You may not see what is special about this ability from this introduction, but from the point of view that this ability alone can block the 8000 bullets, Lu Jun thinks this is definitely a very good ability to grow. ...

After identifying the ability, Lu Jun exited the system, pulled out the scalpel inserted in the ice armor and threw it on the ground, and said to the headless corpse of the middle-aged woman under his feet, "I accept your ability, go find Your son."

After speaking, he took out the burning grenade, opened the detonating ring, and threw it in the surrounding debris. After a few seconds, the burning grenade exploded, ejecting a large amount of flammable liquid, and emitting flames, igniting the surrounding debris. The debris, seems to burn all the filth here...

Lu Jun didn’t even look at the flames, and walked straight out of the third room, and came to the girl’s bedside in the second room. The girl was still half-dead, but she saw Lu Jun coming. The back eyes clearly had a look.

"The two inside are your family members. I killed them. I don’t know if this is something to be happy or sad for you. I can’t help you if you are hurt like this. I’m leaving. , You can choose to let me kill you, help you get rid of it, or keep you here and wait for the wound to be completely infected and die." Lu Jun put a cold light stick on the girl's bedside and said slowly.

After listening to Lu Jun, the girl left two lines of tears in her eyes, not knowing whether she was happy or sad, and then nodded to Lu Jun, slowly closing her eyes, her expression on her face relaxed.

Lu Jun saw the girl's expression and knew she was ready, changed a pistol with a smaller caliber, pointed it at the girl's forehead and said, "Don't blame me, blame this **** world..."

"Boom." After a low gunshot, the entire cellar was cleaned. Lu Jun walked out of all rooms without looking back, and then left the cellar with a flash.

After flashing out of the cellar, the Lu Jun greedily took a breath of fresh air. He would never run underground again after he was fine. It turned out that every breath of air on the ground was so happy.

Mu Mu, Xiao Bai and sisters Nguyen also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the Lu Army coming up. Just now when the Lu Army entered the third room, the intercom had no signal. As a result, Mu Mu could only listen to the cellar on the ground. The gunshots were anxious...

"Brother, what happened down there?" Xiaobai questioned, wiping the blood that splashed on Lu Jun's face.

"It's okay, there is a corpse controller below, and I solved it." Lu Jun said perfunctorily. He didn't tell everyone what happened below. That's not a good thing, just let it pass.

When everyone saw that Lu Jun didn't want to elaborate, they didn't ask much, and walked out the door. Ak and Anan had been waiting outside for a long time.

At this moment, the Lu Army's intercom suddenly rang, "Boy Lu, why aren't you here? Are you letting me dove? I have been waiting for you for more than an hour, how about you?"

Lu Jun heard the unhappy voice of the goshawk from the walkie-talkie, and slapped his forehead. He was chased by sandworms from the ground and then went down to the cellar. He forgot the goshawk...

"Ahem, Goshawk, I just lost my way. Wait for another ten minutes, and I will pass now..." Lu Jun embarrassedly picked up the walkie-talkie to fool Goshawk.

But Goshawk doesn't eat this set. He directly dismantled the Lu Army, "Just tell you, you can get lost across two streets? I'm leaving now. Go to the entrance of the town and wait for me."

The Lu Jun looked at the sky, and it seemed that it was about four o'clock in the afternoon. It was time to go back. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if it was delayed until the evening, so he would stop talking to the goshawk and get on their off-road vehicle with everyone. Let Anan and Akko rush to the entrance of the town when they first arrived.

There was no accident along the way. After all, the infected body in this small town was almost killed. The Lu Army and the others found out that it was not only the Goshawk people, but also Fang An and the Blackstone consortium. Preparing to withdraw from the town, it is estimated that it has been negotiated.

However, the trucks of the military and the Blackstone consortium were not full, and there were still many empty trucks. It seems that they were forced to retreat due to time issues. All trucks only had more than 1,000 tons of grain on board, plus they were transported away by political forces. That part is only close to three thousand tons.

This is far from enough for a large gathering place. It can only alleviate the urgent need. The food crisis is still there. If strictly speaking, this gathering place spent a lot of manpower and material resources to plan the food transportation operation is undoubtedly a failure...

Someone may ask, can’t you stay in the town for a night? Anyway, the infected body is almost cleaned up, but in the last days, the infected body is not the only threat to human beings. There are many kinds of monsters and intelligent creatures, especially at night, when the monsters are most active... …

Having said that, the biggest loss in this operation is definitely the military, because the military killed about 400 soldiers and destroyed countless vehicles. Even if the military has a big business, it cannot withstand such losses.

After all, the soldiers of the military have been rigorously trained before the end of the world, and they have rich combat experience. This type of soldier will die if one is missing. Each death is a great loss to the gathering place...

The ones who benefited the most are naturally the Goshawk and the Lu Army. Although the Goshawk has killed a lot of people, he has obtained a large amount of ammunition, and there are nine tanks and a dozen infantry fighting vehicles. These are all in the end of the world. An extremely precious thing.

What Lu Jun got was a lot of dragon coins, dragon rank value, supply box, and a few abilities, all of which he wanted.

As for the political party and the Blackstone consortium, it’s okay. Nobody died. The vehicle was not damaged except for a few broken down vehicles, but it’s hard to say after returning to the gathering place. The political party fled with food privately. After returning to the gathering place, this kind of deserter behavior will definitely not be left alone.

At this time, the Lu Army looked at the dozen or so fighting chariots around the Goshawk, and the saliva was about to flow out. Now he finally knew what the Goshawk was doing just now...

Lu Jun thought that no matter what method he used, he should dig a few of the Goshawk’s chariots and use them as a means of transportation for his rebels. They are friends. It is definitely not advisable to grab them hard, but he has food. Ah, can you buy it with grain...

Goshawk didn’t know that the Lu Army was thinking badly. He was standing in front of his convoy with his waist in his mouth, with a cigar dangling from his mouth, watching the military vehicles passing by him. He deliberately showed the infantry chariot to the military, or to Fang An. What he thought in his mind was that you just saw your death and you didn’t save it. Now I’ve changed my shotgun...

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