Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1439: destruction

Immediately afterwards, he shared what he got with Ruan Bing and others, especially the information of the black-robed men.

The information in front of them surprised everyone. It was obvious that none of the lights in this camp were fuel-efficient.

"Can you calculate the approximate number of people inside?" Lu Jun suddenly turned his head to look at the location of Ruan Bing and others.

"I've seen it roughly. There are at least 160,000 people in this camp, which can be calculated from the garbage and barracks they made." Ruan Xue pointed to the garbage mountain in the distance.

There are all kinds of garbage in it, all of it is man-made, and it accumulates for many days at a glance.

"This estimate is correct. There are almost 160,000 people inside, all of them are the elites of the Knights of Apocalypse and the other two forces."

"Among them, the Knights of the Apocalypse accounted for 150,000 people, and the Apocalypse Sect and the Eight Tribes add up to 10,000. As long as we can swallow the enemies of this camp, they will definitely retreat and will not come for a long time. Crime." Lin Xiaobai explained to everyone again.

"It seems a bit difficult to speak... hundreds of thousands of people... even standing and killing us will take several days... let alone these enemies are not easy to provoke..." Lu Jun smiled embarrassingly .

With their current strength, it would be useless to gather all the troops and the enemies below to die.

"So how to operate next has become our top priority, and we can usher in a long period of development by fighting the enemy back."

"If you can't hold on to it or prolong the fighting time, and let the joint army of the Knights of the Apocalypse be stationed for a long time, then the situation is very difficult to say." Lin Xiaobai also cooperated with the Lu Army's smile.

But other people couldn't laugh, because the problem Lin Xiaobai said was actually very serious. If they were a little surprised, they might be over.

Fortunately, Mu Mu quickly changed the topic: "By the way, why are all the people from the Knights of the Apocalypse below? There are too few people in the Eight Departments, and even no one from the Apocalypse sect has been seen."

"Yes, I have also noticed. It stands to reason that they should be in the camp at this time." Lu Jun murmured along the wood.

"I don't know. During the investigation yesterday, the sentry said that they were all there, or the camp was in the middle of the camp. Why can't I see it today..." Lin Xiaobai was obviously puzzled.

"Well... we came here to look at those enemies... If they weren't there, wouldn't this trip come in vain..." The Lu Army seemed helpless.

"Let's wait and see, maybe it's just going out for a while. I'll see the situation later." Lin Xiaobai calmed everyone out.

"All right, but where are the flying creatures you mentioned? Why didn't you see one?" Lu Jun looked up at the sky with an expression of expectation.

Even if you didn't see the main enemies, it would be good to get some less important information, the Lu Army thought to himself.

"This...I usually have...how come it is gone today..." Lin Xiaobai said depressedly.

Now it’s hard to bring Lu Jun and others here, but the information she got is completely inconsistent with what she said, which is really embarrassing...

"Then let me change the question. After we disappeared ten days ago, when you sent someone to find us, surely you stopped in front of a forest?" Lu Jun suddenly changed his voice.

This was a question he just remembered, and he wanted to know the specific time when the spiritual forest was restored.

Although this issue is not very important, it is better to figure it out if you are idle now.

"Oh, you said that..." Lin Xiaobai thought a little bit, "I remember the people who came back to report at that time said that when they went there was a very dark forest blocking them."

"No matter which angle they want to enter from, there will be some weird neighing noises, like some kind of warning to prevent them from entering."

"In addition, their number is small, their strength is not strong, and they can't withstand loss and consumption, so they didn't choose to walk in in the end. Is there any problem with this?"

To be honest, Lin Xiaobai was very puzzled by the sudden change in the Lu Army's tone, and she did not know what the Lu Army was struggling with.

"When they came out to find someone that day, do you remember the specific day?" Lu Jun didn't answer Lin Xiaobai's question, but asked one more sentence.

Under the order of the Lu Army and the leadership of Lin Xiaobai, everyone quickly arrived at the location Lin Xiaobai said.

It can be clearly seen that it is indeed hidden here, surrounded by trees, and at a complete commanding height.

Had it not been for Lin Xiaobai to lead the way, it is estimated that everyone would not have noticed such a point if they flew up.

At the same time, this also means that the people of the Knights of the Apocalypse will not notice this position, and they will be safe next.

"It's not your problem, it's that the forest has some indescribable power, and I can't say what's in it."

"But one thing is certain now, that is, on the day we destroyed the forest, it has actually recovered, but we didn't know it at the time." The Lu Army increased the volume and explained to everyone.

Although their position was nearly fifty meters above the ground at this time, they belonged to a mountainside, and the people looking down were like little ants.

However, the vision of Lu Jun and others is still very good, vaguely able to distinguish the enemy's location and identity.

"The defense of this camp seems to be a bit scary..." Ruan Bing couldn't help sighing as soon as he landed.

Because there are more than a dozen black-robed men garrisoned at the gate of the company below, and the shield soldiers of the Knights of Apocalypse are countless.

You know that these people in black robes are some of the more powerful abilities, and they actually came to guard the gate? Could it be that the combined forces of the Knights of the Apocalypse were so fierce as that?

It's a pity that no one has answered Lu Jun and others' questions, so they can only guess in their hearts.

"There are at least Tier 1 abilities below, and there are a lot of Tier 2 abilities. The black-robed men at the door are all Tier 3. This is definitely the main force of the Knights of the Apocalypse." Lu Jun was quickly using the magic. The eye mad collects data.

"The day after you disappeared, I will surely remember that. I was anxious when I saw you guys haven't come back for so long." Lin Xiaobai chuckled lightly, seeming to recall the scene.

"The next day... weird... this is too weird..." Lu Jun's eyes were filled with weirdness, and he was probably a little confused.

"This...Did our people find the wrong position?" Lin Xiaobai was even more confused by Lu Jun.

Before Lu Jun could answer, Ruan Bing explained to Lin Xiaobai next to him: "We stayed in that forest before we disappeared that night. The location you are looking for is correct."

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