Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1472: Nowhere to escape

"I said, you can't run away, even if you reach the end of the world, we will catch up. I gave you a chance to hand over the meteorite. If you don't listen, then die." While talking about the leader of the Apocalypse sect Waved his hand.

Immediately after him, the dozens of supernaturalists quickly ran a distance of more than ten meters, surrounding the road army and the red moon.

"Since you can't run away, let's fight. You will follow me later and don't be alone." Lu Jun and Hongyue said back to back.

They really can't run away, let alone his brain power does not support continuous use of blinking.

Even if it can be used dozens of times, what use is it? The people of the Apocalypse sect obviously have a way to catch up with them, but it's just a waste of time and brainpower.

"Okay!" Hongyue simply replied, raising the Death Tu 8000 in his hand, and a new moon rising above her.

This is a precursor for her to use other abilities, and she can use other abilities only when the moonlight is sufficient.

"Oh, I don't know how high the sky is, I want to resist." The leader of the Apocalypse sect glanced at Lu Jun and Hongyue with disdain, and then motioned to the surrounding members, "Mutilate them and catch them alive!"

Under the orders of the leader, other members of the Apocalypse sect instantly lit up a light.

The light looks very soft, it makes people feel relaxed, and it doesn't seem to be lethal.

But as everyone threw the "light" out of their hands, Lu Jun and Hongyue were as if they were in a stove, and their hair was about to be scorched.

And this kind of light also has the ability to be similar to imprisonment, making the space around the road army very "sticky", and it is impossible to use the flicker to escape.

"Damn! What kind of ghost power is this!" In desperation, Lu Jun cursed secretly, and directly propped up a particle shield to surround him and the red moon to prevent heat from continuing to invade.

However, to be honest, this was the first time the Lu Army saw a dozen people actually use the same ability.

Fortunately, this seems to be a relatively ordinary ability, otherwise the particle shield of the road army may not be able to block it.

Seeing the Lu Army is also a little tricky, the people of the Apocalypse directly increased the heat output of the light.

Their leader continued to sternly: "Hand over our things! Otherwise, don't blame us for playing more and less!"

Listening to the leader's words, Lu Jun sneered a little. While maintaining the particle shield, he used his brain power: "I like bullying people with numbers, right?"

As soon as Lu Jun's voice fell, a dozen tyrannosaurus and wind **** pterosaurs appeared on the field, all of which were S-order.

As soon as they came out, they used their dragon skills to pounce at the people of the Tianqi sect, or used long-range dragon skills to suppress them.

Unexpectedly, so many monsters would suddenly appear, which made the people of the Apocalypse sect a little embarrassed, and stopped their movements and took a few steps back.

As a result, the control that the Lu Army suffered was lifted, and he quickly moved the flashing to the left with the red moon to prevent it from continuing to be baked by the strange light.

So the next moment he raised his hands, quickly condensed the flaming bombs, and then threw them at the thickest part of the light shield.

As the blazing bomb flew past, it made contact with the light shield in an instant, making a huge noise.

Under the super-powerful attack of the blazing bombs, the light shield could not be supported in the end, and it shattered directly.

"Oh, stealing? Yours? If I'm not mistaken, this meteorite fell from the sky, right? Whoever picked it up counts as someone's thing, and why is it yours?" The threat from the road army to the enemy doesn't matter at all.

But these words silenced the people of the Apocalypse sect. Indeed, no matter what angle you look at, the meteorite was "picked" by the Lu Army.

But they obviously did not intend to let the Lu Army go in this way, and continued to move closer: "It seems that you don't want to pay it back, or you may not know the value of life."

While talking about him, he started to condense his abilities, it is estimated that he will directly teach the Lu Army a lesson.

People from other Apocalypse sects also came from around, not planning to let the Lu Army run away from here.

However, the Lu Army did not give them a chance to form an encirclement, and directly grabbed Lin Yilaan and started using flashing.

Because when the space is not blocked, his flashing can be used almost infinitely, so it is not difficult to escape.

And this time the road army learned a lesson, that is, when using flashing, he didn't just look at one direction. He flashed a circle in the south, east, north, and west.

The most important thing is that the Lu Army flashed more times than before, until the brain power was completely unable to support it.

In such a chaotic change of position, the Lu Army did not believe that those people could still catch up.

Looking at another wild mountain and ridge that he didn't recognize at all, Hongyue couldn't help but smile: "How did those people find us just now? I won't be found again this time..."

"To be honest, I don't know, it should have been locked by them using some kind of ability at the moment the position was exposed, otherwise there is no reason for it." Lu Jun shook his head, his expression also filled with deep doubts, " This time I changed positions many times in a row, and I had a chance to get rid of them, but if we were still caught up, then we could only fight with those people."

"Why didn't you just choose to fight hard? Is the opportunity not good enough?" Hongyue was a little bit unable to keep up with the road army.

"No, it's because I just discovered that they have not only three Tier 4 abilities, but four. According to the combat power of these people, without support, our chances of winning are not great."

"So what I think is that if you can run, don't fight. The meteorites are already in hand. We won't get anything if you kill them. There is no need to take risks." The Lu Army didn't conceal the slightest from Hongyue.

"Then let's leave here quickly, I always feel those people are weird, it's better not to stay in one position for too long." Hongyue sighed lightly, with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

At the same time, she was also secretly shocked by the strength of the Apocalypse Sect. There were actually four Tier 4 abilities, which she had never expected.

"Well, let's go right away." Lu Jun took a few deep breaths, gradually restored his mental strength, and planned to use the flashes again.

However, the Lu Army obviously underestimated the dedication of the Apocalypse Sect. In the next second, their group reappeared with spatial fluctuations, right in front of the Lu Army and the red moon.

"Here again..." The Lu Jun stopped his movements, frowned, and fixedly looked at the crowd in front of him.

If the last time it was found may be an accident, then this time it means that the other party has a way to find them, because accidents will not occur twice in a short time.

Hongyue was obviously more surprised than the Lu Army. It was the first time she saw an enemy that could make the Lu Army cautious.

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