ice shield was unbreakable in the water, which made it angry and felt like being fooled.

But the Abyssal Demon knew very well that it was useless to be angry, and he had to find a way quickly, otherwise his men would be consumed alive here.

As time passed, the Abyssal Demon became more and more anxious. Just when it was thinking about whether to retreat first, it finally thought of a feasible method.

That is to cross the river personally, rush to the place with the most elven warriors, and directly disrupt the formation on the opposite side.

Then these elves would not be able to use long-range attacks at ease, and their men could cross the river smoothly.

Although in this way it will be in danger on its own, and even be besieged by the road army and others.

But the Abyssal Demon King is still confident in his own strength. Both the Lu Army and the Watcher have fought against each other. They know if there is any danger in it, so they are not worried.

Think of it, then do it. This is the style of the Abyss Demon King. It only saw the next moment, it began to gather its strength, using a leap, directly over the snow bear blocking the river, and came to the opposite bank.

Seeing the Abyss Demon King "swish" and flew over, the Snow Bear and the elves were very surprised, and they turned their firepower to the Abyss Demon King.

Only Lu Jun guessed that the Abyss Demon King would do this, and raised his hand and shouted: "Give it to me! You continue to attack the undead creatures!"

After receiving the order from the road army, the elves and the snow bears reacted, readjusted their attacks, and ignored the Abyss Demon Lord.

Although they are very scared, they are worried that the Abyss Demon will kill them with any attack.

But they believe in the Lu Army even more, since the Lu Army lets them ignore it, they just do.

Seeing that these elven warriors were not fooled by it, and did not pay attention to it at all, the Abyssal Demon was angry, waving a double-headed spear and rushing towards the elves' defense line, thinking that it must make these elves come back today at a painful price !

But the Abyss Demon King didn't rush out very far, and he felt a terrifying breath coming from the right side.

When the Abyss Demon turned its head, it was directly hit by a giant creature and flew out more than 30 meters away.

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