Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1487: Agreement reached

Hearing Xiaowan's words and seeing Xiaowan's eyes, Lu Jun also understood Xiaowan's meaning, turned his head and looked at the thin monkey and said, "Well, I have worked hard, what happened?"

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, the Skinny Monkey immediately organized the language, and said to Lu Jun with a serious face, "Boss, when I came back here early in the morning, I found that there were many Scorpion and Tomahawk Corps people on the street. I was anxious. When I came back, I didn't care too much, thinking that the two parties were going to fight again."

"But when I just went out shopping, I found out that the people from these two parties were still on the street and seemed to be looking for someone. Later, I felt strange, so I went up and inquired and found that they were looking for you overnight, probably because What happened last night..."

Hearing the report of the Lean Monkey, the Lu Jun nodded. He could guess that the Scorpion Group would seek revenge on him. After all, he killed the Scorpion Group in an upright manner, which was equivalent to hitting the Scorpion Group in the face.

But he didn't have any intersection with the Tomahawk Legion, and he hadn't even seen the Tomahawk Legion. Why did the Tomahawk Legion ask him for it? This is a question that the Lu Jun did not understand.

But Lu Jun didn't think too much, waved his hand, and said to the thin monkey with a look of indifferent expression, "It's okay, let them find it, they can't help me, but you have to be careful, because when I killed someone last night, you Being there and staying with me again, they will probably anger you if they cannot find me."

Hearing Lu Jun’s reminder, Skinny Monkey nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you, boss, for your concern, but I’m just a small person. Even if they want to get me, they won’t waste time looking for me because it’s not worth it.”

After hearing the words of the skinny monkey, Lu Jun nodded in appreciation. Although the skinny monkey is indeed a small person now, and very weak, anyone can bully him, but he has self-knowledge. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely be quick growing up……

After communicating with the thin monkey, Lu Jun began to fuse the A-level spar in the fusion module. Wood and the others are eating the food brought back by the thin monkey and Xiaowan and discussing the exchange of the spar.

Although the Lu Army has a large number of food boxes, they do not lack food, but those are dry food or convenience food.

Although she is a brain power person and her strength is good, she stays up all night and has a high level of energy, which still makes her very sleepy and tired, so she has to take a break when she has time.

When Ruan Bing walked into the room, Lu Jun clapped his hands to make the people around him focus on him, and then talked to everyone about what he had learned when he went to the inner city last night.

After he had said something about it, Lu Jun asked everyone, "Well, I have learned so much. Apart from changing these spars last night, did you find anything else?"

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, Mu Mu immediately patted the spar bag next to him and said, “Brother Jun, we found that Orly City has more D-tier spars than we thought.”

"We haven't finished trading tens of thousands of Tier C spars, but most of them are in the hands of the silent crusaders. We only found out when we went to the official exchange point last night."

Hearing what Wood said, Lu Jun nodded and said indifferently, "It seems that I underestimated the reserves of Orly City. Then we won't waste time today. I will give you a lot of Grade A spar directly. , You are responsible for replacing all the Tier B, Tier C and Tier D spars in Orly City."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, everyone around him felt excited, only Akko said with a little worry, "Boss Lu, when we exchanged a large amount of Tier D spar last night, it was very eye-catching. If we go out directly with the Grade A spar today, it will definitely cause a sensation in the city. The transactions and item prices in Orly City will probably also be completely messed up. Will this affect our actions tonight?"

After listening to Akko’s words, the Lu Army also knew what Akko was worried about, so he waved his hand and said, “It’s okay to be eye-catching. We will leave here as soon as we finish our action tonight. As for the chaos, it should be the silent crusade For headaches, the more chaotic Orly City today is, the more beneficial it will be to our actions tonight, so if you have the ability, let me make Orly City more messy."

After listening to Lu Jun's words, everyone nodded thoughtfully, and began to think about the route and method of exchanging spar later.

And the Lu Jun didn't sit idle after finishing talking, ready to take all the D-stage spar in the room back into the armed module, and began to use the fusion module to fuse.

He must fuse all the low-level spars in his inventory into A-level spars within these few hours, so that they can have enough time to exchange the wood.

After putting away the hundreds of thousands of Grade D spars in the room, Lu Jun suddenly remembered something, and looked back at Ruan Xuedao who was helping out, "Where is the skinny monkey? It was the one who led us yesterday, I last night Let him come back first, did he come back?"

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, Ruan Xue was stunned for a moment, and then immediately nodded and said, “He came back early in the morning and slept for more than two hours. He just said to buy us food, so we let him go out. "

"However, because we were worried that he would report us, or inform the silent crusaders or something, we asked Xiaowan to follow him out. Xiaowan carries a gun and is a supernatural person. If he does anything abnormal, Xiaowan Wan will kill him as soon as possible."

Hearing what Ruan Xue said, the Lu Jun nodded in relief, and agreed with Ruan Xue and the others.

Because the skinny monkeys are not their people, they don't spend much time together, and they don't know what kind of people the skinny monkeys are, so it is necessary to take some precautions.

Although Lu Jun personally didn't think there was any problem with the thin monkey, he had to be defensive. Moreover, this was the end of the world, and he should be more careful. It seems that his companions have completely adapted to this end of life.

However, when Lu Jun was talking with Ruan Xue, the door of their suite rang three times. Lu Jun immediately winked at Mu Mu and motioned Mu Mu to open the door.

Seeing Lu Jun's eyes, Wood picked up the dagger on the table and walked slowly towards the door. He gently opened the door with his left hand and held the dagger tightly with his right hand. As long as there was something wrong outside the door, he would immediately launch an attack.

However, Wood put down the dagger after opening the door, because standing outside the door were the skinny monkey and Xiao Wan carrying big and small bags. They had already bought food from outside.

Seeing this, Wood let the Thin Monkey and Xiaowan come in, then stretched out their heads to look outside the door, and closed the door until they found nothing unusual.

The skinny monkey and Xiaowan who had just entered the door were very happy to find that Lu Jun had returned, and immediately put down their food and walked to Lu Jun's side.

"Brother Lu Jun, Brother Skinny Monkey said that he found a very important situation." Xiaowan raised her head and looked at Lu Jundao, and blinked at Lu Jun, meaning that there was nothing wrong with this person.

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