Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1514: Various creatures with soaring power

Although these fat snow bears seem to be cumbersome, in fact they are all good swimmers, and they can also exert 90% combat effectiveness in the water.

In addition, they have thick fur and fat, and are extremely resistant to cold, almost ignoring the low temperature of the river.

Facing the crazy attack of the snow bear, the glacier crocodiles were dumbfounded. They didn't know why the snow bear didn't hit the elves, but hit them.

The watchman was also dumbfounded, because the elves and the snow bears hadn't had a good relationship before, but there were often frictions. The snow bears shouldn't let the elves go.

Lu Jun, who felt that things were strange, immediately stopped, opened the Eye of Data, and scanned the snow bears until a row of data appeared in front of him.

[Snow bear, a high-level melee unit of the orcs, covered with warm fur and thick fat, generally lives in the extremely cold zone, eats a lot, and is good at using frost. 】

Seeing that this was actually an orc class, the Lu Army was shocked and speechless.

No wonder these snow bears behaved so abnormally. They turned out to be their own people. It seems that they can be saved now...

"Your own people! Don't attack them!" The Lu Army looked back at the watcher and pointed at Snow Bear.

Although I don't know why the road army is sure that the snow bear is his own, out of trust in the road army, the watchman immediately stopped calling the vengeful god.

Immediately afterwards, the watchman ordered the elves to cooperate with the snow bear to start a counterattack against the glacier crocodiles, preparing to wipe out these glacier crocodiles.

Seeing that these fat, white creatures were actually their own reinforcements, the elven warriors were refreshed, their morale was high, and they rushed forward without fear of life or death.

At this time, after hard work, the two tyrannosaurus finally divided the glacier emperor crocodiles with strong vitality, and divided them into several pieces, with different heads...

After the death of the leader, the morale of the glacier crocodiles plunged into the bottom of the valley, and their combat effectiveness was not as good as before. They began to return to the river from the bank and planned to retreat.

But the snow bears are stuck in the river. How could they let these glacier crocodiles leave? Every time a glacier crocodiles enters the river, the snow bears will be "poisonous".

And these snow bears gave the road army a lot of face, only killing glacier crocodiles, not elven warriors, they were very friendly.

In fact, half an hour ago, they saw the elves crossing the river, and originally planned to stop the elven warriors.

But when they came to the river bank and watched the battlefield for a while, they suddenly felt the presence of the road army, or the breath of the lord of the Westwind Fortress.

Although the Lu Army system was blocked at this time, and the distance from the West Wind Fortress was tens of thousands of kilometers, the aura on his body would never change.

After confirming that the Lu Army was their lord, the snow bears immediately changed their minds and rushed out to attack the glacier crocodile and help the elf warriors.

Although they are not familiar with these elves, anyway, as long as Lu Jun is in the elves' camp, they will certainly not embarrass these elves.

In this way, as the snow bears gradually exerted their strength, the glacier crocodile was killed one by one until there was nothing.

After the battle, looking at these snow bears that had become terrifying because of their white hair stained with blood, the elven warriors couldn't help swallowing, and stepped back several steps, staring at the snow bears from a distance.

The same goes for the snow bears, neither stepping forward nor backing away, as if they were waiting for something.

Seeing that the battlefield here was already under their control, the Lu Army slowly breathed a sigh of relief, inserted the bone spear into the ground, and walked towards the position of the snow bears.

As the road army approached, a giant snow bear doubled the size of other snow bears from the snow bear camp came out.

Seeing this, the surrounding elf warriors and watchmen became nervous, because they were very afraid that this giant snow bear would suddenly attack the road army.

Lu Jun looked at the big snow bear with Tyrannosaurus and was panicked, and subconsciously opened the Eye of Data, and scanned the giant snow bear until a row of data appeared in front of him.

[Snow Bear Centurion, a high-ranking melee unit of the orc race, the strength is assessed as S rank, the leader of the Snow Bear, covered with warm fur and thick fat, generally living in extremely cold areas, good at using frost ability. 】

Seeing that this was indeed an orc creature, and there was nothing malicious in it, the Lu Army slowly relaxed and stopped in the middle position, waiting for the Centurion of Snow Bear to come over.

And at this time, the snow bears on the opposite bank also started to move. They stretched their thick legs, waved their sturdy arms, exposing their fangs and claws, and rushed toward the river with a thrilling roar. .

The elves guarding the other side of the river looked at the snow bear with a desperate look, and didn't know how to deal with it.

Because they were short of major generals, they couldn't beat these snow bears anyway, only the three thunder dragons of the road army kept roaring, seemingly ready to fight to the death.

Looking at the battlefield where he was defeated by the glacier crocodiles and the thousands of snow bears approaching on the other side.

Lu Jun, who had just killed three glacier crocodiles in a row, knelt on the ground with a look of unwillingness, supported his body with a bone spear, and panted heavily.

In fact, he has reached the limit, but it is a pity that he failed to change the battlefield. Even if he and the dinosaurs tried their best, it was useless. They would still fail.

Now it seems that they chose to cross the river wrong. If they did not rush to cross the river, their losses would not be so great, nor would they lose so thoroughly.

But now it’s useless to say that these are no longer useful. After all, no one would have thought that they would be under siege by three races at the same time. This kind of offensive was simply suffocating, and it also made the Lu Army powerless...

After a brief rest for a few seconds, the Lu Army struggled to stand up again and continued to rush towards the position of the glacier crocodile.

Although it seems that the battle is set, they probably won't be able to cross the river, but the Lu Army is not so easy to admit defeat. He has to fight to the last minute.

The watchman rushed forward when he saw the road army without saying a word, he knew exactly what the road army was thinking.

In the next moment, she began to gather the vengeful gods, planning to get rid of these **** glacier crocodiles first.

Even if the Vengeful God came out, he couldn't kill the snow bear on the opposite side, let alone the undead creatures behind.

But no matter what, she had to try her best. This idea was the same as that of Lu Jun.

As for Lin Yi lazy, she was opening the space portal, planning to wait until the battlefield collapsed to leave here wearing the road army.

Although escape is not a nice word, but if you can survive, as long as you can survive, there is hope for everything...

Just as the watchman was about to summon the vengeful god, and Lin Yilaan was about to condense the space portal, a surprising scene happened.

That is, the snow bear on the other side of the river did not attack the elves' defense line, but bypassed the elves, rushed directly into the river, and began to hunt down the glacier crocodiles.

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