Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1558: Mosasaurus joins the war

At this time, there was only one thought in everyone's mind, and that was to follow the order of the road army for ten seconds, then they would be free.

If it's normal, ten seconds is definitely not too much. It will pass in a few blinks, and no one will take it to heart.

But in this situation, ten seconds is like a year, every millisecond makes everyone extremely difficult.

If at a critical moment because she dropped the chain and harmed everyone, then she would definitely blame herself.

"Could it be that the soul hiding in the dark took the shot?! This is the time!" Ruan Xue also said her guess.

But Ruan Bing directly shook his head: "No, it doesn't matter what the soul is. With its strength, as long as there is movement, I will definitely be aware of it. I think this ability has blocked this space. "

While speaking, Ruan Bing also pointed to the sky, and couldn't help but smile.

"Ah? I really don't know this. This is my first time using it..." Lu Jun looked innocent.

Immediately afterwards, his heart became excited again, because Burning Heaven, who could seal off the space, was simply too strong.

However, he soon realized that this was very bad, because at this time they were also trapped, just like these soul bodies.

If you run directly, it will definitely not work. The Forest of Spiritual Realm is so big, they can't leave in a short time.

Even if the wind **** pterosaur was summoned to fly up immediately, because Burning's attack came from the top down, the closer they were to the top, the more damage they would suffer.

It is estimated that before they fly out of this area, the ability of Burning Heaven will kill them collectively.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Lu Army's ability seems to have given them "pits", and it is inexplicably troublesome.

In the end, in desperate circumstances, Lu Jun finally thought of a feasible way, that is to dig a hole and hide in.

Although it sounds ridiculous, it actually works, because the description of Burning Sky's ability clearly states that the ability will disappear when it falls on the ground.

That being the case, they just hid underground soon? Except for hot spots, there should be no problems.

This was actually a flaw or weakness of Burning Heaven's ability, but as long as the Lu Jun didn't say it, no one would know it.

After thinking about the plan, the next thing to do is to practice. Manual digging is definitely not possible. They have run out of time.

If it is unrealistic for the Lu Army to take out a large number of digging tools from the armed module now, it will take some effort to find it.

So the best way is to have four tyrannosaurus dig directly, they have claws, speed, and can definitely be completed in a short time.

Although I don't know why the road army wanted them to do this, the four tyrannosaurus still started immediately, using their claws and teeth together.

In a short period of time, four small pits appeared on the ground and then turned into a large pit, more than two meters deep.

Although this pit is still relatively shallow, the Tyrannosaurus has no time to continue digging, because the ability of Burning Heaven is coming to their heads.

"Quick! Jump down! The attack is about to come down!" The Lu Army shouted at Ruan Bing and the others as they retracted the four Tyrannosaurus.

He knows that his fourth ability is not a joke, as long as one is not careful, it may be killed in seconds.

Ruan Bing and the others also knew the seriousness of the matter, and jumped into the pit one after another holding hands, squatting down directly, keeping their heads at a distance from the ground.

It was not until everyone had gone down that the Lu Army jumped down, condensing a lot of brain power, and creating several layers of particle shields to seal the top.

It was estimated that one layer was not enough to be insured, and the road army didn't stop until two more layers were built. There were three layers of protection above them.

However, the ability of Burning Tian was still too terrifying, and the road army and others could feel the suffocating heat after more than ten meters away.

Especially when they were in a pit, this blazing heat was particularly obvious, making it difficult for them to breathe immediately.

But now it’s too late to do anything. The Lu Army can only madly gather brain power to strengthen the particle shield and shout: “Hold your breath, cover your head with clothes, don’t stand up no matter what happens, don’t raise your head, insist. Ten seconds will pass soon!" Lu Jun's expression was extremely solemn as he spoke. In fact, he was not sure that this method was effective.

But besides that, he had no better solution. He could only pray that the ability of Burning Heaven would disappear when it fell on the ground.

Otherwise, they are now a group of people gathered in this pit, and there is nowhere to run, nor can they stop it, as long as there is a slight accident, it must be difficult to escape a death...

And when the Lu Jun thought about this, the burning sky ability in mid-air also slowly fell.

It looked like a flaming red pot lid as a whole, covering the entire forest of the spiritual realm.

Any tree or soul body that touches Burning Heaven will be destroyed directly, instantly turning into a big fireball.

Even high-level soul bodies are no exception, unable to resist even for three seconds, and they have become burning things burning the sky.

Not to mention the mutant beasts hiding in the forest of the spiritual realm. Except for some mutant beasts that stayed at the edge of the forest and ran out in time, the remaining mutants were basically unable to survive.

Only the light elements on the field are more comfortable, they are immune to energy attacks, and even Burning Heaven cannot harm them.

On the contrary, after absorbing a huge amount of energy, they directly changed from the C-stage to the S-stage, and continued to expand, with a tendency to continue to break through.

However, the Lu Jun and others in the pit did not feel so well. They only felt like they were in the stove, covered in sweat, and the moisture in their bodies was quickly evaporating.

Especially when Burning Sky gets closer and closer to the ground, they are even closer to suffocation, and they have never been so uncomfortable in their entire lives.

Although Lu Jun had great resistance to flames, this feeling of being in a sea of ​​flames made him a little unable to withstand it.

Ruan Xue is the one who suffered the most damage. She is a wood-attribute capable person, and she is naturally restrained by flames.

What's more, being burned by the flames of this degree now made her almost shocked and in a semi-conscious state.

Lin Yilaan and Xiaowan are in very bad condition, just like being thrown into a big pot and boiled.

At this time everyone started to miss Lin Xiaobai, thinking to himself that it would be better if they brought her too.

Because Lin Xiaobai belongs to the ice-type supernatural ability, it can protect them in this situation, at least not making them so uncomfortable.

Two seconds later, the ability of Burning Sky finally landed on the ground, making a crackling sound of fierce flames burning.

Everyone only felt that a train had passed over their heads, and they could no longer feel their heads. All the skin was dry and painful.

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