Hearing what the girl in red said, Lu Jun nodded slightly, thinking about what the girl in red said. Just now, those people were not like ordinary members in terms of weapons, equipment and combat literacy. They were probably just like the girl in red. Generally speaking...

Thinking of this, the Lu Jun directly took out four simple gas masks from the armed module and said, "You are wearing one, and you must lean against me later, otherwise I will have difficulty supporting you if something happens. ,do you understand?"

After speaking, the Lu Army put on a gas mask first. With this thing, they don't have to be afraid of the poisonous fog outside.

Ruan Bing, the thin monkey and the girl in red nodded when they heard Lu Jun's words, and quickly put on the gas masks and adjusted their physical condition.

Although the girl in red has just met the Lu Army and has relatively little understanding of the Lu Army, but I don’t know why, she always feels that the Lu Army has a sense of security, and fighting by the Lu Army can always bring her surprises. The reason why she chose to stay here even though it is dangerous...

After everyone was ready, the Lu Army directly pulled out the Death Tu 8000 he placed on his waist, slowly opened the door of the room, and prepared to kill with everyone again.

At the moment when the door was opened, a thick poisonous mist suddenly poured in and filled every corner of the room. If it hadn't been for the Lu Army to wear gas masks, they would have to be choked to death.

In addition to the poisonous fog, the Lu Army also saw five elite members of the Scorpion Corps standing outside their door.

The five elite members were stunned when they saw the Lu Army. They originally planned to come and search the room, but they didn't expect the Lu Army to walk out directly.

But these five members were trained after all, they just reacted immediately after a few tenths of a second, pulling the trigger in their hands and firing at the road army.

At this moment, rifle bullets, shotgun bullets, submachine gun bullets, and pistol bullets were all flying towards the Lu Army, as if the Lu Army could fall into a pool of blood in the next moment.

But Lu Jun looked at the scene in front of him without panic, directly propped up a particle shield in front of him, intercepting all the bullets.

Then use the Death Tu 8000 to shoot four bullets at the fastest speed, breaking the five elite members of the scorpion group into pieces.

However, although the Lu Army killed the five elite members of the Scorpion Regiment, the loud gunfire revealed their position. The other elite members of the Scorpion Regiment rushed here immediately after hearing the gun... …

The Lu Jun also knew that their location was exposed, but he did not panic at all, because the surroundings were full of poisonous gas and the vision was very blurred, and the enemy could not see him from a distance.

Because after the smoke dissipated, the Lu Army stood there unscathed, and the particle shield in front of him was not broken, as if the explosion of so many grenade bombs did not affect him at all.

The skinny monkey beside Lu Jun also slowly opened his closed eyes. He just thought he was going to die.

After all, there are so many grenades exploding in front of him, who knows that he has nothing to do after the explosion, which still makes the thin monkey very excited.

Ruan Bing, who is a few meters away from the Lu Army, was relieved to see that the Lu Army was okay. Although she was very confident in the Lu Army, the scene just now was really thrilling. Until now, her heart is still beating wildly. ...

As for the girl in red, not to mention, she looked at the Lu Jun still motionless in this situation, and she felt a sense of admiration in her heart. After all, she had never seen a person who was still indifferent at this juncture. ...

Lu Jun didn't know what his companion was thinking at this time. In fact, he was a little worried that the particle shield would not be able to hold it. After all, the scorpion group shot a lot of grenades.

Fortunately, the particle shield didn't disappoint him. Not only did it block all the grenades, but it didn't mean it was damaged at all.

Seeing this, the Lu Army raised its muzzle again and fired at the scorpion group who were still in a daze, and shot all the members of the scorpion group who had just fired a grenade at him.

Just when the Lu Army thought that the scorpion group would disappear for a while, the accident happened again, and the scorpion group suddenly threw many grenades from below.

These grenades are not high-explosive grenades or other damage-making grenades, but some poisonous gas grenades full of pungent gas and a little poison.

At the moment these grenades exploded, the Lu Army felt breathing difficulties and eye pain. The skinny monkey was so irritated that even tears fell, because the particle shield couldn't resist the smoke.

While the grenade exploded, the people in the Scorpion Group were not idle, and they rushed up wearing gas masks and weapons.

Due to the thick smoke erupting from the poison grenade, the road army could not see the enemy's location at all, and naturally they could not shoot. They could only judge from the sound of footsteps that the enemy was approaching.

Seeing this, the Lu Army knew that the people of the Scorpion Regiment planned to use the poison grenade as cover to take the opportunity to attack. This is indeed a good method, at least it seems that it has caused some trouble to the Lu Army for now.

Seeing this, Lu Jun no longer stayed here. Before the people from the Scorpion Group came up, he pulled up the thin monkey directly, greeted Ruan Bing and the girl in red to run into the room behind.

After entering the room, the Lu Jun closed the door tightly and took a few deep breaths of fresh air. He had been holding his breath just now, but he was suffocated.

The girl in red saw Lu Jun’s appearance and thought that Lu Jun had nothing to do, so she said seriously, "Should we go now? I can still use power to take you away. I admit that you are very powerful. But stop arrogant."

Hearing the girl in red still persuading him, Lu Jun directly shook his head and said, "No, I still have a solution, but I just felt something is wrong with the people in the Scorpion group, and they are not the same as the previous group, so I want to withdraw. It depends on the situation."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Ruan Bing immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I also found that this group of people is relatively strong just now, at least the coordination and cooperation between their actions is a few better than those before."

Hearing both Lu Jun and Ruan Bing say this, the girl in red was also lost in thought, and then suddenly thought of something, her face was serious to Lu Jundao, "As far as I know, in addition to ordinary members, the Scorpion Regiment has also trained some people. A batch of more elite members and more than two dozen supernaturalists, was it possible that their supernaturalists or elite members just supported it?"

In fact, the girl in the red dress really guessed right. The person who just attacked the Lu Army was indeed an elite member of the Scorpion group, because Fire Scorpion and Thieves had brought their people to support from downstairs, and naturally they were not ordinary members. Comparable.

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