And don’t forget, this is a permanent improvement, which means that you have no cooldown time for abilities, no vacuum period, no shortcomings, and you will always be so strong...

So this ability is more like a passive ability. Lu Jun didn't hesitate too much. When he couldn't absorb it, he decided to leave this ability to wood. There is no better candidate for this ability than wood.

Calculated according to the current physical development value of Wood, his body strength is estimated to increase by about 40% after absorbing this ability. This kind of powerful body is coupled with his A-level energy refined titanium horizontal knife, it is very scary to think about it... …

After testing the legendary power stele, the Lu Army also counted all the rewards. In general, the biggest gain is the promotion and the acquisition of a dozen dinosaurs.

Now the Lu Army lacks nothing, and lacks time. As long as he hatches all these dinosaurs, he will have the capital to gain a foothold in the end times, and he doesn't need to fear anyone.

Lu Jun’s current data panel is, number: sr1208

Dragon Title: Dragon Knight

Dragon title value: 50000/233

Ability: First-order mental ability

Brain domain value development: 18%

Body area development: 9%

Dragon coins: 13254

Strength assessment: Level B

Unknowingly, he has accumulated so much Dragon Coins, and Lu Jun is now a "rich man", and he is no longer the young man who has spent a few Dragon Coins to distress for a long time.

But he still doesn’t know what to buy. Many necessities supply boxes can be opened. It is too expensive and wasteful to buy with Dragon Coins. It turns out that it is a pain for Dragon Coins not to know how to spend. When I had money in my hands, I didn’t panic...

However, Lu Jun felt a headache when he saw that the dragon rank value for the next promotion would cost 50,000 yuan. He wanted to be promoted again without knowing that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. He just hoped that the next real-time tasks could be a bit more, or just kill. Monsters earn dragon titles. Thinking about it, it makes their scalp numb...

It is worth mentioning that the functions of other modules of the system have also been slightly improved after the upgrade. For example, the storage space of the armed module is twice as large. Now if you go to the grain store again, it is estimated that you can install a few hundred more. Tons of food.

The Dragon Trainer module also adds five positions for hatching dinosaur eggs, and the incubation time of all dinosaur eggs is reduced by 10%. This change greatly accelerates the incubation process of the dinosaurs by the road army. The dinosaur army of the road army is just around the corner!

The trading module naturally adds a lot of items that can be purchased. These items are dazzled by the Lu Army, and the Lu Army did not take a closer look...

There is an additional task called target task in the task module, which probably means that the system will specify a task goal for you to complete. There is no time limit, and you will be rewarded if you complete it, and you will get the next target task at random, thus infinite loop Go down.

The Lu Army’s current goal task is to have eight team members. As long as the eight member rings are assigned to others, it is quite simple. The Lu Army now has five team members, which is three.

As for the other modules, the changes are not big. It seems that there are no new features. It may be that the Lu Army hasn't noticed it. Let's explore it later.

After doing this, the Lu Army turned on the "spoils" mode, first put on a pair of wolf walking shoes, and then distributed the power leggings and shock-absorbing gloves to Xiao Bai and the Nguyen sisters in the back seat.

Anan, who was driving by the side, watched this scene with envy, but he knew that he was not yet a core member of the Route Army, and he was not strong enough to obtain these equipment. Now his task is to drive the Route Army well. , Will one day be recognized by the Route Army.

As for the wood, in another car, these equipment can’t be given back to him for the time being, but the road army can’t wait to let the wood absorb the new ability, so he raised the intercom and said, “Wood wood, fasten the seat belt, I have some I have something for you."

The wood in the other car heard the road army say so, not knowing what the road army was going to do, silently tied the seat belt, and responded to the road army.

After a few seconds, Wood shivered all over, foaming at the mouth, and instantly lost control of his body. The following symptoms were exactly the same as when Lu Jun absorbed the power for the first time.

His appearance shocked Akko, who was driving on the side. She thought that the wood was going to die. If the road army hadn't told her to ignore it, she would have stopped to save people...

Fortunately, the duration of this symptom of wood quickly ended. It was slightly shorter than that of the Lu Army at that time. This may be the reason for the higher degree of physical development of wood. After a few minutes, wood regained control of the body.

In addition, the small wounds on his body that had not yet been treated miraculously recovered in these few minutes, and the skin on the wounds became smooth as before.

The wood returned to normal immediately felt the changes in his body, and his whole body seemed to hide an explosive force. Just as the Lu Army had expected, the physical strength of the wood was indeed increased by about 40%.

We must know that after years of hard training, the physical strength of wood has been close to its limit before the end of the world. Now it has suddenly increased by nearly 40%, which is simply unimaginable.

Wood did not know how the Road Army did it, and suddenly he was able to acquire this ability, just like the ability that the Road Army gave Ruan Bing when he was in the grain store, but Wood didn’t think much about it. Anyway, it’s not a bad thing. .

"Brother Jun, thank you, my physical strength seems to have increased by about 40%." Mumu raised the walkie-talkie to Lu Jundao happily, and there was no need to use other words to express between their brothers.

Lu Jun nodded with satisfaction after listening to Mu's feedback. He is looking at Mu's personal information in the member module. After Mu has absorbed this ability, his body development value has reached 19%, and it is estimated that it will break through soon. 20%, he has to work hard to catch up.

Just as the road army was about to continue to check the information of other members, the fast-moving off-road vehicle suddenly slowed down and stopped, feeling the strange road army immediately withdraw from the system.

"Boss Lu, it seems that something went wrong ahead and the entire convoy stopped." Anan, who was driving aside, explained to Lu Jun.

The Lu Jun nodded, and he saw it. Not only the Goshawk convoy, but also the convoy of the military and the Blackstone Consortium at the forefront were also blocked. Shouldn't it, is there a road that two road machines can't cross? Lu Jun thought to himself.

Ruan Bing was using the walkie-talkie to contact the people of the Blackstone Consortium and asked about the situation, but the people of the Blackstone Consortium didn't seem to know it because the military didn't tell them.

Lu Jun wanted to use the walkie-talkie to inquire Goshawk, but Goshawk seemed to be in a conversation with others. The Lu Jun shouted several times without responding, and he could not contact him temporarily...

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