Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1499: Extremely difficult

Because they have been paying attention to the tower, and want to wait for the smoke and dust on it to dissipate and then go up and defend again.

So they found out the moment the Lu Army and others entered, and they knew exactly how many floors the Lu Army and others were on.

Since this was regarded as their home, the entry of the Lu Army and others caused the blood rock creatures to be very anxious, and one after another sent a signal to re-occupy the blood rock lord.

The Lord Blood Rock also agreed, and immediately ordered the surviving blood rock creatures to return to defense.

At the same time, it also felt that this was an opportunity for them to fight back, after all, the Lu Army and others were there at this time.

As long as they can get in and kill the road army and others, relying on the tower to hold on, the creatures of the Hank clan are not to be feared, and victory must belong to them.

But Lord Blood Rock obviously overlooked one point, that is, since the Lu Army dared not kill them before entering, they naturally had some support.

At the moment when the leader of the blood rock took the initiative to play, the Tyrannosaurus and Fengshen pterosaurs surrounded them, and aimed at the somewhat slack it was a fierce attack.

The meaning is very clear, it is to warn Lord Bloodstone, if you stay here, we can play with you slowly, but if you want to return to defense, then don't think about it, they will not allow it.

Feeling the fierce attack of the dinosaurs, Lord Blood Rock’s head was a bit big, and he immediately understood what the dinosaurs meant.

To be honest, it is not afraid of these dinosaurs, it can do it hard, it is nothing more than losing both.

But the question is, what should it do after hard work? At that time, it may have been unable to defeat the Lu Army, and it made no sense.

Therefore, at this time, the Lord Blood Rock can only count on his subordinates to exert their power to kill him back to the tower and drive the Lu Army and others out.

However, the blood rock creatures obviously couldn't do it, because the creatures of the Hank clan were staring at them.

Whenever they want to break through the encirclement, more Hank beasts will come to strengthen the encirclement.

When the strength is quite or even slightly weak, the creatures of the blood rock clan are naturally unable to break through...

In this way, as the Lord of Blood Rock and the Blood Rock Warriors couldn't get out of their bodies, no creatures returned for defense, allowing the Lu Army and others to continue their search.

Although they are extremely anxious, they are really incapable. This scene is like a knife stick in their hearts...

Unfortunately, the fact that the creatures of the Blood Rock clan were unable to return to defense did not bring good luck to the Lu Army. He kept searching from the tenth floor to the third floor and he did not find anything like flesh.

Did the blood rock creatures put the physical body of the soul body below the third floor? Then this is too bold, Lu Jun thought to himself.

Just as the Lu Jun searched down three levels with confidence, he still couldn't find the physical body of the soul body, which made him stunned.

This can save a lot of his energy, and it can also cause some trouble to the soul body.

Because he always felt that the wood has not appeared for a long time, it is likely that the soul in his body is around.

It's just that the bad thing wanted to get rid of the blood rock clan with the help of the road army, deliberately staying in the distance to watch the battle.

In this case, the Lu Army would definitely not succeed to the soul body in the wood body, but began to weaken the Hank clan with the help of the creatures of the blood rock clan.

In this way, after the wood appears, the soul body in it will not be pleased. It is estimated that it will lead to a situation where both sides will suffer, which is very beneficial to the road army.

Under the order of the road army, the dinosaurs who were entangled with the Lord Bloodstone on the battlefield began to "release water".

They no longer attacked blindly as before, but took a step back, neither injuring the Great Lord Blood Rock nor letting the Lord Blood Rock injure them.

Only when the Lord Bloodstone is ready to break through, they will collectively encircle and block, and the overall offense and defense are in order.

This situation made the Lord Blood Rock very puzzled and didn't know what these dinosaurs wanted to do.

But it is difficult to think about in battle, and can only continue to fight with the dinosaurs.

The situation on the other side of the battlefield was also very blurred, because as Ruan Bing and others left the battlefield, all the pressure was concentrated on the Hank clan.

Among them, there is no creature that exceeds the S rank, and the combat effectiveness of the collective and the blood rock clan is similar.

And the total number is not much higher than that of the Blood Rock clan, which is about two thousand.

Fighting each other in this way is head-on, fighting for life, and the casualties in a short period of time are very high.

If the battle is over, it is estimated that there are not many creatures left on the two sides...

Seeing that everything on the battlefield was proceeding as the road army thought, Ruan Bing nodded quickly: "Okay, this should be the best method at present, let's act."

Seeing that there was no problem with everyone, the Lu Jun waved his hand and motioned everyone to follow him to the tower.

Ten seconds later, with the help of the Fengshen pterosaur, the road army and a group of people entered the tower without knowing it, and were on the tenth floor.

There is no dust and fog, and no enemies, except for occasionally seeing a few corpses, everything is empty.

"From here, we are divided into two groups, one group is looking up, the other is looking down, trying to find out where the body of the soul body is located in a short time." Lu Jun pointed to the staircase crossing next to him. With.

"I and Xiaowan go up there, the three of you go down, and if you find it, you will send a signal to each other." Ruan Bing grabbed Xiaowan's braids and said.

"Well, yes, but we still have to leave someone to help us watch the wind and keep an eye on the battlefield to prevent the creatures of the blood rock clan or the Hank clan from fishing in troubled waters."

"And we should also pay attention to the movement of the wood, to prevent him from coming over we don't know yet." Lu Jun pointed to the still chaotic battlefield below, and began to allocate.

"Hey, isn't Xiao Wan having a creature watching it down? Why do you want to keep someone watching?" Lin Yi lazy raised his head and asked.

Ruan Bing and Xiaowan looked at Lu Jun incomprehensibly, because they also thought it was a bit wasteful.

"These creatures below are unreliable. Wood knows what Xiaowan's abilities are. The soul in it will naturally know and must be prepared for it." Lu Jun shook his head and explained to everyone.

"That's right, let me stay, and I will notify you immediately if there is a situation." Lin Yi lazy whispered to Lu Jun.

Although she doesn't have much fighting power, it is definitely okay to look at the wind.

"Okay, it shouldn't be too late. Let's split up." While talking, Lu Jun walked down with Ruan Xue, while Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan walked up.

Although it seems that the Lu Jun and others have not been discovered, in fact, the creatures of the Blood Rock clan, including the Blood Rock Lord, know the movements of the Lu Jun and others.

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