Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1578: infection?

Among them are five rock giants, twenty druids, forty deer demon, fifty antler eagles, fifty black panthers, one hundred elven warriors with recurve bows, and ten elves The created ballista is equipped with 30 working elves responsible for controlling the ballista, with a total force of 295.

"Master Red Moon, the elves said, these elven warriors were sent by the watchers to assist us in the defense, and we can call them at will." The man in black suddenly reminded Red Moon.

The Lu Army and Hongyue were shocked to hear that the watchman had assigned so many soldiers to them.

Because the second line of defense on the right they defended is very short, only more than 300 meters, under normal circumstances, sending them a hundred elves may be able to defend it, because the black robe people are very strong.

But the Watchers actually sent them three times the strength, and there are five powerful S-step stone giants, which they did not expect.

"Um, I just took a look. These elves seem to have built four lines of defense around the middle tree. The distance between each is 300 meters, and the total length is more than 1,000 meters." Lu Jun whispered to Hongyue. One sentence.

"Well, I also discovered that the first line of defense and the fourth line of defense have the highest strength. Most of the high-ranking arms are there. The second and third lines of defense are probably only used for cover. It seems that the middle one Trees are very important to them, otherwise they don't need to guard such places." Hongyue also responded quietly to the Lu Army.

"But I think they used the wrong method. In this arrangement, as long as the first line of defense is broken, the second and third lines of defense will be the same as the paper. They have no defensive ability at all, and the fourth line of defense will also support. It won’t be long.” The Lu Army frowned and said his thoughts, “If it were me, I would put heavy troops on the first and second lines of defense. The two lines of defense echo each other and support each other, so the intensity will be much higher. ."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Hongyue immediately fell into contemplation, as if thinking about the feasibility of Lu Jun's words.

"I think what you said is right, should I talk to the watchman and let it change its defense strategy?" Hongyue nodded suddenly and said.

"It's okay, but when we are here for the first time, it may not listen. After all, this is the most central thing in defense." Lu Jun spread his hands and expressed casualness.

Seeing that Lu Jun said this, Hongyue directly asked his black-robed men who knew Elvish language to pass a message to the Watcher.

However, the black-robed man came back very quickly, and he could tell from his expression that his message was not successful.

"I didn't see the watchman, just passed the words to its deputy, but the watchman's deputy asked us to defend our area well, don't worry too much..." the black robe man repeated in a low voice.

Seeing that the elven creatures were really as good as Lu Jun said, and couldn't listen to this kind of advice, Hongyue couldn't help but smile.

"Well, then let's just leave it alone. I hope that the Watchers have other options, otherwise this line of defense will definitely go wrong." Lu Jun also shook his head with a wry smile.

"Then what do you think of the area we are defending?" Hongyue suddenly asked Lu Jun.

Although she already had some plans in her mind, she still wanted to hear about the plans of the road army. One was to show respect for the road army, and the other was that the strength of the road army was recognized by her.

Another point is that the watchers have sent so much troops to them, then they must find a way to guard them, and absolutely cannot let the elves look down on them...

"First of all, we have to make some obstacles to form a line of defense. Even if we can't stop the undead creatures, we have to prepare some shelters, otherwise there will be no place to hide."

"Secondly, we have to make a reasonable match between the black-robed man's abilities and the elf warrior's arms, so that we can achieve the greatest benefit.

"Finally, because we have enough numbers, I suggest dividing into a limited defensive range"

Seeing that the watchman was reasonable, the people in the red moon and the black robe were very happy, and felt that this trip was not in vain.

"Then, where is the area we need to defend? Can you tell us so that we can prepare in advance." Red Moon spoke to the Watcher after turning around. This was also a problem before the Lu Army.

After the translation by the black robe man, the watchman also understood the meaning of the red moon, and its face was obviously a little happy.

Because Hongyue and the others did not even drink their saliva after a long journey, they wanted to join their defense. This made it feel that Hongyue was sincere to help, so she immediately pointed to the right and said something.

"You are defending the right side of our second line of defense. The first line of defense is defended by our own people."

"If our first line of defense can't stand up by that time, all you need to do is to cover the retreat of the elven warriors on the first line of defense, while resisting the impact of the undead creatures and buy us time."

"In addition, because our previous language is not clear, I will not command you during the battle, you can have the right to act independently, and I will not interfere with you in any way."

"And I will assign a part of the elven warriors to you. They will follow your command during the battle. I only hope that you can treat them kindly." The black-robed man did not miss a word, and translated all the words of the watcher to Red Moon.

Hearing that not only did the watchmen not command them, but also provided them with some elven warriors, the Lu Army and the Red Moon were both happy.

Because in this way they can fight according to their own ideas, unfettered, can evacuate at any time, and their lives are more secure.

Of course, the evacuation was only based on a completely hopeless situation. As long as there is a chance, they will not leave.

"Thank you, we will do our best!" Hongyue finally assured the watcher.

Facing the guarantee of the red moon, the watchman was obviously very satisfied, nodded and led the druids to leave, presumably to prepare a defense line elsewhere.

And soon another elf warrior came over. It is said that the watchman sent it over. The task was to bring Red Moon and others to the second line of defense that needed to be defended in the past.

If there is no problem, Hongyue and others will naturally follow the elf warrior all the way to the second line of defense.

In fact, the so-called defense line of the elves has no bunkers or obstructions at all, just a large open space.

The defensive tactic is to use the body of the elf warrior to choose head-to-head with the undead warrior.

How can this defense method be able to hold tens of thousands of undead creatures? Lu Jun thought to himself.

Just when the Lu Army was about to discuss the defense method with Red Moon, he suddenly saw hundreds of elven warriors approaching their positions.

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