Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1570: The city center after the third blood fog

After finishing talking, the Lu Army took back its sloppy expression and looked at the people around seriously: "The butcher is right. Our expansion is indeed too fast. You can see from the defensive battles you participated in before. There is almost no coordination between the gathering places. This is not conducive to our development. It must be stabilized. Do you have any other ideas?"

"Boss Lu, I agree with the butcher's words, but I have one thing to add." Goshawk also walked out, "That is, while we are stabilizing the interior of the major gathering places, we can't just wait, but have to search around dozens of people. Resources within kilometers."

"For example, the magic tower you led us to occupy is a particularly important apocalyptic resource. If it weren't for their protection, our defense and offense would not be so smooth."

"Well, good idea, we have indeed overlooked the magic tower recently, and we have to make it up." Lu Jun nodded silently.

Seeing that the Lu Army accepted the ideas of his subordinates so easily, everyone in the Resistance Army let go and began to talk about their plans and plans one by one.

Even Lin Zhan next to it "take advantage of the chaos" to mention one, and was affirmed by the Lu Army, which made him happy.

After a long time, the people stopped and focused on the Lu Army, because they knew that the Lu Army had to say a very important order next.

Sure enough, after looking around the crowd, the Lu Army took a deep breath and said directly: "Order! In the next three days, our Resistance Army and the outside world will enter a truce, and will do their best to deal with the internal problems of the major gathering areas. , Any elements that disturb the inside will be eradicated. As long as the external creatures do not attack us, we will not choose to attack actively for the time being."

"Then Xiaowan immediately returned to the West Wind Fortress, brought Akko over, and asked her to detect the magic tower within a hundred miles and understand the direction of any magic tower."

"After locking the position, you will lead me to set off, build a route for several of our gathering places, and occupy the magic tower by the way to enhance our strength."

"If there is a danger of force majeure on the road, Xiao Wan and Ruan Bing will be responsible for supporting you. As long as you send out a signal for help, they will be there immediately."

"If these magic towers are already occupied, you can'please' them leave depending on the situation. If they are unwilling to leave, we will kill them again after the three-day truce period has passed!"

The Lu Jun continued to say a large number of orders, or it was to integrate the butcher and the goshawk.

"Finally, because this battle was due to the Tomahawk Corps, all of them who participated in this battle could get half a ton of food as a reward, and those who died could get a ton of food, which was carried out in the name of the Resistance Army. For a thick burial, distribute the food they get to their families, and if there are no family members, they will be distributed by Lin Zhan."

Even if there are flying creatures coming here, ten S Tier Fengshen pterosaurs can hold the situation and protect the safety of the road army.

Even though the creatures who came here could feel that the crystal source was on this mountain, they couldn't go up, and they were afraid that the wind **** pterosaur would attack them, so they could only stay aside and worry about it.

In this way, the Lu Army spent the next few days absorbing the crystal source. After absorbing a round of crystal source, the strength of the Lu Army skyrocketed, and at the same time, he had a new understanding of abilities.

"Then boss, do you want to see them? If it is necessary, I will arrange it right away." Lin Zhan carefully took the things in Lu Jun's hands, put them in his arms and put them away.

"No, I have other things to work on. These people are all small fish, and they can't get over any big waves. It doesn't matter if you don't see them. I believe you can arrange them." Lu Jun waved his hand.

"Okay, Boss Lu, I understand, don't worry." Lin Zhan clasped his fists again, but he didn't go straight down, as if there was something else to say.

"Just talk about it, I'll listen." Lu Jun knew Lin Zhan's thoughts.

"That's it, Boss Lu, I want to know your arrangements for me and the members of the Tomahawk Legion, so I can go back in advance and talk to them..." Lin Zhan lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

"This is not in a hurry, you first arrange the people of the big and small forces, and then call my people over by the way, I will announce the matter on your side in front of them, so that you don't have to repeat it a second time." Lu Jun Specially sold a pass.

"Yes, Boss Lu, I'll go down now..." Lin Zhan said as he stepped back, feeling a little nervous, because he really didn't know what the Road Army planned.

The Lu Army did not pay attention to Lin Zhan anymore, but continued to work on his affairs, letting the time go from dusk to evening, and then close to early morning.

At this time, the Lu Army finally counted all the property in the inner city, and he collected all the useful things into the armed module, and the less valuable ones were prepared to drop all of them to win people's hearts.

Just as the Lu Army was wondering why Lin Zhan had not brought people over, everyone suddenly appeared in his vision from a distance, and it seemed that they were all busy with their tasks.

"Boss Lu, I called everyone here." Lin Zhan stood respectfully by the side, not too close to the Lu Army.

Because behind him are the key members of the Resistance Army, if he stands too far forward, it is inappropriate, he still understands these.

"Boss Lu, are you looking for us?" Anan also said carelessly.

"Well, I need to tell you something." The Lu Army took out several cold light rods from the armed module and pulled them away to brighten the surrounding area. "Now that we have taken Oli City again, we have the population in our hands. It's nearly double the size of the site. I want to ask about your future development and plans."

Although he has mature ideas in his mind, the Lu Army has always maintained the good habit of letting his subordinates think and make suggestions on their own.

"Boss Lu, although our current development has reached a certain scale, it is enough for us to run rampant around, but I always feel that our development is too fast and the internal stability is not enough."

"It's often just as soon as you attack the next place, you have to go to the next place. Many details are not dealt with in time. I think this is not good.

"So I propose to stop the expansion first, stabilize it for a period of time, open up a few main roads, and let the territory we control condense into a rope." The butcher suddenly walked in front of the road army and was the first to tell his plan.

But the moment he finished speaking, the people around him frowned, because they had recently Lien Chan's victory, just when their morale was high, they could take this opportunity to control more territory.

But at this time the butcher actually said to stop them from moving forward and choose to stabilize, which really made them somewhat incomprehensible.

However, Lu Jun's eyes were bright, and he patted the butcher on the shoulder: "Okay, your latest ideas are all right. It seems that you need to be assigned a military division position."

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