Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1462: Underwater demon?

As a result, the people inside Ori City had no idea what was happening outside, and Yaqi was able to bring his people closer to Ori City.

Looking at Ori City, which is close at hand, Yaqi peeped his head from behind a stone and glanced at the defense on the wall.

When Baqi saw thousands of neatly dressed regular soldiers armed with guns on the wall, he frowned, turned around and kicked the captain of the guard: "What's the matter? How can those people have guns in their hands? Can your guns still be used?"

Hearing Baqi’s question, the Vigilance Captain also knew what Baqi meant, and immediately said: "Our exposed weapons are indeed corroded, but we have an underground weapons depot in Orly City. Affected by blood fog, it can still be used normally."

"But these guns can only equip a few thousand people, so our senior management unanimously decided to allocate these guns to the most important city guards and let them defend the four walls of Ori..."

Seeing that the captain of the vigilance said so, Baqi knew that something was in trouble.

Originally, he thought that Oli City had no heat weapons anymore, at most there were a few abilities who planned to take people directly into Oli City from the main entrance.

But now that he knew there were thousands of guns in Orly City, he didn't dare to do so, because the damage would be great.

Although he brought enough superpowers, they would have a certain chance of winning if they forcibly attacked the city.

However, it is difficult for the first-order and second-order abilities to carry bullets with their bodies, not to mention the fallen warriors who have no intelligence behind him.

Even if one of the walls of Ori City can be taken down, their remaining forces will not be enough to support them in entering Ori City. This is not what Baqi wants to see.

So after thinking for a while, Baqi once again picked up the collar of the captain of the guard and said: "You fooled me?! Why didn't I see you just now?! What defense force is there on the wall?! Tell me!"

The captain of the vigilance was shocked by Baqi's roar, and said incoherently, "I...not...you..."

In fact, what the captain of the vigilance wanted to say was that Baqi had not asked him before and did not give him time to speak.

But the captain of the vigilance dare not say that, because he feels that Baqi’s brain is a little abnormal, and he is afraid that Baqi will kill him if he doesn’t agree with him...

In the end, the old five next to him saw that Baqi became mad again, and he immediately looked at the guard captain and said: "Just tell us, besides the gunmen, are there any defensive forces like supernatural beings?"

But strangely, the captain of the vigilance waited with his eyes closed for a long time and didn't feel any power hitting him.

Three seconds later, the horrified Vigilance Captain slowly opened his eyes and glanced around to see if anyone had rescued them.

But the image that the captain of the vigilance thought did not appear, instead he saw that his men were all dead, and only a few black-robed men stood in front of him.

Looking at these men in black robes who couldn't even see their faces, the captain of the alert shivered, and said with a trembling voice: "Don't... don't kill me..."

However, before the captain of the security team finished speaking, a man in black grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to Yaqi like a corpse.

"Master Yaqi, this is the person who just shot an arrow at you. He is probably still a small team leader." The black robe man reported to Yaqi softly.

Seeing the vitality brought by his subordinates, Baqi nodded silently, raised his hand and pinched the guard captain's neck: "Say! How strong is your silent Crusade in Ori City?! And do you have any inside? A little girl who can fly?!"

Hearing Baqi asking these inexplicable questions, the captain of the vigilance flushed and frantically slapped Baqi on his hand, his legs still kicking.

Seeing that the captain of the vigilance not only didn't answer the question, but also dared to resist, Baqi became angry and raised the captain of the vigilance up high: "You don't want to tell me, do you?! Then go to death!"

After speaking, Baqi made a move to throw the captain of the alert on the rock on the ground, but fortunately, the fifth person on the side grabbed Baqi in time.

"Ahem... Master Yaqi, you pinched his neck, and he can't speak even if he wants to tell you..." The old fifth pointed helplessly at the captain of the guard who was about to suffocate.

Hearing what the old fifth said, Baqi raised his head and glanced at the guard captain, thinking that what the old fifth said was reasonable, then let go of the guard captain.

With the sound of a body hitting the ground, the captain of the alert sat on the ground, breathing fresh air frantically.

A few seconds later, the captain of the vigilance was afraid that procrastinating for too long would make Baqi unhappy, and immediately said with a trembling voice: "I... our silent Crusade is the biggest force in Ori City...cough cough...As for the person you are talking about, I I don’t know... I’m just a guard outside..."

Seeing the captain of the vigilance said this, Baqi smiled disdainfully: "The biggest forces use these broken equipment? There is not even a superpower? It seems that you are not capable of Oli City."

After speaking, Baqi waved his hand and motioned to his subordinates to kill the captain of the guard. Since the captain of the guard didn't know anything, it was of no use value.

Seeing Baqi's gesture, the captain of the vigilance knew that something was wrong and wanted to open his mouth and continue to say something.

But before he had time to speak, he was strangled by his neck with his hands from behind, making him suffocated again.

Just when the captain of the vigilance thought he was about to die, the fifth person next to him suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Baqi and said, "Master Baqi, there is still five kilometers away from Oli City, since these people will appear. Here, it means that there is a guard squad of the Silent Crusaders ahead. Should we ask more clearly?"

Hearing the fifth proposal, Baqi was stunned for a second, and then nodded, indicating that his subordinates should not kill the guard captain first.

Although he looked down on the unequipped guard squad of the Silent Crusade, they had just arrived in an unfamiliar place, and there was nothing wrong with being careful.

"I ask you, is there your security team ahead? Do you know the specific location?" Baqi bent a little, patted the security team leader's right cheek and said.

"Yes! Yes! There are several! I know where they are! I can take you there!" The captain of the vigilance who had escaped again quickly replied before he had time to breathe.

Seeing the vigilance captain's "survival desire" so strong, Baqi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, then you lead the way, don't play tricks with me, as long as you point out the position of the vigilance team, I will let you live longer. "

Hearing that Baqi didn't intend to kill him for the time being, the security team leader heaved a sigh of relief and immediately got up and walked forward slowly, preparing to uncover the security team hiding elsewhere.

Although he shouldn't do this, he is an ordinary person struggling in the end times after all. He wants to live, so he can only choose to obey Baqi and others...

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