Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1638: Each return

Without these things, they would have no capital to fight undead creatures anymore, and sooner or later they would die.

So the next moment, the watchman ordered all the elves to return to defense, intending to defend the tree of life with all their strength.

But the elf warrior on the ground was dragged by the undead warrior, and couldn't get away at all, and it was even difficult to retreat.

Only the Antler Eagle and Druid of Raptor can fly up to attack bone dragons and gargoyles with speed.

However, the number of antler eagles and druids of raptors is not much, and even the total number is not as large as the gargoyles of the undead.

Even if they had intercepted them without fear of life and death, there was still no way to block the bone dragon and gargoyle. Instead, most of them were killed and injured.

Faced with this situation, the Lu Army was also very anxious. If the tree of life was destroyed, his legendary real-time mission would have failed.

This was the result that the Lu Army didn't want to see. After all, after working hard for so long, he must have something to gain.

But in an emergency, he didn't have a good way, because he didn't have any means of remote attack.

In addition, the Bone Spirit Evil Body is also a ground troop, causing him to watch the Bone Dragon flying past from above in silence.

But Lu Jun suddenly remembered that many people in black robes had recovered some mental power and should be able to use some of their abilities.

If he gave Hongyue and the others the five bottles of the fountain of life left on his body, and let these people cast abilities to attack the bone dragon, maybe things would turn around.

So the next moment, the Lu Army mounted a black panther, intending to rush back to the southern battlefield, bringing Red Moon and others to support the Tree of Life.

The watchman by the side seemed to know the idea of ​​the road army, and saw it directly pulled the road army off the black panther, using the flashing continuously, using this method to help the road army on the way.

Seeing that the scene in front of them was constantly changing, Lu Jun was shocked, secretly sighing about the power of the Watcher, using this ability without breathing...

Since each flash can move hundreds of meters forward, the watchman led the road army to move from the eastern defense line to the southern defense line for more than 20 seconds.

At this time, the southern defense line was also being attacked by undead creatures, and the fighting was equally fierce.

It's just that there are no super-order undead creatures in the southern defense line, and there are not many bone dragons, which makes the elves an advantage.

Coupled with the fact that Hongyue and a group of people in black robes are sitting in town, the undead creatures can't attack at all.

Seeing that the watchman came back with the road army, the red moon and the elves all smiled, because they thought that the battle in the east had ended.

Moreover, there are obviously two bone spirit evil bodies summoned by the undead lich before, how come there are four more suddenly? These questions made the Night Demon very confused.

However, when there is sorrow, there will be joy, and the watcher is undoubtedly the one who is happy.

It originally thought that their battle front would definitely collapse, but it didn't expect that the battle situation would have changed significantly in just a few minutes.

Although it has just been busy fighting and is not sure what happened, it knows that it must be related to the road army.

As for how the Lu Army controlled those bone spirit evil bodies, it doesn't know...

The most important thing is that the duration of the dark enchantment is finally over at this time, allowing the watchman to use the flash to leave directly, getting rid of the attack of the night demon.

Seeing that the watchman ran away while it was in a daze, the night demon was so angry that it stuck a claw on the big tree nearby.

Immediately afterwards, the night demon stopped thinking too much, and ran to the middle of the battlefield, now it has to find a way to restore the situation.

However, due to the help of the Bone Spirit Evil Body, the elven warriors instantly reduced their pressure, and they could only fight back from being passively beaten.

Although they still can't kill more undead creatures, they can at least guard the battle line now...

With a ray of light shining, the watchman who had used two flashes came to the Lu Jun and opened his mouth to say something to the Lu Jun.

But because the black robe man who could translate was not there, the Lu Army couldn't understand Elvish, so he could only spread his hands on the watchman.

The watchman also understood the meaning of the road army, stopped talking, and began to direct his men to continue fighting.

With the command of the watchman, the road army is much more relaxed. It only needs to command the six bone spirit evil bodies on the battlefield, which is very convenient.

First of all, the road army wanted to eradicate the two hellfires, because this is one of the highest-order forces on the battlefield.

As the duration is approaching, the combat power of Hellfire is not as good as before, and the six bone spirit evil bodies are already relatively fierce, causing the Hellfire to be chopped into pieces in an instant.

The second target that the Lu Army wanted to eradicate was ghouls and plague ghosts, because these two creatures had already rushed in, and they were very close to the tree of life and threatened them.

When the six bone spirit evil bodies rush to the place with the most ghouls and plague ghosts, it is like a wolf rushing into the flock, and they can slaughter a large number of ghouls or plague ghosts every second.

As time passed, thousands of undead creatures were killed by six bone spirit evil bodies alive, and it took only five minutes, as if cutting melons and vegetables.

As for those skeleton warriors, they are even more unbearable. They are relatively fragile, and they will almost die if they are touched by the evil bone spirit.

And the undead liches don’t dare to gather black energy at will, because they are afraid that they will turn into a road army when they change their hands if they just get the bone spirit evil body out, then they are too bad...

Since no strong enemies came out to stop them, the evil bone spirits controlled by the road army became even more unscrupulous, and when they saw the undead creatures, they swarmed and killed them.

It can be said that on this battlefield at this time, the bone spirit evil body is almost invincible, unless the bone dragon comes over and puts firepower on them.

However, looking at the bone spirit evil body that was killing the special monster, the night demon did not mobilize the bone dragon to encircle and suppress, because this was the most time-consuming and meaningless method.

I saw the night demon directly use brain waves to issue commands, so that all the flying undead creatures directly attack the tree of life of the elves.

Although they are temporarily unable to kill the elven creatures, as long as they can destroy the tree of life, it is also a victory.

As for other undead creatures on the ground, the night demon keeps them in place, delaying the elf warrior's time and preventing the elf warrior from returning to defense.

A second later, all the nearby undead creatures received the order of the night demon and started to take action.

The bone dragon and the gargoyle directly gave up their immediate targets and flew towards the tree of life in the middle.

Looking at all this, the watchman instantly understood the plan of the undead creature, making its face changed drastically.

Because they can survive here, relying on the protection and supply of the tree of life.

If the tree of life is gone, it means that their home is gone, the shelter is gone, and the fountain of life is gone.

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