Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1598: Devastating

He was indeed correct. The Tyrant Infected Body couldn't beat the Giganotosaurus at all, allowing him to prove himself to the misfortune.

But the fifth one was not happy at all, because the giant southern beast dragon slaughtered the infected body of the tyrant too fast, and the fifth one did not react.

And the Giganotosaurus is so strong, it is undoubtedly a huge threat to their next plan.

After all, even the five tyrant infections and a large group of mutant infections can't solve the creatures, they certainly can't help it.

"It's really so strong... Oh my god..." Zhihuo replied with a pale face.

He was completely watching the scene where the tyrant infected body and the giant southern beast dragon were fighting just now, and he watched it very carefully.

But the more he looked at him, the more powerful he could feel the giant southern beast dragon, and the more he was trembling.

If he was a Tier 4 ability player, it would be difficult for him to contend with the infected tyrant in a single fight.

Then he would definitely be killed instantly when facing the Giant Southern Beast Dragon. This was the gap.

"What should we do now? With this monster here, we can't fight it, and the chance of killing the road army is very slim. It seems that this trip is going to be a waste of work..." Baqi next to him was a little discouraged. He was about to be overshadowed by the Giant Southern Beast Dragon.

Knowing the misfortune also began to fall into contemplation, if they could not think of a solution to the Giganotosaurus, then they had to leave.

After all, going up and going head-on with the Giant Southern Beast Dragon is no different from sending you to death. Knowing misfortune does not want to be eaten by yourself.

Even though all their preparations were wasted in this way, there was no way to get revenge.

But calm down and think about it. In fact, it's good to be able to continue to live in the last days, and there is no need to have trouble with your own life.

"Don't say such things, the matter has not reached that point." The fifth interrupted the thoughts of Zhimo and Baqi, and pointed to the infected group on the remote observation board. "Look, the infected group has not retreated in any way. It means that it is still advancing, which means that the Westwind Fortress is still facing threats."

"In this case, then we still have a chance, because we don't have to face the road army or the infected group, just watch them fight."

In fact, the main meaning of the fifth is to let the Lu Army fight with the infected sandpipers so that they can benefit from the fishermen. This is also the least loss approach.

But Baqi obviously didn't understand, and pointed directly at the location of the southern giant beast and the road army: "Look at it?! Do you think that the tyrant can't beat the infected creatures, the infected group can win by relying on the number?"

"I admit that your previous prediction was correct. I don't know the Lu Army too much. But now you plan to place your hopes on these infected bodies. Don't you think it is a bit contradictory?"

Baqi next to him is also looking at the fifth, he is on the side of the misfortune this time.

Because he knew very well in his heart that in front of a high-level creature, no matter how many low-level creatures there were, it was useless.

Just like a group of ordinary people can't kill a Tier 4 ability person, they also have no ability to fight the Southern Giant Beast Dragon.

Instead of doing something that has no chance of winning, it is better to keep your life and continue to wait for opportunities. This is the wise man.

"What you said makes sense. No matter how many infected bodies there are, it is impossible to kill this monster. I agree with this."

"But you seem to have overlooked one thing, that is, this monster is not our target, nor is it the target of the infected group."

"Their target is the West Wind Fortress, and so are we. The Route Army can kill any infected body, but their combat power is too small to stop the infected body group."

"At that time, the infected group can still reach the West Wind Fortress and make damage. The road army will either defend or flee."

"Even if the monster he summons is invincible, so what, can it kill all the infected? Are their other people and creatures invincible?"

"As long as the infected body destroys the West Wind Fortress and kills the Lu Army's subordinates, then we are still successful, and it is still effortless."

"And according to my speculation, it is impossible for the Lu Army to summon such a strong monster to stay with him for a long time. This thing must be maintained by brain power."

"What we need to do is to wait for the moment when the West Wind Fortress is broken, and then the brain power of the Lu Army is estimated to be almost gone."

When the tyrant infected body died, the remaining double-hammer infected body and black thorn infected body were useless, and they were bitten to death by the southern giant dragon or a super-flame explosive bomb.

This also means that the corpse controllers' plan to use the mutant infected body team to intercept the dinosaur breakthrough failed, and it was a fiasco. One dinosaur did not kill, and a lot of mutant infected bodies died.

Seeing the breakout dinosaur swaggering past the tyrant's infected body, the corpse controller behind instantly collapsed.

They never thought that it would be such a result from the beginning to now, the Giganotosaurus was too strong for them to accept.

After all the plans failed, now they really can't stop the dinosaurs from breaking through, they can only watch the dinosaurs leave quietly.

Even if there are new methods, they don't dare to use it anymore, after all, there are giant southern beast dragons that cannot be dealt with, and any false moves are invalid.

But the corpse controllers did not intend to stop attacking the West Wind Fortress, because so many infected bodies had been lost, and if they gave up halfway, they would have to be mad.

Lu Jun looked at the dinosaur army that successfully broke through and the infected group without new moves, and couldn't help but sneered.

Then he asked the Tier A dinosaurs on the other side to retreat to meet Ruan Bing and others.

Because the breakout operation has now come to an end, there is no point in continuing to contain it.

At the same time, the Lu Army also asked Xiaowan and Ruan Bing to speed up their feet, intending to regroup.

Of course, in order to deter the infected group, the Lu Army did not call the Southern Giant Beast Dragon back.

Instead, let it continue to wander around, spraying a super-flame explosive bomb at the infected group from time to time.

In fact, he just didn't need to call out the Giant Southern Beast Dragon when facing the mutant infected team. It is probably enough to call out the Tyrannosaurus, the Wind God Pterosaur, and the Thunder Dragon.

Because these three dinosaurs, like the Tyrant Infected Body, are also S Tier, they are more than enough to deal with the Tyrant Infected Body.

To summon the giant southern beast dragon directly would always mean killing a chicken with a sledge knife, which is too wasteful.

But in order to make a quick battle and make room for the breakout dinosaurs at the fastest speed, the road army did not want to take risks.

Although it turns out that he made a little fuss, Lu Jun does not regret it, after all, his goal was achieved...

On the other side, Baqi and Zhimo looked at the remote observation board and were a little dumbfounded. The surroundings were also quiet, and anyone in black robes could not speak.

"Oh, let me just say it, now you believe it." The fifth one broke the silence first.

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