Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1544: Barely block

But this alone was enough to make the Night Demon feel scared, it really did not expect that the half-dead Siwak had such a terrifying lethality.

As the shock wave of the explosion dissipated, the scene at the center of the explosion was also revealed in front of everyone.

It can be clearly seen that Siwak's real form has disappeared, and only Siwak in normal form is still floating in the low altitude.

But at this time its condition is very bad, even if it exits its true form, it can be seen that its injury is very serious.

Because the explosive ability it used just now is the same as the tyrannosaur real body of the road army, it is a kind of ability to kill a thousand enemies and damage 800.

It seems that the power of the explosion is considerable, but in fact the damage to Siwak's body is very great.

Otherwise, it won't forcefully endure being beaten for so long, and will not use it until the moment of life and death.

Seeing that Siwak was still alive, the Night Demon had a headache, because it was really afraid that Siwak would blow it up again.

With its "small body", it is estimated that it will follow in the footsteps of Bone Dragon and Hellfire.

But Lu Jun was watching from above, just like the Warlord, even if the Night Demon was scared, he had to bite the bullet.

So the next moment, the night demon directed the dinosaurs that survived under the hip to fly to Siwak's position.

While flying, it began to use its brain power, condensing the dark field, preparing to strengthen itself, and face to face with Siwak.

Seeing the incoming Night Demon, Siwak didn't panic at all.

Although after the undead creatures joined the battlefield, their previous advantages disappeared.

But if you let it give up now, it will never agree.

Even without the protection of its physical form, it is absolutely impossible to let it fear a weaker Ultra-Order creature.

Under the "instigation" of this kind of thought, Siwak floated towards the place where the Night Demon was located without even thinking about it.

At the same time, dozens of brainwave **** gathered on top of its head, which looked shiny, just like an electric light bulb.

The Night Demon didn't rush to show weakness, and directly used its condensed dark area to absorb all the light sources within nearly three hundred meters, making this location the main battlefield between it and Siwak.

Without a light source, Siwak couldn't see where Siwak was even if he had night vision.

Only relying on the judgment of the sound, he casually threw the brain wave ball over, trying to hit the Night Demon Calanus.

It is a pity that this type of attack is still too reluctant, and the brainwave ball has no effect.

However, Siwak couldn't see it, but the Night Demon could see clearly.

After all, in its domain, its whole body strength can be greatly enhanced.

It can even share its vision with the bone dragon under the crotch, allowing the bone dragon to fly freely in the dark realm.

In this case, Siwak was miserable, he could only be beaten passively, and had no ability to fight back.

Although the attacks of the Night Demon and the Bone Dragon were not enough to kill it in seconds, it was no problem to hurt it and consume its power.

After being beaten for a while, Siwak knew that he couldn't fight a night monster in this area.

Even if it wants to use the teleport ability to leave, it can't do it, because it can't use teleport without seeing the exact location.

The only way now is to delay time, delay the dark realm of the Night Demon, and wait for the counterattack opportunity.

Thinking of this, Siwak calmed down, not scurrying around in the dark enchantment, and began to concentrate on listening to the surrounding voices, avoiding the attacks of the night demon and the bone dragon.

But the current Siwak was incomparable to before. Due to the extremely poor state, it was struck without much resistance, and the whole body was frozen and unable to move.

You must know that it was floating in the air at this time, and its body moved illegally, and its entire body was affected by gravity and fell directly until it fell into the ground and smashed into a deep hole.

What's more terrifying is that Siwak's body control still cannot be restored after being hit by this level, and he still stays in place and cannot move.

This undoubtedly gave the Night Demon a chance, and saw that it didn't hesitate to start calling Hellfire directly.

A few seconds later, two bright lights suddenly appeared in the slightly dim sky. The bright lights got bigger and bigger, and they reached the center of the battlefield in an instant.

Before the Zerg creatures could see what it was, the light turned into a fireball and hit Siwak's head.

As a loud noise passed by, Siwak's location was full of smoke and fire, as if he had just been bombarded by dozens of missiles.

Immediately afterwards, two tall and sturdy hellfires emerged from the smoke, and they hit Siwak in the middle with a punch and kick.

The bone dragon above was not idle, taking this opportunity to also fly down, spitting out his frost ability and bombarding Sivac.

Of course, when they use frost, they pay attention to the position of the hellfire, otherwise it would be bad if the hellfire was accidentally injured.

Originally, Siwak was seriously injured, but now he was beaten up by hellfire and bone dragons, and naturally he couldn't bear it.

I saw that its physical form has become smaller and smaller, which is a sign that it has been severely damaged and will quit its physical form.

The Night Demon also discovered Ni Duan, and immediately made the Hellfire and Bone Dragons speed up their attacks.

At the same time, it continued to condense the rotting bat swarms to bombard Siwak, not asking to kill Siwak, just let Siwak out of his true form.

With the continuous efforts of the Night Demon and the undead creatures, Siwak's real form has been beaten to less than ten meters high.

At this time Siwak finally recovered his mobility from the hypnotized state and was free to fight back.

But at this time, it was surrounded by hundreds of bone dragons, and the Night Demon and two Hellfires were harassed by it. Even at its peak, it would be difficult to escape.

Not to mention the loss of its combat power at this time, the overall strength is at most super-order, far from its peak state.

So under the circumstances of being constantly attacked, Siwak's eyes narrowed, and it seemed that he had made a very important decision.

In the next second, its true form suddenly inflated, like an inflated balloon.

The night demon looked at the bulging Siwak and was puzzled, not knowing what this "bug" was trying to do.

Only the Lu Army flying above and watching the battlefield frowned deeply, because he could feel that there was a violent force in Siwak at this time.

Is it? The Lu Jun suddenly had a terrible idea, but before he had time to notify the Night Demon, Siwak exploded suddenly, and there was a loud noise, which set off shock waves, leaving the Lu Army hundreds of meters away. Miko can clearly feel it.

In the distance, many Zerg creatures who were fighting were also affected by the shock wave, wounded, and dead.

Needless to say, the hellfire at the center of the explosion was directly vaporized by this explosion, unable to hold it for even a second.

Although the more than one hundred bone dragons were a little apart, they still couldn't escape the explosion, and all fell to the ground, with no bones left.

If it hadn't been for the Night Demon to run fast after discovering something was wrong, and slipped to a far place, it is estimated that it would also be seriously injured.

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